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which is stronger MJ?


Active member
is ourdoor or indoor grown weed stronger.all i hear on the news is how bc bud is the strongest weed you can get in the us. and its becuses of indoor strains. you never hear of outdoor grown weed talked about . about how strong it is. some of the stronges stuff i have smoked was grow out doors why?


You can't beat the sun.
But outside, the plants get 'roughed up' and lose a higher % of trichs.

I haven't had well grown, properly finished ANYTHING that didn't get me twisted, but the outdoor consistently tastes better to me.


BC bud is generally considered garbage where I live (Washington state)... and I assume it's probably the same on the entire west coast.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Best bud you can get in the US!! Thats funny! Unless Breeder Brad grew it I wouldnt even smoke BC bud and def. would go around saying it is the strongest stuff in the US!!


just do it
john mccain said this high powered bc bud is not you fathers mj, its a gateway drug and its 10 times more powerful than the mj he smoked when he was locked in the monkey cage, and john really knows what up


just do it
that being said, round here bc bud is beasters, and i wouldnt smoke it if it was free


Custom User Title
I've never done a real comparison, but I would think greenhouse grown bud would be the best. You can have the environmental control of an indoor grow with the power of the sun!


The revolution will not be televised.....
I personally dont think there is any way to completely reproduce the suns beneficial effects on a plant that has evolved over thousands of year to thrive under it. Yes we can do amazing thing with lighting and environment, but imho if you take the same clone and have great growers do their thing inside and another outside, the outdoor will be not only twice or three times as much weight but the buds will be just a little better in potency. Now that will have folks jumpin on my back but its just my feelin.


Active member
this is something i can go monitor every 30 seconds if i wanted.... i start flowering plants moving them to a dark room may 20... adding strains to the rotation every few days...

turns into mid summer sun ripeing my fave sats brightest sun not waining fall sun

better then indoor?hahaha maybe? you should try it....

ive been doing it for a few years now..... havnt had 1 strain i thought was better indoor,,, ie it alwasy gets better in the mid summer sun...

beat rain wind thief cop...... dark room....(indoor flowering room)

hah even make sats go to any light cycle you chooseing

moldy late harvst shwag out door? yea its out there..... bummer but sun, with your love care intellegence is unbeaten imho...

good vibes, love, good soil, sun.... yea works for you try it



oldtoker I couldn't have said it better myself.

Don't get me wrong, I know indoor growers are producing some amazing bud - but ultimately,
I believe it isn't the same as the outdoor equivalent.
I disagree when people say indoor grown grass is the same as outdoor.
To me the difference is distinct, but I won't go into too much detail now.

The plant does not make buds by magic
(although it could be called that)
What I mean to say is,
that the plant absorbs energies from the
surrounding ENVIRONMENT to GROW.
But what energy is it absorbing, the sun? or electric light bulb?
The earth? Or hydro bucket chemicals?

First and foremost you have the difference between the sun and the electric lights, this has the biggest impact on the plant I think.
Secondly the growing medium and nutrients,
then you have the wind (which acts very different from a fan)
and air (atmosphere), then the PHOTOPERIOD...
and the sun GRADUALLY gets dark, not a sudden "lights out",
also it moves across the sky, doesn't stay in on place...
Not to mention CLOUDS, and other weather changes...
That's just a few of the differences I can think of from the top of my head.

It all comes to the end result - the grass that flows through our bloodstream :biglaugh:
I've grown both indoors and out and hands-down outdoors is my preference. In my experience you can have to Blueberry plants both grown indoors, one in pac northwest and one in the tropics. Given identical setups and similar growers they will be relatively similar. Take those same to Blueberry plants and have the grown outdoors in the pac northwest and in the tropics and they will be so different you might think its a different strain all together. My point being that when bud is grown outdoors it significantly takes on characteristics of the outdoor environment. A lot more than indoor bud does. To me thats what makes outdoor bud so special. Its like it gives you a taste and feeling of where it was grown.