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How suspicous does a 600w HPS 12/12 look for a standard 3 bedroom college house?


Active member
An idleing computer with a 600w PSU will not use that much... That is peak. Unless you are gaming with a powerful card, I don't thnk you will come close to that. But, you should have your PC hibernate when not in use. It won't use any power and will come back faster than a cold boot (plus all your stuff is saved)


a 600W PSU for a quad core board with say 4GB ram, 2Hard drives and a dvd burner + a higher end graphics card (say a 200-250 card) can easily pull 200W idle.

jump that up to 350W-400W when being used

bit-tech dot net for your computer reviews; its one of my favorite and unbiased sites out there.


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CrystalsCrystal said:
I think a better question is can a 600 watt digi or magnetic be plugged into a standard 2 prong receptacle? without any heat issues ir fear of fires or shorts or whatevers?

With an adapter, yes it can. Should you do it? NO.

If you're in college you should be aware that any drug charges will make you ineligible for financial aid. Something to weigh into the risks, depending on what you're doing.


Active member
bounty29 said:
With an adapter, yes it can. Should you do it? NO.

If you're in college you should be aware that any drug charges will make you ineligible for financial aid. Something to weigh into the risks, depending on what you're doing.
Only if you tell them you got caught, and its not any drug charges, just charges that involve trafficing.
Unless you get busted by the feds or don't lie on your fafsa you'll be good on that.

But yeah i agree about the adapter, doable, but thats a lot of amps to not have a ground at all...

edit: Electricity should not be the issue here, if i had a 3 br home id be running at least 4k, the issue here is that it sounds like your not the only one at said 3 br house...
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bounty29 said:
With an adapter, yes it can. Should you do it? NO.

If you're in college you should be aware that any drug charges will make you ineligible for financial aid. Something to weigh into the risks, depending on what you're doing.

Good point. I remember seeing that check box when I filed my FAFSA in January for grad school.

I got busted for a small closet grow when I was in college. No charges were filed because they didn't have a warrant, but it could have gone a whole lot worse.


the only problem i see is smell and do say you are growing in a closet or a inclosed room it might be bad if you light it up and everyone can see the bright light from the road.or looks like you have a close encounter in your house lighting up the hole house with one light thes hids are very bright.


I was sketchin about a 150watt HPS in my closet lol. similar situation, but i have 3 roomates. Fuck, after reading this thread ima drop a 400 next to the 150

Cozy Amnesia

Yup, this is the main reason I live in a one bedroom apartment. I live in an apartment complex full of college student only, and that's a weight off the shoulders a bit.


yeah, personally I think any concern about power usage is mostly bull. Has someone perhaps been caught by it when there are other suspicions available for folks to latch onto.... probly, just like anything else. But folks who put 600w or 1000w machines in their homes are not limited to herb growers by any means. Think of all the shit folks can have in their homes -- decent sized acquariums, computers (like.... there's dudes who are just into folks are here about their herb... overclocking and running entire basements full of comps just crunching numbers for seti and such, never a word about any problems with LEO on their sites that I've seen.... like literally basements full people.), T.V.s, battery chargers, multiple sound systems, christmas lights, lamps, washers, dryers, stoves, the george foreman grill, the pizzaz pizza maker, coffee machines (damn, i've got the muchies), electric trains, all sorts of bathroom shit (hair dyers, and shit) pool pumps, pottery kilns, disco balls and clocks, massive amounts of random electronic shit (thinking of middle school aged kids and how many of them have just all this random electronic beeping, flashing shit). With technology being such a huge part of life and capitalism as a whole quite happy with anyone consuming more, along with life being far too varied to really think anyone who's using a fair amount of power is growing herb (potters just don't get busted for having kilns, and they take hella power... but even yeah, as someone pointed out a lot of computer power supplys take 600 to 1000w and I've always heard monitors draw more power).

long story short, a lot of folks use shit tons of power for different reasons, don't fuckin worry.

And as others have said, worry about your mouth, your roommates mouth (dude just all sit down and have a chat about security culture and say well dudes, if we all want to smoke this herb and not be in prison we all got to shut the hell up. Open up those mouths = put down those pipes and bend over), smell, and just not having many people around / not throwing keggers / etc. All should be good man.

Just remember, no matter what use your ingenuity, common sense and you'll stay far ahead.


I will echo was mazzakush said. power is not the issue here. your roommates are going to have to know. your going to be bringing lights, tents (if you go that route, i suggest it because it solves the light-proofing problem), dirt, fans, carbon filters, containers, water, and all other sorts of shit into your house. they are gonna know something is up. you should be straight with them if you feel you can trust them and lay out the facts that you would face serious jail time (probably years) if you were caught. that should be enough to keep their mouths closed if you are close enough to them.

also, this eliminates the chance of you ever having a party at your house. cops get called all the time to house parties especially those by college students in a non-student neighborhood. old people hate ANY sort of noise especially after 9pm. they won't hesitate to call the cops usually without ever telling you to shut up. just don't even risk it. a few friends over for a few beers is one thing but a kegger is a no-no.
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Green Force

Active member
lol lets be serious depending where you are your deff not doing time for 1 600watt hps and the maybe 10 plants u put under it


Active member
I'll step in here... is it school property? In that case even if you are med expect to do time or have some huge fines when you get caught. Not to mention say good bye to going to college :) If it's not school property and you don't have to deal with R/A's then tell your room mates so they aren't always wondering wtf you are doing going into your beautiful smelling closet :) If I were you I'd wait to check out the situation before doing anything...
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Green Force said:
lol lets be serious depending where you are your deff not doing time for 1 600watt hps and the maybe 10 plants u put under it
what do you know? some states have harsh sentencing. in some states growers face 2 years MMS (minimum mandatory sentencing, i.e. the judge has to start from there and move up) for a single plant. not everywhere is as lax as cali and the NW.

Dr. Buzz

And even in the NW the law can be HARSH on any plants.

Frankly I think that being a collage student and growing shouldn't be mixed. Risk vs. reward is the name of the game. My suggestion is to finish school, get yourself a place of your own, and grow away.

Please be safe.


It will increase your Electricity bill about 40$ a month during veg. I have 800w and it increased exactly 60$ a month for me.


These cats got busted around here for having 500+ plants, and it was the power spikes that got that them snatched from the article in the paper.

They must have been going big on wattage, but regardless it goes to show you how you probably want to spread your power around as far as firing things up. Start some of your lights a few minutes earlier or something, just to not have EVERYTHING fire up at once (blowers, lights, air conditioners, pumps, etc if so be the case) Im not worred because I'm not trying to hustle with my 400w lol, I just grow for myself and friends, but like I said it was in the paper about the spikes just so you know.
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Chomas said:
These cats got busted around here for having 500+ plants, and it was the power spikes that got that them snatched from the article in the paper.

They must have been going big on wattage, but regardless it goes to show you how you probably want to spread your power around as far as firing things up. Start some of your lights a few minutes earlier or something, just to not have EVERYTHING fire up at once (blowers, lights, air conditioners, pumps, etc if so be the case) Im not worred because I'm not trying to hustle with my 400w lol, I just grow for myself and friends, but like I said it was in the paper about the spikes just so you know.

Don't be a high Michael Jordan, 600w is not worthy of being paranoid if the cops are watching your electricity bill.


Active member
Sorry to say but I wouldnt do it. 4 - 600w lights wouldnt even be an issue in a 3 bedroom house, but your roomates are a huge issue. Ive been to college and lived in off campus apartments with roomates all four years and I would never consider growing in those situations. wait till you get ur own place so no one else has to know. One of your roomates could get jealous, or you guys have a arguement and he now has u by the balls cause he knows ur secret. He has to power to put you away for a long time and ruin ur bright future. Please wait untill u graduate. For now concentrate on your studies: school and this website, and ofcourse party hard.