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i can become homeless any day now

The story begins with me,owning a small apartment (1room-i live here) and half of a little farm house.I was asked by my FATHER to help him get mortgage lendings,the cover is HIS part of the farm house.I agreed,who wouldnt help a family member(altough he doesnt care about me because he started a new family).He got the money and didnt pay back.The bank sent warnings to me,as JOINT DEBTOR.I said wtf,but the bank said its just normal procedure,my property wont be touched,just my fathers(he never pays back loans :spank: ).
Years passed and i just got a letter stating the bank hypothecated my half farm house and my apartment for 18.000$ !(i dont know if this sentence is correct)

I signed the contract in front of my father,my mother and the banks lawyer.The lawyer told me they can only take the fathers half house,cant touch my properties.I was just 18,had no clue how dirty liars the lawyers are.
Now i'm here with 18k debt.This is BIG money in my country.
i got 0 $ from the money and i have to pay back the full 18k!

im thinking about starting a bigger grow,paying the full amount and suing the hell out of my ASSHOLE father,who risks his 3 childrens living(me+2 "new").I know this sound cruel,but i know he always keeps a lawyer for advice(always a different-he doesnt pay for them either) and i bet he knew in the end the bank will want my property.

ps:now im working on getting a copy of the contract and getting legal advice.
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Wow, that's really weak, I hope you can get that situation all squared away soon! I've been financially screwed by people I trusted too, it only takes it happening once to learn for a lifetime!


maybe a punch in the face might help him, nobody ever thinks of that , i know hes your father but business is business.


You own half his house, ergo you can move in at your leisure. Might be hard but you can easily lean on him if you live there........
Thanks for the support guys.
Yeah,i learned this the hard way.Better pay for some legal help or get screwed..
Moving there wont help,its FAR from anything.Not even a bus stop in a 5km radius.(would be excellent for a grow)This is why the bank wants my property,its small,but in the middle of the city,can be sold in no time.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
bagseed77 said:
maybe a punch in the face might help him, nobody ever thinks of that , i know hes your father but business is business.

blood is thicker than water,,,and will drowned you that much quicker...

i normaly dont condone violence>>>>but it has always worked for me. -HST


livin my way the high way
fuked up man i agree punch him a few times and if that doesnt work sue the hell outta him


on the plus side... being homeless is doable.

Learn to get free food.... walking into continental breakfasts at hotels, eating in and stealing from grocery stores, church or food not bombs feeds (depending where your at... maybe both)

make sure to stay in contact with friends in various places and keep moving for a while.

hell you could chuck some seeds around the land while moving about and have a nice crop by next fall and then get back into a place.


ICMag Donor
Cabinet boy said:
The story begins with me,owning a small apartment (1room-i live here) and half of a little farm house.I was asked by my FATHER to help him get mortgage lendings,the cover is HIS part of the farm house.I agreed,who wouldnt help a family member(altough he doesnt care about me because he started a new family).He got the money and didnt pay back.The bank sent warnings to me,as JOINT DEBTOR.I said wtf,but the bank said its just normal procedure,my property wont be touched,just my fathers(he never pays back loans :spank: ).
Years passed and i just got a letter stating the bank hypothecated my half farm house and my apartment for 18.000$ !(i dont know if this sentence is correct)

I signed the contract in front of my father,my mother and the banks lawyer.The lawyer told me they can only take the fathers half house,cant touch my properties.I was just 18,had no clue how dirty liars the lawyers are.
Now i'm here with 18k debt.This is BIG money in my country.
i got 0 $ from the money and i have to pay back the full 18k!

im thinking about starting a bigger grow,paying the full amount and suing the hell out of my ASSHOLE father,who risks his 3 childrens living(me+2 "new").I know this sound cruel,but i know he always keeps a lawyer for advice(always a different-he doesnt pay for them either) and i bet he knew in the end the bank will want my property.

ps:now im working on getting a copy of the contract and getting legal advice.

Aren't you smart enough to know the bank can't just take 1/2 of a house. Does that make sense to you?

If they forclose on the house he will be in the street. I don't get how that affects you if you live somewhere else. You still have your apartment don't you? Were the apartment and the farmhouse bought under the same loan?
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Cabinet boy said:
Now i'm here with 18k debt.This is BIG money in my country.


I don't know how to interpret this part. Do you live in the US ? in Europe ? somewhere else ?

There are often very good legal advices to be found here but most likely when they are related to growing.
As for seizures/loans unrelated to the MJ world, I'd take advices with a grain of salt (like when a boarder ask about health issues, this is not the place).

I have a master in Law (dropped just three months before having the lawyer exam, lol ... I don't regret my choice though) from a major European country, so, if you live in western Europe, maybe can I help a bit (but again, this is not the right place).

Violence against your father won't do nothing good. Violence is in fact never a solution (unless confronted in a situation where it is required to react here and now).

Depending on your income, do you have a possibility to have a free legal counseling (depends on your country) ?

Tell us at least the country or the world part you live in.


Horse-toothed Jackass
In IL unless you have more than $15,000 in equity in your home creditors can't touch it. What's the mortgage balance on your condo, and how much did you buy it for? The creditors will only be able to touch it if it's worth at least 15000 more than how much you owe on it. That's IL though, you'll have to look it up in your state. :joint:
Violence is what i really want to skip,i have a grow going and want to continue.

I just turned 18 that time,had no idea how these things work,JJ.Thats why i hate myself so mutch,couse i know now how stupid this step was.Just didnt expected to be scammed by a close relative.BUT i will pay back,thats a fact.

The farm was the cover for mortgage lendings,the apartment is just my property and the bank really wants its money after these years.
droopy:Hi, i live in the poorer(Eastern) part of Europe,a monthly 1000$ is considered excellent payment.
I just wrote this story down to make others think about it,learn from it.Dont be a jackass and belive blindly.

Bababooey,the apartment was quite cheap,but in a terrible condition.I worked on it for months to be a good place to live.18k is the whole mortgage,its now on all my properties(1/2 farm+1/1 apartment).There is a chance they cant exacly sell it off my head,but even then,I have to pay it back before selling.I wanted to move in a year. :cuss:
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ICMag Donor
Cabinet boy said:
The farm was the cover for mortgage lendings,the apartment is just my property and the bank really wants its money after these years.

Did you put the apartment against the loan as collateral?


Seed Junkie!:D
I'd see (if ur the legal owner of prop)how much its worth!Take loan!18K 2wards 60k farm!just saying good luck!:D


Hey Cabinet boy

Hey Cabinet boy

Cabinet boy said:
droopy:Hi, i live in the poorer(Eastern) part of Europe,a monthly 1000$ is considered excellent payment.
I just wrote this story down to make others think about it,learn from it.Dont be a jackass and belive blindly.

Bababooey,the apartment was quite cheap,but in a terrible condition.I worked on it for months to be a good place to live.18k is the whole mortgage,its now on all my properties(1/2 farm+1/1 apartment).There is a chance they cant exacly sell it off my head,but even then,I have to pay it back before selling.I wanted to move in a year. :cuss:

That's what I thought reading your message (I'm a froggy -French-), and I feel very very strongly European (EU / UE members ! Let's hear your voice !).

Assuming you are somewhere around Poland/ Bulgaria/ Romania/ Slovakia/ etc .... : you have NOTHING to expect about legal advices here since the majority of boarders are from the US or Western Europe (which have various legal systems).

QUESTION TO CABINET BOY : Do you live in the UE/EU ?
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JJScorpio:No.I didnt even know i have the apartment until i was like 20.
bakerman:Thank you :pimp3:
droopy:yes,i live in eu. as i said,i dont ask legal advice here.i 'll get a good lawyer for that,maybe we can work out somethig.I wrote down for others to learn from it.Maybe some support too,so THANK YOU everyone :respect:

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