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5 clones in rockwool need help


So I got 5 clones of American Dream in rockwool I recieved them from another grower in poor condition, one is doin great the others top growth is alil twisted and dark green while the bottom leaves are severly yellow.

The original grower was watering with plain water at ph 7 and would switch to ph 5.6 when he would feed with advanced nutrients. Ive heard its a no no to feed clones but ive heard the reverse is true also.

Its been 4 days Ive been watering with plain ph 6 today I feed with a quarter strength of the recomended dose of GH 3 part nutes at ph 6, thats what the package of roockwool I have recomended.

What should I be doing and at what ph and how much nutes should I use. Is the .33 ml per liter of each too much (its what the bottle recomends for cuttings)?

and Mucho Tacos


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Whether germing or rooting I never use plain water. 1/4 tsp per gal (.31 ml per Liter)of GH Micro and Bloom (no Grow) @ pH 5.8 works very well.


Thanks a ton dude. Been postin on other sites and this is the first response, straight and to the point on top of that. Bad asssss.

Thanks and mucho nachos FreezerBoy!


Active member
I'll second the light feeding...

Once rooted well I recommend the Lucas Formula to everyone.

Fine fellow did a LOT of work to put that together. The FAQ is the old overgrow.com recovered.

Good luck :)

(I don't like clones from people... *sigh* they're usually icky)


Ok so I weeded out the weak clones to focus on "big Birtha" and "Cindy", their names. I have them in the 3 or 4 inch Grodan cubes, roots started to show under Birtha and Cindy, so I transplanted them into 8 in. pots with expanded clay pellets. I am top feeding with a PH of 6.0.

Birtha is about 6 inches tall with many internodes, while cindy is laggin behind. Cindy's leaves are narrow and kinda sickly looking, but getting better. While Birtha looks textbook.

I plan on starting the Lucas Formula using the hardwater micro tomorrow or the next day, right now its at 1.5 ml per gallon gro, micro, and bloom. Should I use full or half strength lucas formula?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I'd start at half and see what happens. My girls say 0-3-6 is too strong.


Right on dude, Ill go to 0-2-4 and see what happens. The genetics are heavy on the indica side, from my reading I've gathered that they can handle a heavier neut level than sativas in general.

My friend just called me like right now, hes got some flowering plants in one of those BC producer things using advanced neutrients. The strain is American Dream. He said he thinks he may be feeding them too much, if so what are some things one might do say if the problem was A) overdose, B) Ph wack out, or C) impure water source ? Our what would one do if it was all of this combined?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
A and B are easily checked at home. What's the EC and pH? If you know it's C, can you get clean water? Once all that is assertained, I'd flush well with clean water and then add fresh nutes at half rates and keep scrupulous notes. EC up+pH down=Too Strong. EC down+pH up=Too weak.


Active member
Mr_Spliff said:
My friend just called me like right now, hes got some flowering plants in one of those BC producer things using advanced neutrients.

The Lucas Formula works with AN nutes too!

Might want to give your friend the info you looked up on Lucas :)


How do they work together? Id figure that using two nutes together would be a sure way to overdose. Or do you use half and half?


Thats what I got from a few, but one person mentioned only after roots show.

So today I changed out the rez and added 0-3-6 Lucas formula (hard water micro) I had a 30ml measuring cup with a ten gal rez, easy as pie. So I disconnected the pump from the line and took out a gal in a jug Ph adjusted to 5.8ish and waterd by hand for the next couple days, I hear the Ph should drop on its own. They are looking rather healthy other than a minor nitrogen def, which should now be taken care of.

At the moment I dont have any meters just GH's ph droplet test kit. I do have the meters but I didnt know I needed storage solution so I need to order some, where so you get your meter care supplies?