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secret jardin

Lucky 7

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How does one make sure they have the most current version?

Someone should make this thread a sticky!!


Damn, just set up my dr120 and fired up the light. Noticed a few pinholes around the tent. Do you think this would effect lights out period. The room it is in won't have hardly any light coming in anyway, but do you think you should stick duct tape or something over the pin holes? Just curious, besides the pinholes, I think it is kick ass!


sirshamus said:
Noticed a few pinholes around the tent. Do you think this would effect lights out period.

I had the same issues and thought, but then thought the moon is pretty bright once a month and outdoor plants do ok, then thought perhaps plants that have been bred for an indoor enviorment could perhaps be more sensitive.mmmm
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Yeah, I don't know what to do. Emailed secret jardin about it, but what you gonna do. Thing was a bitch to set up, only have like 2 inches from top of the tent to the ceiling. Hope someone sheds some light on this for us.


Think I'm gonna push the air through my air cooled hood with a 6 inch axial fan I took off of junked air hockey table and duct out the side of tent. The significant other has shut my funds down for right now, lol. When I have the ok, gonna get 6 inch vortex and some type of carbon scrubber or possibly odor sok. Not for sure on that though, will have to see how stinky they get.


Active member
I think that the black on the outside absorbs the light before it gets into the pin hole... Wouldn't know for sure I'll check in a couple weeks if you guys can't right now...


Thanks for the info sweetnightmare. Lets us know. Gonna make last minute run to the depot and gonna fire it up tonight. Question: Can you plug a surge protector into a timer and run light and fan off the surge protector? Hey, by the way, i'm also in the 600 club, but it seems like its dead.


Active member
ThirdEyeVision said:
while these tents are nice,
they do have a major PINHOLE issue.
NO I am not talking about the street version.
The slightest manipulation can and will cause pinhole leaks.

Simply setting up and taking down like someone suggested will cause pinholes to acclimate.

The newest versions zippers are top notch and totally light proof,
it's just the stitching at seams of vent ports and pin holes everywhere on the canvas that are the problem.

I would say it's a quality control issue as some tents i have seen are worse than others.
I will say i thinik they are on the right track.

The pinhole leaks should be easy to fix with a little bit of latex based flat black paint and a small paint brush. Just gota paint it when lights are on in a dark room :p


Hey guys, got a quick question. I have a dr120 and I bought a thing of 6" aluminum ducting, the kind that will stretch 8ft and is semi ridgid. I have a reflector with 6" openings, and the damn duct won't go over it. What should I do, go to the 8" ducting, and will this go through the vent ports on the tent? I rigged my 6" axial fan on the other end of the hood to blow the heat out through the ducting, if I can get it to fit. Kind of ghetto, I know, but will have to do until I get enough scrape to get a vortex. Thanks again.


Active member
hey sirshamus,
the rigid duct is a pita to work with.depending on what reflector ends you have on the reflector you are using,youll have a hard time fitting that alum duct over those ends.always stick to flex duct.not only will it fit,its insulated as well.works to stop condensation on the duct and quite things down as well.forget the vortex.get a s and p fan.more quiet the 5 inch is 113 bucks the 6 is 162. get some pics so i can critique if u need more help


Whats the shipping run for these things????? Im looking to get the dr80 and was curious to how much it would cost to ship.....
sirshamus - make a 1 inch cut on the duct edge & you should be able to cram it on enough to tape it. If not, I recommend a ball-pean hammer & lots of !!%$#*@?.
i wish i would knew that before i made a purchase, but of course they would never tell people that upfront smh. so now i gotta wait 2 weeks and its 3-4 day ship. this will be my last time buying anything from them


Yeah they have good stuff but there shipping does suck....I ordered a couple of nutes and I waited almost 3 weeks for my chit.....