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Tell us when you where kicked out, booted, asked to leave a place!

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
I figured this topic would generate some interesting stories & responses.

My first Yarn:

When I was a kid (guessing maybe 2nd, 3rd grade or so). Me and my buddy Gary Green (names have been changed to protect the innocent, guilty and ugly) who lived up the street would take bike rides during the spring, summer and fall to K-Mart or 7 Eleven to buy stuff like candy, baseball cards, toys, etc. ya' know important stuff when you were a boy. Anyways, this one day I just felt like the whole K-Mart scene was getting boring and came up with this cool idea(s). My towns K-Mart had a rather large ceiling. I would guess if my memory serves right at least 45 feet tall. So I explained this idea I hatched to Gary, who most the time was in on anything fun as long as it didn't involve much bodily damage resulting from our adventures or misfortunes.

We both had several quarters and after discussing the details headed over to the those Candy & Toy machines up front where you could get a multitude of cheap toys, tattoos, rings and candy for a mere 25 cents! This smorgasbord of child entertainment was where we needed to purchase our tools of mischief. We zeroed in on the Super ball machine, both of us purchasing three balls. We then innocently put the balls in our pockets and blended back in with the other oblivious K-Mart customers. After walking into the store a bit we decided to split up. We figured we could cover more ground, and who knows maybe recover a super ball or two?

So I headed toward the back right corner were automotive, electronics, and the camping gear was, found a non conspicuous isle with good clearance and no other customers could see me and bounced that ball as hard as I could on the ground towards the other side of the store where I imagined Gary was.

I watched for a few brief seconds as I walked away a casually as I could, while watching with delight see the ball launch then ricochet chaotically three times. I found a few other good places and proceeded to let loose my other rounds of foolishness. If I recall, the second just duded after the second bounce and the third I saw bounce like three times and could hear it boinking and thudding into things.

For a few minutes I was able to scout inconspicuously for our super balls and tried to gauge people’s reactions if any at all. I did see a few customers with baffled looks on their faces but I was promptly found by a K-Mart employee maybe in her 40's or 50's and told to leave the store.

We later also tried hide and seek in K-Mart as well. I remember one time not being to find Gary for several minutes and then watch with amazement as Gary unfolded himself from one of those steamer trunks you could buy there.

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Active member
when i was homeless and hitchhiking around the country i knew of a few college dining hall scams to get free food. i knew a scam for at least one college in every state. i was still young at the time and i have always had a baby face so the scams always worked. i just looked like a REALLY dirty college kid. it was being broke, greedy, and really hungry that got me caught. i was at a certain school in Kentucky that will remain nameless. no, it wasn't the university of Kentucky. anyway what i would do was sit outside and ask college kids if they could swipe me in for free. this was never a problem as most college kids have there parents pay for there dining card and at this school you could swipe a guest in. once you were in it was all you can eat as long as you stay in the dining hall. you couldn't bring food out with you. well i wanted to bring some food with me to eat later. so through out my meal i started sneaking food into my backpack. when i was walking out they wanted to search my bag so i just ran. i have no affiliation with the school so i didn't give a fuck.
i thought i was in the clear and by this time i was roughly two miles from the dining hall when all the sudden a rent a cop motherfucker and someone from the dining hall run up behind me and throw cuffs on me. they don't press charges but take my picture and assure me that i am never welcome on campus as long as i live.

this happened years ago. apparently my picture is still up in there dining hall according to my travel partners who have been back sense then. i've been back to the campus and i've used there computer labs numerous times. i just avoid the dining hall.

i've been kicked out and banned from a lot of places. abandoned buildings, stores, railroad yards (train hopping), freeways, peoples houses, etc. ill post more stories later. next will probably be about the 5 small town cops in GA who told me if they saw me around here again i would be arrested. granted, i was homeless and hitchiking but still... they wouldn't even let me hitchike out of town.. they made me walk 20 miles to the next COUNTY! driving by every 5 or so minutes just to make sure my thumb wasn't out.
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When we were kids we used to find dept stores which sold carpet. The reason for this is carpet is sold on rolls which are stacked up in pyramid form, 3 high. This means that there is a gap in the middle of the pyramid which can easily fit up to 6 people and noone ever checks them. You need to remember this was just before PIR sensors. We would walk in about half hour before closing and then one at a time we would hide ourselves within different rolls. Once the store closed and the staff had gone home we pretty much had the whole shop to ourselves and could do as we pleased.

Still works to this day......


Anita Bonghitt
We did the bouncy ball thing too. only it was at the mall and we threw it as hard as we could from the second story down to the first... ahhh goood times...


Kicked out of an apartment:

I had just moved into a new apartment for my second year at university. A great deal and a great location, it was only one block from campus. The landlord had very strict rules about no smoking and pets, but that wasn't a problem.

After about two weeks he came around pounding on our door. When we answered he started yelling and screaming at us: "You damn college kids! Can't obey even a single rule! I know you're keeping snakes in that closet! I saw the yellow light! You've got 24 hours to move out!"

Well, I guess being accused of 'snakes' beats everybody knowing what was really happening in that closet...


ive been booted off the streets for sleeping on the sidewalk by an officer, he even gave me an "encampment ticket" lol


livin my way the high way
well i got kicked outta school. a kid left some pot in my car that i thought he threw out. well we had smoked a blunt before school with 2 other kids. one of the kids fukin passed out during the pledge of allegiance and got taken to the office. well he ratted all of us out. i was the one who owned the car so i got taken to jail and expelled. all this with a month to go till i graduated.


Active member
mom and step-dad booted my out on a hot day of august, 1969 because i refused to get my haircut. a couple weeks earlier i bought asked them if i could go to woodstock with some friends and got a quick, "no way!" so i knew if i defied them they'd toss me out with the old, "if ya can't live by the rules of the house...". so off to woodstock we went!

staggered back home a week later, got my haircut and started 11th grade shortly after...went thru it all again almost exactly a year later (over a pair of pants they thought were too tight, of all things!) and took off to the goose lake festival (which i still think was better than woodstock)...! those were the only times i was tossed out, slash, ran away and both times were for a good cause and i wouldn't change a thing if i could!


Registered Pothead
I was 21 living with my step mom and dad and they have one of those super sick grotto type jacuzzis. Well they went to vegas and werent supposed to be back for two days. They came home that same night cause of traffic and it was me and someone else and five girls all naked in there at like two in the morning. Was asked to leave LOL damn good times.


del... said:
mom and step-dad booted my out on a hot day of august, 1969 because i refused to get my haircut...

Man, I could just about hear the opening of the CSNY song "Almost cut my hair" Let your freak flag fly!

Thanks for the stories.


stone fool
I got kicked out of high school for a couple days for long hair, this included having my head pulled back by the hair when the vice principal caught me mimicing him behind his back, all the other long hairs got a big laugh. Got kicked out once for smoking too.


My friends and I have been kicked out of a couple stores. Toys R' Us for playing ball tag, Toys R' Us for holding a Track & Field event, Toys R' Us for racing bikes, and a Shopko for playing touch football and tackling one of our friends into a big display.


Freedom Fighter
I was at a Kottonmouth Kings show, at HOB @ Diznaziland!! During the opening act, I crouch down and light a joint...next thing I know, I got flashlights beaming on me, so I pass my stash to my wife-- My whole family was there, me, my wife, son, and daughter--
This guy pulls me back in this hallway, and starts yelling at me, and I still had my beer (I showed up to the show drunk) and he smacks it out of my hand-- I didn't like that, so as he walked me out the doors, and into Downtown Disney...
I tell him, "You can make me walk, but you can't make me walk quietly!" I start going off, (Yes, I know I was in the wrong...but this is just how it happened)
I start yelling about Diznazifuckingland...and how they are oppressing the pot smokers of America...and a bunch of stupid shit like that-- After all these Security guys that keep telling me to shut up...I'm saying fuck you back....all of a sudden, there were 3 or 4 Anaheim cops standing there...saying, "Is this the Asshole??"
I knew I was fucked...they rousted me, stomped on my feet while they were searching me...but ultimately, they let me go....they even offered my drunk-ass a ride to my car...I started laughing, and told them I shant (yes, I said "Shant") be driving anything tonight...I only live about a mile and a half away-- They left me alone, and I walked home--


Active member
i was a rebel...lol

nah, just had bankers for parents and both worried way too much about "what will the neighbors think...blah blah blah". hell man, i didn't even have a pair of blue jeans until i left the nest (farrar slacks or cordouroy was casual in my home...but not too tight)! mom thought only poor people wore them and once again, 'what will the neighbors think if they see my boy in jeans?'...i could go on with more horror stories and tales of abuse but it would just very quickly get boring...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
1980, me and a few bros were downtown Manhattan to see Black Flag at a small club. We stopped into a spendy cafe that night and got tossed as two of us were wearing 'Dead Kennedy' t-shirts, Cafe Un Deux Trois was the name of the joint & I guess they got a Kennedy loving crowd in there cuz they wanted none of us.......


A few years ago I ended up lodging in a friends place. He wasn't so friendly though. There were 3 lodgers, including me, and him, the landlord, living in his 4 bedroom house on the outskirts of North London. The day before x-mas eve 2005, he kicked the lot of us out. He said that we all had to go because he was having mental health difficulties. In truth, he was an alcoholic in AA trying to stay sober and couldn't handle having people who could drink normally living in his house. The nearest roof I could get under was over 100 miles away so I packed my car up and started driving down there. The clutch on my old Ford Fiesta was already on the way out though and all of the weight of my belongings proved to be too much. I broke down after 20 miles and had to get towed the rest of the way after waiting 5 hours for a recovery truck. I was lucky to get someone to put me up for christmas. The geezer ain't a pal any more.


Don Cotyle

Back in I belive 84 I was sitting at our local bar haveing a beer with a bunch of Brothers after a long ride. I get up to take a pee and come back to find someone sitting in my seat at the bar, my drink moved over to one side. I nicely ask the guy sitting in my seat to moveas the bar was quite crowded. The bar owner said to mye just find another seat. I told him Hell I'm damn near furniture in here I frequent the place that much!!! He again tells me to find another seat! So I say well I got one outside does he mind if I bring it in and sit on that? He says sure that's fine! So I ask one of my Bros to hold open the back door and I ride in on my 56 panhead, throw the kickstand down and have a seat!!! The owner freaks out and says for me to get that "THING the hell out of there!!!!! So I tell my Bro to hold open the front door! He does and I rev her up and hold the front brake and dump the clutch and light her up...smokeing out the entire bar and then drive out the front door! I come back in and tell the guy sitting in my seat to get up! I get bared for 2 weeks...yea it was worth it!!! I holler out comeon lets all go across the street to the other bar and about 40-50 of us get up with our old ladys and walk the hell out...HAHAHAHAHAhahahaha!!! The owner walked out with us and says I didn't really meen to bar ya! I said mabey we'll see ya in 2 weeks!!!BWWWAWAWAWAWAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha!!! He sure lost alot of business!!! and the 6' patch was still there 4 years later!!!