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The Obama camp responds to MMJ

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Nancy pelosi was engaged in dialogue a few days ago where she made statements to the effect that the change for marijuana and mmj needed to be looked at and the change needed to come from outside and there was no internal push on the democratic side to change the law. HELLO YOR OWNSTATE VOTED TO LEGALIZE!!!!!!!!!!! in 96. however republican ron paul and Barney frank just put forth a bill to decriminalize. well nancy since your a friken legilator why dont you be non partisan and just decrimnalize and pass federal law decrimalizing

I would have voted for ron paul too! It doesn't matter whether u are normally democrat or republican or bi. If you smoke mj and don't like being raped analy in some prison somewhere (which might be the case for a lot of republican senators and pastors lately) then u NEED to vote Obama! I mean it is a no brainer don't any of u guys know anyone doing some serious time...that could be you someday even if ur small time people get caught up with way crazy sentances for little shit. (unless u turn snitch)
My base line problem with obama he has failed to show me in writing his wish to actualy support the issue or voted to support the issue. he says in a very gray manner that mmj arrests are wrong but what about dispenseries growers and where is your signature with D barney franks and R ron paul. he has yet to pass a single peice of legislation an fact the majority of the time he has voted "present" wich is a neutral vote.


Domesticator of Cannabis
TricksR4Kids said:
yeah obama is a muslim.

and canadian dude, no one besides a canadian even knows who ur prime minister or queen or whatever it is you have up there is without "the googles" so why u worrying about us. my state has double gdp of ur entire country. so you just keep ur mouth shut until we tell you to do something. k ehh? If McCain gets elected u guys better watch ur backs a bit, you might just be next! you do have some nice oil sands up there we would like to check into. so I wouldn't be so smart assed!

I'm not worried at all. You seem worried, why would you fear a Canadian posting his thoughts about the US election. We too are fighting Radical Islam. We're not about to duck & cover. We here in Canada have the freedom of speech so I don't think you'll ever be shutting me up. You may have not heard what happen the last time you tried to take this land of ours. LoL
I do believe I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass kid.
:asskick: :asskick: :asskick:
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relying on politicians will never work. only the people get things done. we have a democratically controlled state and nothing gets done. i wont use mj to decide this election.

trick, now dont insult me, but i will be voting for mccain. we can disagree with out hating/insulting eachother. let me give you my reasons in a civil manner

1)joe biden"the white house is no place for on the job training"
2)hillary" you want someone to be ready to answer the phone at 3am.
3)obama wants bigger govt., that means more govt. control over us. higher taxes in a struggling economy. if you tax business more, they will leave. that equals less jobs.
4)obama looked backward when picking joe biden. mccain looked forward when picking palin. i thought he wanted change?
5)mccain has a record of crossing party lines to get things done, obama has no record.
6)obama voted present 132 times in the senate. you cant be just present in the white house.
7)obama has ties with national terrorist bill aires, he is friends with him.
8)obama's connection to rev. jeremiah wright and black liberation theology.( the govt. made aids as a means to kill black people, god damn america. ect. how did it take him 25 years to leave.
10)obama wants national health care like canada/europe. do you want your grandma to wait 2 and 1/2 for a hip replacement like my buddies grandma did.

if this is not enough, let me know, i got alot more. we the people can only make a difference, not politicians on the matter of mj. peace :rasta:


Awesome news ! Yet another reason to vote for Obama/Biden. I really was surprised they picked a mayor of some podunk Alaskan town, with "separatist" ties, a pregnant daughter, and has never left the county.... oh wait she's a woman.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't think its wrong that her daughter's preggo, or never left the county, but it goes against so many of the very things that Republicans bitch about.... Watching the Daily Show last Thursday and Friday really brought up some good points which I won't try to summarize, but check it out. McCain simply went with a woman for political reasons - to get elected not to govern. Obama is really the one who's looking forward.

And the whole paradigm shift to "Change" that the Repubs stressed at the RNC, whats up with that? Change from a guy who's voted with Bush 90% over the past couple terms... how's that change?

Here's the daily show website: http://www.thedailyshow.com/
being a mayor is kinda like being a community organzer, except you actually have responsibilities. alaska and delaware are roughly the same population. obamas mama was knocked up at 17. when did dems care about family values? obama has been to iraq one time. biden got 9000 votes and hillary got 18 million, big mistake. when he loses, the pudits will point to this as the main reason. palin went after corrupt politians reguardless of partie aff. all senators vote together 90% of the time ie. honoring the new york giants. bush isnt running. picking a guy whos been in the senate longer than mccain is looking forward? pro drug war at that. picking joe biden to get the white male vote isnt political? did my top ten list even register. i suggest a reread. the daily show made up your mind? where does it end. the only thing i hear outta dems is mccain is bush. mccain bashed bush at the convention. they never liked eachother. the reason why bush was the nominee in 2000 is because mccain wasnt down with letting the big dogs get away with shit.
well spoken sir well spoken I enjoy a man who has the support of facts. I find it deplorable that peope argue a point based on what they hear said and do not look to see what has been actualy done. touchy feely arguments are for hugg ins at a rainbow gathering. I act upon the process of election based soley on the facts and not my feelings. Liberty is a choice.


Active member
Toad said:
Awesome news ! Yet another reason to vote for Obama/Biden. I really was surprised they picked a mayor of some podunk Alaskan town, with "separatist" ties, a pregnant daughter, and has never left the county.... oh wait she's a woman.

Here's a hint, don't get your political news from the daily show, it's a comedy show and it's viewers are apparently ignorant because some of what you write is not true. Palin has visited troops in Kuwait and Germany before, that would make your statement that she's never left the country 100% false. She has also visited Ireland before, and last I checked that wasn't a part of the US either. And she's not a mayor, she was formerly a mayor, she's now the governor of the largest state in the US, which is a hell of a lot better than a community organizer that hasn't led shit or accomplished much in his entire life. And here's news for Obama supporters that constantly bring up his skin color on this forum and on other forums - - - Being black is not a qualification........


Obama recently cancelled a trip to visit wounded troops. I guess it was more important to him to give one of his ridiculous speeches to a bunch of Europeans instead while he was on his PR tour.


Keep watching the daily show buddy, but don't be too shocked when Obama loses in November.

:joint: :wave:
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me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
please please please, i beg all of the ICer's, to not let this thread get out of hand!!!! this type of discussion is just way too important in these days and times!! legalization is still a concept at this point, but if we can get things decriminalized during obamas administration and have things in place for the next presidency, then more power to us all!!

we all have views and opinions, but since this is an MJ site then lets focus on MJ legalization/decriminalization, cause no matter who says what, YOU ALL KNOW DAMNED WELL THERE WILL BE NO SOCIAL SENSIBILITIY REGARDING CANNABIS IF McCAIN MAKES IT INTO OFFICE!!! whatever letters are written to one "camp" let them be written to the other and get both views from both candidates!!

lets just seize the sensibility of these days and times and make a more socially sensible society regarding cannabis. VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!
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Well-known member
Toad said:
Awesome news ! Yet another reason to vote for Obama/Biden. I really was surprised they picked a mayor of some podunk Alaskan town, with "separatist" ties, a pregnant daughter, and has never left the county.... oh wait she's a woman.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't think its wrong that her daughter's preggo, or never left the county, but it goes against so many of the very things that Republicans bitch about.... Watching the Daily Show last Thursday and Friday really brought up some good points which I won't try to summarize, but check it out. McCain simply went with a woman for political reasons - to get elected not to govern. Obama is really the one who's looking forward.

And the whole paradigm shift to "Change" that the Repubs stressed at the RNC, whats up with that? Change from a guy who's voted with Bush 90% over the past couple terms... how's that change?

Here's the daily show website: http://www.thedailyshow.com/

No wonder our country is in the shape it's in. We allow people to vote that get their news & information from a comedy show on Comedy Central.

LOL! :laughing:

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BAHHHHH. I don't get my news from the Daily Show people. I was pointing out the job they did commenting on the hypocracies that where apparent at the RNC. You act like CNN or FauxNews has any journalistic integrity at all ! Its all entertainment my friend. I get my news from primary sources, mostly online, thanks though.

You McCain supporters need to get off the talking points, its getting old and lacks merit. I know that the Bush agenda has not worked the past eight years and judging my McCains record, that won't change if he gets elected... I don't care if he "likes" or "dislikes" Bush, he has the same fiscal, political, and social policies, you know that.

From wikipedia:

Palin's experience: "After being selected as the runner up in the 1984 Miss Alaska contest, Palin served two terms on the Wasilla, Alaska City Council from 1992 to 1996, was elected mayor of Wasilla in 1996, and ran unsuccessfully for Lieutenant Governor in 2002.

After charging ethical violations by state Republican Party leaders,[2] she won election in 2006 by first defeating the incumbent governor in the Republican primary, then a former Democratic Alaskan governor in the general election."

Obama's experience: "A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review, Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, he announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate in January 2003. After a primary victory in March 2004, Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004. He was elected to the Senate in November 2004 with 70% of the vote."

As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel. After announcing his presidential campaign in February 2007, Obama emphasized withdrawing American troops from Iraq, energy independence, decreasing the influence of lobbyists, and promoting universal health care as top national priorities.
mccain is george bush isnt a talking point? mccain is a fiscal conservative, bush spends like a mad lib. bush has never or never will cross party lines. obama has wrote 2 memoirs but has never authored a major piece of leg. have you heard of mccain/feingold. were near victory and obama was against the surge. he wont admit he was wrong about that. mccain wants more drilling, wind, solar , geothermal, nuclear power and natural gas to go independant. obama is a socialist, just like his dad. some people will use change to further their career, and some will use their career to make change. your obama qualifications are about a paragragh long. i wont attempt to put up mccains quals. it would take up to many pages. im not down with withdrawl/cut and run when victory will take place. were almost out of there. can you show me which of my talking points lacks merit? :beat-dead mccain palin will crack down on currupt politicians(hell make em famous).obama is chicago machine politics thru and thru. where are the most corrupt places in the us? how about chicago, s.f., la, detroit, new york city. do you know what they have in common? they are all controlled by dems. :rasta:
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Eugene Oregon
TricksR4Kids said:
:bashhead: I cant believe anyone who is in the mj movement would even consider that "I would sell my soul to get elected" McCain. And Sarah Palin is so fucking scary its a joke. Does anyone really think america has been going in the right direction on any topic? Yeah lets keep trying until we are completely fucked! Lets hire another dumb guy for president. One who doesn't let all that thinking get in the way of his decisions. One who has an evil VP. Now lets make him senile and short tempered too!!! Yeah that is the ticket!!!

McCain would fuck all of us mmj users and Obama wouldn't bother us. What kind of choice is that? I could even see obama pushing for outright legalization in his second term. Try watching something other than fox news for once, or, god forbid read a book!

And if youre canadian, don't worry let the big kids handle this.

I understand what you are saying one thing, all presidents are not stupid.. all have high IQ's.

And are unbelievably smart, although some make stupid choices imagine the pressure you have on you every day waking up and saying.. what is going to go wrong or right today..

We cant even know!


George Bush "C"eed his way through college.

McCain was at the BOTTOM of his class.

Much respect to his military background, but I don't think that qualifies him to be president. Also, being tortured for years prolly doesn't help with ones psyche.


Well-known member
Toad said:
Also, being tortured for years prolly doesn't help with ones psyche.

I believe being brainwashed for 25 years in the Rev. Jeremaih Wrights anti-american, hate-filled, racist, Trinity Church would be much worse on ones psyche than a few years of torture endured while serving ones country.

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McCain good Obama bad!Obama good McCain bad ! Are you kidding me talk about drinking the kool aid.If in the past 8 years you have not learned anything about political agendas you are stupid or just a huge party hack and just do not care. Obama admitted he was a Muslim and everyone forgot about it or McCain being tortured might have messed up his psyche regarding Palien as evil. 1 person puts out facts nobody pays attention. this is why nothing gets done and nobody is ever held responsible just load any subject with loads of misinformation and after some time nobody cares and quits paying attention to the facts it does not matter if it is not true just repeat it enough and over time it becomes fact.


I have been reading this thread and feel compelled to post owing to the repeated use of some misleading and untrue statements that some of you guys are spewing. Can any of you guys find some source material for some of these "facts"?
sirgrassalot said:
McCain said not yet but he'd keep an open mind. He's definitely old school & needs to be educated on Cannabis.
I think Obama has infinite more potential to move us forward on marijuana policy than McCain. Please, take the time to click on this link.

At 1:10 into the video, "The fact is, I do not approve of the use of medical marijuana, I never have and never will."

Do you need any more proof that McCain will continue funding the War on Drugs? That he will continue to keep his mind closed to anything than what he already believes? That he will continue to prosecute and jail us for loving a harmless plant? Obama has stated he doesn't want to waste federal resources that could be better allocated.

Do any of you guys fail to see the hypocrisy of McCain's campaign now touting the pledge for change? A few weeks it ago it was about experience. Now that Palin's on board, they're talking about change. McCain has been in Washington for 26 years, he's had more than enough time to instigate some change.
rightwingblazer said:
some people will use change to further their career, and some will use their career to make change.
Great quote, very relevant! :yes:

I used to like McCain and thought that he was a pretty stand up guy, but that is not the person I see anymore. Many of McCain's advisers are lobbyists in Washington for corporate interests, do you think he's going to let them or any of their friends down? It will continue to go the way of the current fiasco. Political parties are huge machines with a lot of momentum. The Republican machine has been running full speed for the past 8 years, do you think it's going to reneg on the momentum it's built up and suddenly change course? McCain is just a figurehead, just like G.W. is a figurehead (btw Herb, I think that IQ statement needs an amendment). Presidents are figureheads.

Toad, thank you for posting some of Obama's experience. Have those of you criticizing the Daily Show ever watched it without grumbling and looking for something you don't like about it? Maybe I like it because I'm such a cynic :D. It may be a cable show billed for entertainment purposes, but they still show actual news clips and make some great commentary on current events and political issues. Just because it's not a major news organization doesn't mean it's not relevant or factual information. It's great with a :joint: or two, maybe give it a try some day.
greenhead said:
Palin has visited troops in Kuwait and Germany before, that would make your statement that she's never left the country 100% false. She has also visited Ireland before, and last I checked that wasn't a part of the US either. And she's not a mayor, she was formerly a mayor, she's now the governor of the largest state in the US.
Palin went to Kuwait and Germany to visit troops from the Alaska National Guard. The claim that she has also visited Ireland is misleading. Ireland was simply a fuel stop on the way to Germany. She may be the Governor of the U.S.'s largest state, but how does the fact that the state has millions of square miles of wilderness than any other state make it a more significant accomplishment?
rightwingblazer said:
biden got 9000 votes and hillary got 18 million, big mistake.
Here are some real facts: Biden - 79,754 votes (from Iowa caucus). Palin - 909 votes in her 1999 race, 651 in 1996.
rightwingblazer said:
mccain wants more drilling, wind, solar , geothermal, nuclear power and natural gas to go independant.
While I won't doubt his goal, McCain's enegy plan (The Lexington Project) proposes no new spending for renewable energy programs, and thinks they won't be "as much of the solution as some people think." For the fact that fossil fuels are not infinite, I see no other options regarding this issue. His plan for renewables is a "patchwork of temporary tax credits that provide commercial feasibility." I think it's going to take a little more than that...
rightwingblazer said:
3)obama wants bigger govt., that means more govt. control over us. higher taxes in a struggling economy. if you tax business more, they will leave. that equals less jobs.
How does he want a bigger gov't? Obama proposes to cut taxes for most people (81.3 percent of all households would get a tax cut), while raising them for those making over $250,000/year. George W. Bush gave plenty of tax cuts to businesses and individuals, and look how many businesses and jobs have gone overseas. Businesses exist to make a profit, it is cheaper to produce things overseas, so naturally the jobs and businesses are going to follow the profits. The market cannot grow exponentially forever.
rightwingblazer said:
mccain palin will crack down on currupt politicians
So will Obama. "In 1998 in the Illinois Senate, Obama cosponsored an ethics overhaul that bars elected officials from using their campaign funds for personal use and and was called the the first major overhaul of Illinois campaign and ethics laws in 25 years. It also bans fundraisers in the state Capitol during legislative sessions. In Washington, Obama was instrumental in helping to craft the 2007 ethics reform law that ended gifts and meals from lobbyists, cut off subsidized jet travel for members of Congress, required lobbyists to disclose contributions they “bundle” to candidates, and put the brakes on other, similar common practices.

In addition, we already noted in a recent article Obama’s efforts with Republican senators to help detect and secure weapons of mass destruction and to destroy conventional weapons stockpiles around the world, and to create a publicly searchable database on federal spending." - Factcheck.org

You cite examples of large U.S. cities being corrupt. Maybe it has to do with the fact that these are large, newsworthy cities and stories involving them create national headlines. Maybe the fact that they lean democrat in voting is because of higher percentages of college educated people. I'm sure there is plenty of corruption in large and small towns alike across the country, it's the government way, but those small towns are not large enough to catch the interest of the average American.

I'm not going to get too into Palin because this thread is about Obama, but I will say McCain criticized her 3 times in the past for her earmark requests as the mayor of Wasilla, AK. Source
For those interested in reading more about her check out this link. http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1837918,00.html

And guys, please stop with the Obama is a muslim claim. His father did not actively practice Islam. Obama was not sworn in on the Koran. That was congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first muslim in the U.S. congress. Obama was sworn in on his own Bible. As for his controversial church, "Wherever we looked we found ample evidence that Obama's church is pro-black, but we found none to support a claim that it is anti-white. Calling it "racist" is, in our judgment, a falsehood." - factcheck.org. In a church of 8000 members, do you think the pastor knows each and every member on a personal basis? I find that hard to believe. Criticizing someone for their choice of freedom of religion is racist too.

I could go on and on about this all day. :bashhead:
Everyone that's been reading and posting in this thread please check out Factcheck.org I think it's important to have political discussions, but there's no reason we can't be civil and respectful. :wave: :joint:
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Domesticator of Cannabis
Toad said:

You McCain supporters need to get off the talking points, its getting old and lacks merit.
Obama's experience: "A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review,

In Canada we call freshwater Ling ~ Lawyer, they're ugly bottom feeders.

I wouldn't vote for Obama if he promised to stop raiding today. That would mean little if we lose the war on terror. When I was smoking my first joint McCain was tied up & beaten severely for being an American, country first.

Sarah's speech is getting results. Change is coming, go get them you lip stick wielding pit bull. The press is fearing the McCain & Palin Ticket.
Gallup Daily: McCain Moves Ahead, 48% to 45%

http://www.gallup.com/poll/110050/Gallup-Daily-McCain-Moves-Ahead-48-45.aspx :violin:
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