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The Obama camp responds to MMJ

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I believe this is a solid case and will survive apeals.

At that point every federal conviction that has taken place, in CA, under federal law, since 1996 will be overturned.

One key is the admission by the DEA that they had no way to determine what is medical and what is not.

That inability played a big part in this ruling.

I dont believe they have ruled on the case yet? Hell the gov could respond in 30 days to this order and get it dismissed, just as the plaintiff did early when they were first denied, they modified their claims and now one of the 5 they asserted have been accepted.

They ruled on accepting/denying a motion to dismiss the case on the grounds that the people suing the dea have no evidence, specifically that the DEA arent forcing the CA leo into arresting patients, the Controlled substances act allows for selective enforcement, meaning they can choose who to arrest when and for what, and who to let slide, when and for what.

i just got done reading the enitre *motion to dismiss and the order in response to the motion*

At least in those docs the DEA doesnt admit that they dont know what is med and not med, or legal/illegal in state court.

I believe they w/couldn't admit to knowing a difference between the two because in past cases they state there is no such thing as medical marijuana.

the documents claim the dea prevented the state from being able to determine what was legal and illegal, not the other way around.

I think what played a big part in the ruling .. is ... the part the judge agreed with, which is this:

A working system of recommendations, identification cards and medicinal providers is essential to the administration of California’s medical marijuana law. The effect of a concerted effort to disrupt that system at least arguably would be to require state officials to enforce the terms of the CSA.

which all hinges on:

If Plaintiffs can prove that Defendants are enforcing the CSA in the manner alleged, a question as to which the Court expresses no opinion, they may be able to show that Defendants deliberately are seeking to frustrate the state’s ability to determine whether an individual’s use of marijuana is permissible under California law

Which is then, unconstitutional.

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Thanks for filling me in.

Still .. the AG of CA has made a public statement rejecting federal marijuana laws.
Even though it's only medical. It's still a stand.


If you don't vote, you can't complain. This is a fact. If you write to your congressman/woman, they check to make sure you are a registered voter. They may even check to see if you have voted recently. Not a voter? Haven't voted in 10 years? They will not reply to your letters/rants/drunken-tirade-emails.

Personally, I LOVE to bitch to my senators and representative. Guess what? I get a reply every time. That means that at the very least, some assistant-intern had to read my angry-pissed off letter and select, from a quick pull-down menu, a pre-written response to my letter, then put a tally mark on a list of people who agree/disagree with the politician (re-elect/vote out).

Sometimes you get lucky: I have in writing, somewhere, a letter in which my representative talked about being a huge coke-head before he "got clean" and "saw the light". Juicy, but he makes no secret of the fact. I also got 20 pages of the US government's official policy of blighting the earth of poor farmers in the Columbian highlands by spraying Roundup Ultra from planes flown by independent contractors (Blackwater). The chemicals land on the family garden as well as the coca patch. The children eat the vegetables and become seriously ill for the rest of their lives.
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I will take this (positive) news when I can! I think this statement is much better than the presumed alternative.

Wooden Eye

You ALWAYS talk you Americans!
Think you are running the world while your own country turns to sh!t. You treat your poor like garbage. Throw people into jail like animals and let any trash enter and become citizens.Yeah thats so clever.The enemy is Your friend,it is Your Friend.


Active member
Wooden Eye said:
You ALWAYS talk you Americans!
Think you are running the world while your own country turns to sh!t. You treat your poor like garbage. Throw people into jail like animals and let any trash enter and become citizens.Yeah thats so clever.The enemy is Your friend,it is Your Friend.

Hello all,

If you are not an American...WTF does it matter to you?


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
BonsaiBud said:
Below is a response, in its entirety, to the question of "nation wide MMJ".
Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting Obama for America to inquire about the Senator's
position on allowing severely ill patients to use marijuana for medical

Many states have laws that condone medical marijuana, but the Bush
Administration is using federal drug enforcement agents to raid these facilities
and arrest seriously ill people. Focusing scarce law enforcement resources on
these patients who pose no threat while many violent and highly dangerous drug traffickers are at large makes no sense. Senator Obama will not continue the
Bush policy when he is president.

Thank you again for contacting us.


Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

Now, let me read into that. It is a very safe and politic response. If he does as he promises then that would at least give the "unlucky" states a glimmer of hope should they try to pass MMJ. One reason for a state to not bother with MMJ is that the Feds just tear up the operations in the "rogue" states. Not much use for me, but it takes things in the right direction.



SCF said:

June 22, 2008
George W. Bush in 1999: Let States Decide Medical Marijuana Laws
Posted by Anthony Gregory at June 22, 2008 07:49 PM

I distinctly remembered that Bush said something back during his first presidential campaign about leaving medical marijuana laws up to the states. After Clinton's horrendous crackdowns in California, I recall thinking Bush's stance on this, along with his "humble" foreign policy promises, was a reason I quietly rooted for him against Gore. I imagined on civil liberties and war, as well as economics, he'd be slightly less bad. And here it is,(http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/campaigns/wh2000/stories/bush102299.htm ) in Washington Post article from 1999: "Campaigning in Seattle on Saturday, Bush answered questions about medical marijuana laws by saying, 'I believe each state can choose that decision as they so choose.'"
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Active member
BiG H3rB Tr3E said:


You only get to pick between obama and mccain.
You think mccain is going to be any better on this subject?
It's always the lesser of two evils.


So because 1 person lied the next will too. Need i say more?

inflorescence said:
You only get to pick between obama and mccain.
You think mccain is going to be any better on this subject?
It's always the lesser of two evils.

DING DING DING. Okay so McCain is saying he will continue the raids. Obama saying he will stop them. hmmm no brainer even if he is lying why would i submit myself to guaranteed hate.
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Active member
Mccain's agenda seems to be making his pockets fatter... Who gives a fuck if your whoring yourself for weed it's better to take a step forward then 10 steps back... If Mccain wins next thing you know were having icmag parties in jail!


New member
Federal and state laws battling against each other is wierd. I'm not an american but if Obama gets to president, he's just asking himself to get assasinated. It's not the presidents who pull the strings.


New member
fuck it don't vote it doesn't make a difference at least on the president they both have the same long term agenda. Untill people will have balls and vote for a third party voting is pointless. We will get who we get and see if in 4 years people start looking for options.

of course vote on reps and senators and local ballots but voting for a republican or dem for the president is an illusion of democracy. You get the same effect either way more control.
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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Turducken said:
but voting for a republican or dem for the president is an illusion of democracy. You get the same effect either way more control.

EXACTLY,,,america has NEVER participated in a REAL election. Presidents are mere puppets picked and installed,, all the way back to washington.

but go to the booths,,fill at your ballet and get your "I VOTED" sticker,,, so you still feel liek your part of the process..

ahhh...facism in america,,,dont you love it???? :bashhead: :bashhead:

hmmm,,,what is the annual budget for the National Control Drug Policy??

oh yah,,,19.8 BILLION DOLLARS.... :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Wooden Eye said:
You ALWAYS talk you Americans!
Think you are running the world while your own country turns to sh!t. You treat your poor like garbage. Throw people into jail like animals and let any trash enter and become citizens.Yeah thats so clever.The enemy is Your friend,it is Your Friend.

yup thats right,,,did you know i have the final approval over that?? i decide who goes to jail,,,what polices we implement,, and the sort of treatment we give to our poverty stricken,,,,


we ((americans)) are just citizens trying to live in an overzealous country,,, you REALLY think WE (the citizens)) are responsible for any of these policies???

stop being so fuckng bitter at americans...its pathetic
Federal and state laws battling against each other is wierd. I'm not an american but if Obama gets to president, he's just asking himself to get assasinated. It's not the presidents who pull the strings.

i also fear 4 obama. if he gets assasinated, there will be riots but now, the po po is armed to the gills. norco bank robbery/ terrorism. every generation has had its wars. there was the war on communism, the war on drugs, now the war on terror. the new world order is at hand. the war on terror was designed to allow us to take control of middle east oil, so we can put a strangle hold on a india/china w/ their industries. what can we do? nothing?


Bong Smoking News Hound
Wooden Eye said:
You ALWAYS talk you Americans!
Think you are running the world while your own country turns to sh!t. You treat your poor like garbage. Throw people into jail like animals and let any trash enter and become citizens.Yeah thats so clever.The enemy is Your friend,it is Your Friend.

Thanks for rubbing shit in our faces? We already know this. This is why we want a CHANGE in our country! Not the Rich get Richer and the poor get .... you know how it goes.

Great find PB. Great Convo here. Im enjoying reading all the great input in this forum!



Active member
Wooden Eye said:
and let any trash enter and become citizens.

Actually, it would be quite the opposite that is true. The US has more skilled and diverse immigrants than Europe for example, there they let any old trash in, and many of them do not assimilate at all. Which wonderful country are you from? The US is a country built up from immigrants. Did you get denied a US citizenship once? LOL

What's this trash that you speak of? Do you have something against Mexicans or something? LOL

:joint: :wave:
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