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Really need help, been trying forever to solve this-


New member
This is a medical grow, and weve asked EVERYONE and no one know what the hells the prob. weve been having this prob for about a year, trying everything, and no luck. Were doing the screen of green, and about the 3-4th week of flowering all the small bud leaves start dying, turning crispy from the tips back until they die. It doesnt seem to effect the buds, but the whole plant will do it. It doesnt happen on the plant when we just it grow normally, just in scrog. we are growing in terraponics, a ppm of about 6-700. Weve tried different nutes, same prob. We do strip most of the big leaves. We get a great yield, but i hate the yellowing leaves. I have tried to attach pics, we'll see if i do it right. If not, ill try again. But any help would be greatly appreciated, we have seriously spoken with MANY people, and no luck-


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
if you are talking about early yellowing in flower...i might have a tip for you?...give veg nutes up to the 3th or 4th week in flower and then change to flower nutes....if you are not overfeeding and do not have saltdeposits in your medium you should be doing better


criticalkronic said:
This is a medical grow, and weve asked EVERYONE and no one know what the hells the prob. weve been having this prob for about a year, trying everything, and no luck. Were doing the screen of green, and about the 3-4th week of flowering all the small bud leaves start dying, turning crispy from the tips back until they die. It doesnt seem to effect the buds, but the whole plant will do it. It doesnt happen on the plant when we just it grow normally, just in scrog. we are growing in terraponics, a ppm of about 6-700. Weve tried different nutes, same prob. We do strip most of the big leaves. We get a great yield, but i hate the yellowing leaves. I have tried to attach pics, we'll see if i do it right. If not, ill try again. But any help would be greatly appreciated, we have seriously spoken with MANY people, and no luck-

Why do you strip off all the big fans?

What strain are you growing?

When you strip the fans, you strip a great deal of the plants ability to manufacture it's own nutrients. The plant loses ability to support itself properly. Then if your PPM is too high, the plant cannot properly metabolize the nutes you feed it because it doesn't have the fan leaves available to process the nutes you feed it. So.....

I know you have to remove some fans when doing a scrog, but next time leave as many big fans as you can and see what happens. Reduce the PPM some as well.

Just my rookie 2 cents worth as they say.

Toodles :rasta:


Active member


if you are referring to the plants in your gallery...i would say they look f-ing great!!


maybe a little pH drift??

maybe use larger containers next time??

seriously, they look good!

if you are losing those leaves late in flower, don't worry...


very nice pics. when packed in tight the lower buds tend to finish a bit earlier ,great for oil or to sample. removing fan leaves to get more light is correct. leaving them on blocks light and air flow,promotes bugs and mold. also removing them improves taste dramatically, no cure even needed. your running nutes on the low side which is very good. any more is a waste. in my expierence of 35 years fan leaves only promote more leaf,bugs,and mold.


I stand corrected. I didn't know he had pics up yet. I didn't look at the gallery pics. :(

Yeah, if you're going to pack them in a grow like that, you probably do need to get rid of most of the fans. I'm a small grower and don't grow in that packed style. That and those plants look further along than 3-4 weeks, but I'm not familiar with the strain. So if they are finishing, then I would agree that the yellowing is fine.




New member
I grow terraponic, which is a little difficult to explain correctly. Its by fearless gardener, and they explain it better. basicly a flood and drain once a day. The buds dont seem effected, and the pics dont do the prob justice. i guess you cant post them here, or just i cant,I dont know. I take time to pick them all off(the yellow ones). Ive noticed that area under the light seem more affected. That is, a bud that is lying down will have more yellow on the light facing side than on the underneth. The room is not too hot , 80, and the lights are vented, and about 2 feet away. I use digital 600s- 4 per 6 plants. Since i went to scrog my yield at around doubled, from 5-6 ozs to aroun 8-14 per plant. But it brought the problem with the yellowing. It seem to affect the smaller leaves first, killing them all the way into the bud, but the buds fine, I would assume better if it had leaves. Well, they dont seem to be able to ripen, too many leaves die and i need to cut down before the whole things yellow. The picture pot6 in my gallery shows the prob best. Anyone know why i cant just show them here? I grow a pure g-13 breed, that has not been crossed as far as i can tell.I change nutes once a week. Does anyone think by taking off the shade leaves and lying them out that they are now receiving too much light?Or that by them producing twice as much as normal that they doing something different nutrient wise? I usually use 3 tbs per table, so i did a test of 2 in one table , 3 in one and 4 in the other the whole way through flowering. The tray with only 2 tbs produced less and they all yellowed. I will still grow some normally occasionally, and they dont yellow, so its not the room or breed. :bashhead: So i can put up any pics needed or just share some thoughts.By the way thats one plant in the pics.


Hi again:

Your problem is a mystery to me....I'm too inexperienced to help you. That is a very odd problem...after looking at pot_006. The plant to the left and behind it looks pretty normal though. The bud leaves don't look bad at all.

I hope you find someone here who can help you.

Good luck



rergarding posting pics...don't your pics show down at the bottom of the page when you post a new post or edit a previuous one?

If you click on those pics the thumbnail will show in your thread. Ppl can then click it to enlarge it.
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criticalkronic said:
Yea its says i'm unable to post attachments, am i just too new to be in the picture posting club?

You shouldn't be too new. I thought you only had to post 2 times to be able to post pictures.

That sucks. ppl can look at the gallery pics though.

Try to take pics with your HPS off. Normal room lights plus flash will make better pics with a lot less color distortion. I turn my light off for a few minutes for pics. The plants don't mind :)


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