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Questions on Becoming a Nurse



Anyone here a nurse?

Do you know if you can become a nurse if you have previous issues with the law?

Also could you smoke pot as a nurse?

I would hate to go through school and spend the money only to find that I could not use marijuana and/or I could not get a job because of my issues with the law. :(

Any help appreciated. Muchas Gracias !
im pretty sure they drug test nurses .would you want a stoned nurse taking care of you if you were seriously injured or a loved one was seriously ill with there life hanging inthe balance , i wouldnt.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
killedkilleryo said:
im pretty sure they drug test nurses .would you want a stoned nurse taking care of you if you were seriously injured or a loved one was seriously ill with there life hanging inthe balance , i wouldnt.

Id prob have to agree with you. as i see nothin wrong with gettin high, but just not while your takin care of me and my love ones. But i doubt he means high at work.

One thing to consider is some hospitals, have random drug testing.

Space Ghost

I used to work as a lab tech, never got tested... don't know if that helps.


stoned nurse...yes ... probably a bad idea. i wouldn't be stoned at work..


What's the charge, misdemeanor or felony? Poss of marijuana or one DWI shouldn't bother you. Worst thing that can happen is you lose the application fee. Why nurse? They make decent money but they have to take care of sick people all day and clean up shit. You should look into A lab tech position or a clinical laboratory scientist (pay on scale with nurse at about 50K/year, but advantages include no sick patients that are not cooperative, no shit to clean or catheters to insert, standard Mon-Friday gig 8-5, there are also shortages so you should be able to find a job pretty easy at any major hospital).

But if you still want to work as a nurse, pulling all nighters, interacting with people who may have who knows what diseases, then have at it. I've heard of a minority of hospitals doing random screens, the majority just have the standard "drug free work place you have to pass a piss test to work here" thing going on. Although you do face a screening if suspicions are raised though, coming in smelling of alcohol/weed, etc.

And if the school is willing to take you, I'm sure a hospital will as well. You can always bring it up during an interview or whatever process they have you going through.


thanks a ton texsativa!!

well the mj charge i'm not worried about. its just other one. it was a felony. just some scuffle with a family member... honestly i didn't even do anything but got charged with domestic violence. so what kind of hit am i looking at with a charge like that.... :(
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og dmc

Depends on how far they go on your background check. They went back 7 yrs on mine. Other than that their is so much to know and do you wont want to get stoned .


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
you should consider that for the first 5-6 yrs you'll be learning from the ground up, that means you will be cleaning people, places, and things better left to the imagination,

if all you really want is a key to the drug cabinet I can help you out bro.......


you can work in a doctors office and thus find ways to get around your random drug testing.


I can't exactly tell you about nursing. I do know each place has it's own standard (FL). Before I went back to using weed on a regular basis again, I went back and got a teaching degree after I retired from military. They did a backround test for student teaching and another for substituting. Never a problem. But when I applied for a position in another county I got called the afternoon on the Friday before the Monday I was to start. I had already even gone to district headquarters and signed all the insurance and other forms. The principle of the school called and said the background check had come back and showed a DUI from 1981 and I was denied employment there for that reason. I had spent 20 years in the Air Force and raised a family since then. I had literally forgotten about that DUI as I considered it so minor. But the princpal said as that county was so conservative, then lot of people would be upset. I was pissed then, but actually my open minded thinking would have just been in such conflict all the time with those stupid assholes, I would have been miserable anyway. I do like using my head more for than just a place to put my hat. So, obviously rules like that are very arbitrary and subjective and mostly bullshit. This is a little different than your question, I know. But teaching and nursing do have similiar background checks. I just wanted to point out how arbitrary and subjective all that can be sometimes.

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