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Diesel Ryder grow problems


Hi guys.

In the beggining let me say, that I'm growing in soil, under 150W HPS lights in a micro growing cab (http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=1894555). The temperatures are around 32°C and 36°C while the lights are on, and about 7°C lower, when they are off. The humidity is around 40% (lights on) or 60% (lights off).
The soil mix is 1 part of local sand and 2 parts of some universal soil. The smaller pots are around 1,5 litres, the bigger one is about 3 litres big.

Currently I'm growing 5 Diesel Ryders, which have finished their 2nd week, since they have poped out of the soil. I've been watering them only with water, and have feed them once at the end of the first week, with a Hesi program mixture with standard measurment (indicated on their offical feeding chart). I water them about every other or third day (depends on how much the soil is dried up).

I have two problems; the first one is leaf curling. The edges of some leaves on some plants have been curling up. Let me show you some pictures:

End of first week pics:

End of second week pics:

I've been getting some clues that it might be a too high temperature problem.

The second problem is that one of the plants got some yellow spots on three lower leaves. Pics:

Could it be a nitrogen overfeed?

Apart from that, the plants look fine and have been growing like mad. I'm just a little worried about the hights, because all the plants are still quite small right now, yet they are very "bushy".

Will appreciate every reply, since it's my first indoor grow so I don't know much bout growing :)
Cheers guys.


Guess since you make a repeat question (answered in your other thread) I'll make a repeat answer hehe.

It's Heat stress.


Here's your 2nd opinion.............heat stress.

As for the height thing, it's a mostly indica/ruderalis cross so it's supposed to be short. Don't freak if it autoflowers.


What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
i agree with mdanzig those pots are way to small you are probly root bound pots that size are only good for a week or two growth i would put them in at least three gal buckets tell you sex them then transplant to 5 gal buckets i had preety bad luck with the diesel ryders out of a pack of ten only two germed never did come up out of the soil but i have seen some very good grows with this strain just my bad luck lol transplant and turn them bitches around bring on the buds peace brotha :rant: :jump:
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Sorry for the snappy reply, but 32-36 degrees in that little closed box is a problem, both soil and roots are probably cooking abit. Bigger pots might help as Md does know what he is talking about.

I did a 250hps run in an closet which turned out pretty decent, my box is open though so I get a lot more airflow but it was a damn hot this summer and they grew in 30-34 degrees. Used 2L pots and had to water at least once a day.
Growlog is posted in the diary section.

Good luck with the stink bombs.


Thanks guys for the replies!

About the pot size: can't really afford to have much bigger pots in there. If I had a three gallon pot (about 11 litres, right?), I could have just one plat in there. One of the pots is a 3 litre one, so I will see how much difference will be there, when I harvest :)

The temps have lowered now, a consequence of the fact, that it has gotten much colder outside, so the temps in the box are now around ideal 25°C, while the lights are on. No more heat stress for now :)

Another question I have:
The lower leaves of the plants have started yellowing, like alltogether and not just on the edges. Is that a sign that I have to increase the nutes, especially the nitrogen? Will post some pics in a couple of days.

Thanks again guys!