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The Obama camp responds to MMJ

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sweetnightmare, cain, have a little class. no need to disrespect. we can disagree without hating/insulting eachother. instead of fighting against eachother, lets fight together. we're alot more alike than different. the anti-mj phobes would love nothing more than us to be unorganized and indifferent with eachother. niether camp is gonna do shit for us. we have to come together and be united for our cause. its a grass roots effort. you may dispise rightwing conservatives, but they need to be courted sincerly in order for our points to come across. no one will listen with rhetoric like that. :rasta:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
rightwingblazer said:
sweetnightmare, cain, have a little class. no need to disrespect. we can disagree without hating/insulting eachother. instead of fighting against eachother, lets fight together. we're alot more alike than different. the anti-mj phobes would love nothing more than us to be unorganized and indifferent with eachother. niether camp is gonna do shit for us. we have to come together and be united for our cause. its a grass roots effort. you may dispise rightwing conservatives, but they need to be courted sincerly in order for our points to come across. no one will listen with rhetoric like that. :rasta:

werd. fuck mcain,,,obama,,democarats,,republicans,,,all theif++liars

im takin my commercial size sharpy and will be writing JUDGE GRAY 4 PRESIDENT

better yet,,, ill sit at my house and smok a blunt whil i trim up som plants

fuck this whole illusion of democracy>>>


Bong Smoking News Hound
if we did not vote. prop 215 would not be legal. think about what you are saying. read in between the lines.... dont let them make you not vote.

only 35 percent of america votes... think about it!!!!!

has fear won in voting too!? god damn!
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Active member
rightwingblazer said:
sweetnightmare, cain, have a little class. no need to disrespect. we can disagree without hating/insulting eachother. instead of fighting against eachother, lets fight together. we're alot more alike than different. the anti-mj phobes would love nothing more than us to be unorganized and indifferent with eachother. niether camp is gonna do shit for us. we have to come together and be united for our cause. its a grass roots effort. you may dispise rightwing conservatives, but they need to be courted sincerly in order for our points to come across. no one will listen with rhetoric like that. :rasta:

what r u talking about? who am i disrespecting and fighting with? disrespectful toward palin but she's not on this site, or is she?


Active member
SCF said:
if we did not vote. prop 215 would not be legal. think about what you are saying. read in between the lines.... dont let them make you not vote.

only 35 percent of america votes... think about it!!!!!

has fear won in voting too!? god damn!
I have to vote. Voting means alot to me. "
If you ain't part of the solution, u part of the problem."

Cali smoke

look how mccain deals with hecklers:

and how obama deals with hecklers:

At least Obama let's them speak out. Voting for McCain is voting for more wars which will lead to more resentment which will eventually lead to U.S. demise as a respected nation.

Still, voting for either one of these candidates is voting for bigger government which goes against the Constitution and the vision of the founding fathers.


Hey brother - I watched those videos .. and the things that stand out most to me are - McCain is from another generation, he was/is incredibly respectful to stop, politely listen to questions and honestly respond.

Although MMJ and its medicinal benefits are unfamiliar, and he has his beliefs - he welcomed all questions on the topic, politely disagreed, said he is open minded, and that he has not seen evidence to the contrary that MMJ is beneficial - this is not his world, has not had to confront the issue before, does not smoke himself, probably never did, and has not known others who MMJ has helped - seems to me he needs to be re-educated, and that he will certaily will be

This is just the beginning of what he is about to hear on the matter

I do agree - his arguments against MMJ - his point that there are currently drugs available to treat all these ailments - is dumb and much worse

Give him time, he will come around- he is open minded, polite and welcoming of more questions and information

I also continue to agree with my prior statement that - The next Republican administration will not clamp down on MMJ, especially when more and more states are voting for and passing their own MMJ laws

MMJ is here to stay - its the people of each state that are fighting the battle for legalizing MMJ ... its a state issue ... and individually - each state is putting MMJ bills on the ballot, voting for them, passing them, signing them into law, and choosing not to prosecute

More and more states are going to pass their own MMJ laws .. and the burden on the DEA in this issue will increase greatly

Clearly the Feds and the States are soon going to butt heads on this issue and have to find a new solution

" Arrest the dead and dying " - that was funny ... not the front we want to put on ... you ever heard anyone dead ever getting arrested. I am sure she meant the sick and dying

Thanks too for that last video - CNN, John McCain and early on in the surge in Iraq ... a nice reminder of what an asshole wolf blittzer is, and how stupid a network CNN has become - I refuse to watch CNN, NBC, MSNBC - I dont support, stupid, and biased reporting or any news service where reporters make the news rather than report it

Try looking at this website everyday - http://www2.irna.ir/en

See what the USA and the Free World is really up against - it will make you blood boil and your hair curl - then think, and say thanks to God for the USA and how great a country we live in - the best country in the world !
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Sundance said:
Hey brother - I watched those videos .. and the things that stand out most to me are - McCain is from another generation, he was/is incredibly respectful to stop, politely listen to questions and honestly respond.

Although MMJ and its medicinal benefits are unfamiliar, and he has his beliefs - he welcomed all questions on the topic, politely disagreed, said he is open minded, and that he has not seen evidence to the contrary that MMJ is beneficial - this is not his world, has not had to confront the issue before, does not smoke himself, probably never did, and has not known others who MMJ has helped - seems to me he needs to be re-educated, and that he will certaily will be

This is just the beginning of what he is about to hear on the matter

I do agree - his arguments against MMJ - his point that there are currently drugs available to treat all these ailments - is dumb and much worse

Give him time, he will come around- he is open minded, polite and welcoming of more questions and information

I also continue to agree with my prior statement that - The next Republican administration will not clamp down on MMJ, especially when more and more states are voting for and passing their own MMJ laws

MMJ is here to stay - its the people of each state that are fighting the battle for legalizing MMJ ... its a state issue ... and individually - each state is putting MMJ bills on the ballot, voting for them, passing them, signing them into law, and choosing not to prosecute

More and more states are going to pass their own MMJ laws .. and the burden on the DEA in this issue will increase greatly

Clearly the Feds and the States are soon going to butt heads on this issue and have to find a new solution

" Arrest the dead and dying " - that was funny ... not the front we want to put on ... you ever heard anyone dead ever getting arrested. I am sure she meant the sick and dying

Thanks too for that last video - CNN, John McCain and early on in the surge in Iraq ... a nice reminder of what an asshole wolf blittzer is, and how stupid a network CNN has become - I refuse to watch CNN, NBC, MSNBC - I dont support, stupid, and biased reporting or any news service where reporters make the news rather than report it

Try looking at this website everyday - http://www2.irna.ir/en

See what the USA and the Free World is really up against - it will make you blood boil and your hair curl - then think, and say thanks to God for the USA and how great a country we live in - the best country in the world !

Let me guess you watch Fox News what a joke. John McCain will not come around.


Active member
told you there's no need to post it. some people will come up with some of the craziest reasonings. mccain only has a few heartbeats left.


Domesticator of Cannabis
cain23456 said:
told you there's no need to post it. some people will come up with some of the craziest reasonings. mccain only has a few heartbeats left.
That's what we've been hearing. So now we have Sarah & BO who's the better choice for Cannabis? A heartbeat away from coming around.

Sarah Sarah Sarah


Active member
i don't think either one will make it legal to be honest with you. palin won't be president it will be mccain and you heard from his own mouth what he said. so don't try and talk me into any backstreet logic buddy. if i had to pick the best one i would cross out mccain 1st because he said it himself. i've been hearing palin talk and she's no hiliary. her or mccain won't talk issues.

let's go down that backstreet.
who is the better choice, someone that raids poker games and ban books?...lol too funny.
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amen scf, you speak the truth. we the people are the only ones that are gonna get shit done. 35% is pitifull. i think most other countries have far better turn- outs. :rasta:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
why is 35% bad ????

fuck obama AND mccain...

some one once said::::

choosing the lesser of two evils,,,,is STILL choosing evil

you can sit at home and smoke a blunt,,,or go out and vote>>>

the results will B tha same,,,so might as well roll it up


Active member
i can make smart ass comments all day alnog with other but the truth is out there. truth is that health care should be a serious issue in this election. i don't smoke because i cant afford proper health care or meds, but millions of people do. people are broke and can't afford the price of medicine. so if you don't wont national health care nor weed to be legal for the sick, what are you saying? my main issue is the economy but to stay on topic the 2nd is health care. weed is a good med and mccain don't want it to be legal.

i say either give us weed or give us national health care. if they give out national health care then i could see their point about weed. what im getting from mccain is fuck the sick.


Domesticator of Cannabis
cain23456 said:
i don't think either one will make it legal to be honest with you. palin won't be president it will be mccain and you heard from his own mouth what he said. so don't try and talk me into any backstreet logic buddy. if i had to pick the best one i would cross out mccain 1st because he said it himself. i've been hearing palin talk and she's no hiliary. her or mccain won't talk issues.

So this heartbeat crap is just that. McCain said not yet but he'd keep an open mind. He's definitely old school & needs to be educated on Cannabis. As for Sarah not being Hillary, thank gawd for that. I wouldn't trust Hilly for all the rice in China. Had she divorced Billy for getting a head at the office she'd of been President today. Go Billy go.

I thought people wanted change? Hillary is a Washington insider like Biden. Sarah comes from as far from Washington as you can get. Sarah is a reformer who took on her own party & others. I can't even vote but it's of interest to myself because we have Cannabis treaties with the USA. I say we break them but I'm not in charge. So I use civil disobedience. Look for real change to come from the north first. Obama's mannerisms, style of speech sound like the same old we've heard from our Premier Dalton McGuinty that's probably because they used the same political consultant, media guru David Axelrod.

McCain or Obama will not make Cannabis legal at the moment but one wants the greatest military in the world to be defeated & disgraced. Just when things are going great. What's happening to people these days. Politicians can talk all the issues they want & do the complete opposite. I find McCain to be a man of his word, that's more important than a well trained spokesman. I don't think a man who has the legacy of McCain, who's served his country for the greater part of his life, a man who is also nearing the end would want that legacy tarnished by a 4 year stint in the White house. Don't let me talk you into anything, use your own brain man.


Active member
sirgrassalot said:
I find McCain to be a man of his word, that's more important than a well trained spokesman.

I don't trust the community organizer, being Prez is obviously far above his pay scale.

:joint: :wave:


Active member
you don't know crap about palin. what we do know is that she abuses her power, she wanted to separte from the u.s., and her daughter got knocked up. how is the helping the cause? mccain is not the same mccain of old sorry. how is he helping the cause? mccain is for helping the sick. forget you or me wanting to smoke for our own reasons.
you know what, you can't vote so it doesn't matter what you think. either vote or shut up.

don't take it the wrong way but if you don't vote your voice isn't heard
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