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canna boost



I got a reply from Canna regarding the Boost situation!
Sorry for the late reply, currently we’re in Holland so we’re getting to the emails a bit slower, but I’ve contact **** at **** ***** Hydro for you. I would give him a call in the next couple days to get some CANNABoost mailed to you. We have to re-apply for CA registration but stores are allowed to sell out of state via mail order/online order so it isn’t an issue as you sound like you’re in HI. But please give WCH a call on Friday and ask for Mark and he should take care of you. If no luck, please email me and we’ll get another store to get the product to you ASAP!

Thanks for your support and enjoyment with the CANNA nutrients!

Canna responds to the people! Canna Rules!
EZlistener said:
just letting you all know i gonna start a thread over in indoor soil, just popped some lowryder#2 regular, harvest 8 week from seed, sounds good to me

or 9 wk but still damn quick

I'll be very interested in your LR#2 grow. Almost bought some LR#2 seeds last week, but decided to do bagseed one more time. My growing skills need to improve a bit before I spend any more $$.



just been sooooooo busy with work commitments and getting the room ready for my lowryders had no time for proper smoke report but in a word TOPSMOKE (ok 2 words)

here's a pic of my dry box with bud + trim, ended up with about 14oz dry, was hoping for more with the Boost but they had minimal veg time so i suppose an oz per plant on average not too bad

purchased my 1st bubblebags and done the cold water extraction on my trim, got the 3 bag set, 200, 73, 25 microns
i always delayed buying the bags cos of £££'s but after my 1st extraction they paid for themselves in a sense
no pics as camera is not working but got 3.4 gramm from 73er and 1.7 from 25er on 1st extraction and about same on 2nd. will do 1 more extraction

i will be using Canna Boost on future grows

over to the soil forum if you wanna see whats up. titled T5s or CFLs for LR2s, or very much like that
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Active member
Boost has been out for about a year in the U.S. and several years in Europe, yet not a single grow report/comparison on these boards and nothing at all from Canna except vague claims.


Active member
Yet to use canna boost will wait till i can buy 5litres atm only comes in 250ml and 500ml and seems way too expensive just like bio boost when it was first released.. worth waiting for a drop in price or until the results are more commonly known.. :spank: :joint:
my recent bio boost grow using the newer and cheeper (diluted) bio boost..



BlindDate you are right on... but I am a little hesitant to try a run without it now, as I like pulling 630g from 12 plants on a 4x4....

I don't know if its just the strain I grow (MTF) or the nutes or the medium or the environment or what, but my buds are super dense and seemed to explode when I introduced Boost into the mix. I didn't get that kind of density or explosion before.

Maybe I can try a run with the Bio Boost (which is a few dollars less)....


Active member
I don't know if its just the strain I grow (MTF) or the nutes or the medium or the environment or what, but my buds are super dense and seemed to explode when I introduced Boost into the mix. I didn't get that kind of density or explosion before.
You lost me. So are you saying that you've been growing this same strain all along and then added the boost last grow?


BlindDate said:
You lost me. So are you saying that you've been growing this same strain all along and then added the boost last grow?

Sorry about the mix up, boss.
Let me re-word... and really clarify.

This was my first grow in my new room with a new medium (coco), new nutrient regiment, and a brand new plant. No chance of having it dialed in... As the grow progressed into the end of week 4/begining of 5 I noticed an abnormally humongous level of bud growth & girth I have not seen in any of my previous grows (w/different plants). They just blew up like freaking blimps. I've never had buds blow up like that before, and I ended up harvesting 630g off of 12 plants in a 4x4x on my first run of the plant. Was it the plant? I'd never used a product like Boost before...

I have another 4x4 set up right next to the "canna" one, which was being fed a regiment of Botanicare Triflex w/ Sweet & BCuzz PK13/14. BOTH USING 1G POTS OF CANNA COCO. Running Purple Ice, Grape Romulan, Nirvana Papaya, & SourDiesel x BX3... this tray was a few weeks behind the canna tray... As the grow progressed into weeks 4 & 5 I eagerly anticipated a similiar explosion in bud growth & developement like i had a few weeks earlier - I figured the reasons for my success with the mtf was due to new medium & good environment; and I was in the same medium, in the same environment. But it didn't happen. Not in week 5. Not in week 6. Not in week 7. The buds didn't really explode in size at all. I am actually really bummed about the crop... very poor. (EXCEPT FOR THE SDxBX3 - that one looks like a keeper and will get a thorough run thru with the Canna+Boost program to se how she likes it). I cannot pin the results purely on not using the Boost. Maybe THE TRIFLEX PROGRAM IS REALLY SH!TTY TO BEGIN WITH. Maybe its just that using the whole Canna schedule equals ridiculously good results... after all, they make Canna specifically to grow cannabis.

I wish I had done a grow of the mtf using Canna w/o Boost to truly tell you the total difference Boost made, but I am not willing to risk lesser yeild to find out - I attribute the explosive bud growth in weeks 4 and 5 to the Boost because that's what it looks like it did for me, the way I used it, and will continue to do so.

Hope this helps... aloha


Active member
Hummm...Well, most strains get explosive growth or at least as much as the strain allows in weeks 4 and 5. Since it's a totally different strain, who knows if it's due to Boost. My guess is that it is not. Yeah,,,it is hard to deviate when you get good results even if it means you had to wave a chicken over your clones. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy for your success, it just does not answer the question.

You would think that since these boards are the best and only source of open information on growing MJ that the likes of Canna, Advanced, GH, American Hydroponics, Biotanicare, etc. and the rest would sponsor a serious side by side, yet, they do not.
In the real world even Pepsi challenges Coke.

thc43...It does come in 5 liter bottles for $450. Fuck them.
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BlindDate said:
Yeah,,,it is hard to deviate when you get good results even if it means you had to wave a chicken over your clones. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy for your success, it just does not answer the question.

Its all about the chicken.
That's awesome.


i also wish the nutrient co's sponsored grows but it's prolly cos it is illegal

the biggest difference i noticed using boost was the bud kept shape when dried, didn't shrink much


Active member
To be honest, I used Boost one time long ago, but had so many other problems with the grow that it would not be a fair test. One of their claims was that Boost would harden the lower popcorn. I can testify that it did not.

Kenny Lingus

Active member

I've been using the Biocanna Bioboost for a couple of years. Did one grow on Canna Boost too, but it seemed all the same to me. I'm finishing this grow with Canna Boost as well, but next will be pure Canna Boost (It is cheaper here then the Bio. 70usd or 40euro for a litre, vs 110usd/70euro for a liter of Bioboost)

I find it possible to use less nutes at least if bumping the boost up at full 4ml/l, and I get faster more even maturation and a little sweeter smoke a little faster.

Usually I use it at 1-2ml/l, but bump it at 3ml/l the end and during PK-use.
-I always flush with pure tap-water 0,0ms/cm pH 6,0-6,2 for at least 3days, but usually 5-10.

I've been very happy using Canna coco the last 1,5 years, and find it the cheapest alternative here. (5litre A + B lasted me 6 * 1,5sqm clone/sog 8-10week grows and a little more is still left. It took 3,5 liter of Boosters for this. I also used 2,5litre Rhizo and 3,5 liter Cannazyme/enzymes in this period, but those products I use in other stages/areas along with the coco bloom-tent.)

Very happy all in all, but can only compare with AN Monkey Juice and 2+ program which sucked for my use in that case.

Still I consider going another route next time, maybe try GH 3-part in one way or another as they're already in my locker.
-Even consider a new batch of Monkey Juice or even Connoiseur from AN. And then I have Plagron Coco and the Canna CoGr as alternatives also.

And also regarding the switch to a new nute regimen.......

Has anyone used the so-called "Dutch Formula"?

Taken from ad by "Advanced Hydroponics of Holland"

-please note that the 3 parts are listed in a different order from the usual GenHy way... (AHH uses Grow/Bloom/Micro)

growing cycle 18/6:

week 1+2: g 1,0 - b 0,5 - m 0,5

week 3: g 2,0 - b 1,0 - m 1,0

flowering cycle 12/12:

week 4: g 2,0 - b 1,0 - m 1,0

week 5+6: g 1,0 - b 2,0 - m 1,0

eek 7-11: g 0,0 - b 3,0 - m 1,0

week 12+13: flush/clearing agents

Grow = g
Bloom = b
Micro = m

PS! I'd consider quitting the micro-formula already week 9/10, but what do I know. The AHH may have differing ratios to the AN/GenHy formulations.

This is obviously a blend of lucas and GH 3-part formula, and I just wonder if there is anybody with experience from this vs the others.
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Does it make my buds any bigger???? and I'll turn around lol :)
ps i like that bong hitsu stuff tooo makes you feeel very nice

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