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Stuff White People Like.


I was in a pretty sad earlier, then one of my friends sent me this and it's freaking hilarious.... There are a few of them that are pretty good. Marijuana being the first one, but if i have time i'll post a few others i found amusing.... you can find the list yourself at:


Feel free to posts ones you find amusing.

#33 Marijuana:
People from many cultures like marijuana (South East Asian, Jamaica, India, Morrocco, Mexico, etc), but white people take it to an entirely new level.

To simply purchase, roll and smoke marijuana is not enough for white people. They need to make sure they know all the different strains, cultivation technique, and methods for smoking it. They even have an entire magazine devoted those where they actually have centerfolds of plants that people have grown.

White people are also willing to spend over $500 on smoking devices just to find new and more expensive ways to smoke weed.

It is worth noting that at every white person, at some point, has written a high school or college paper about the history of how the DuPont industry helped make weed illegal. This paper also teaches them about how hemp can be used to fuel cars, make clothing, create food, cure cancer, and solve every single problem on earth.

While you would assume that most white people smoke weed between 14-28 (and act as though they are the first generation to do so), the reality is that white people smoke weed well into old age. They also smoke weed with their kids! This is not a joke. White people love weed so much that they consider it a ‘gift’ to share with their kids. Leading to a generation that was not allowed to watch Power Rangers, but was allowed to toke up.

All white people believe marijuana should be legalized, and they consider the Netherlands to a pinnacle of enlightenment. Also, every white person has had their most profound weed smoking experience in Amsterdam, so it’s a good idea to fabricate a story about your own experience there so you can quickly forge a bond. Traditional tales uses the following words: hostel, brownie, girl/guy from Hungary, crazy, locked out, chill dudes from Ireland.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should ever imply that people just smoke weed to get high, they do it for medical/spiritual/social reasons, etc, or that there aren't any negative consequences. This will likely alienate you from white people.

On the plus side, white people are always looking for higher quality, more potent, more organic marijuana. If you promise to hook them up with a special selection from your home country, they will likely pay a high premium.


the truth is hilarious.

obviously exaggerated with words like "every" but some of this is spot on.

Whoever wrote this was pretty in tune.

I myself could be in several of those at some point in my life....although so could plenty of other american kids from other cultures that are not white.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I used to love watchin Power Rangers

That pink ranger was SMOKIN hot

Sadly I was an adult then
How do you think Gypsy got rich?

Any business you start - you think about the market.

White - black - brown - who gives a shit? The only colour that matters is green.


SugarShack said:
lol yea it shouldnt. and all white people? this thread should be closed

The whole website/blog is obviously meant to be a little over the top.... like Jahkaya said the 2nd post in, its "obviously exaggerated", imo thats what makes it soo damn funny.

Man i hope you were not serious.


Ah come on .... Gotta be able to laugh at ones self . That's some funny ass shit ...

Here's 1 , ALL white people like : Bologna sandwiches ... lmao , yeah right , I fuggin hate bologna .

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Active member
well "white people" don't all share the same culture or ethnicity or country same with other races lol.

I think most of that list is more for people born into north american culture.

lol at " like expensive sandwiches"


lives on planet 4:20
^^I don't think this thread should be closed^^....that is an awesome link....and its good to laugh at yourself....white, black, or asian...whatever color...we are all people...and we all like some funny and rediculous things

and concerning about amsterdam and buying smoking gear and growing most potent grass......that all fits me perfectly....and last time I looked at myself I was white...so there is some truth in this.....lol
It ain't just north american white people.. The same could definitely be said for most of us UK folk too. I'm guilty of a few of those myself i must admit.. Not many though.

I smoke weed to get HIGH. I make my own smoking implements. I'm looking forward to this profound smoking experience though.. Up to now my most profound smoking experiences are when i realised that no matter what upbringing, colour, nationality, whatever, Weed brings people together. Oh that and one time when i was in my front room with my principal toker friend and we spent many hours laughing at the apple I was going to eat but never did.. and commenting how nice sandra bullock looks in wet clothing.



* #107 Self Aware Hip Hop References-No
* #106 Facebook-Never been to facebook
* #105 Unpaid Internships-No
* #104 Girls with Bangs-True, not a big fan of foreheads
* #103 Sweaters-True, love me a good sweater
* #102 Children’s Games as Adults-Yeah I can dig them if playing them with one of my nieces.
* #101 Being Offended-False, it takes a lot for me to be offended
* #100 Bumper Stickers-True, got a couple
* #99 Grammar-True, big fan of grammar
* #98 The Ivy League-Sure
* #97 Scarves-I dont like them, but it does seem all the women in my family do
* #96 New Balance Shoes- Not sure, never owned a pair
* #95 Rugby-No
* #94 Free Healthcare-I like free anything
* #93 Music Piracy-Guilty
* #92 Book Deals-Sure
* #91 San Francisco- Never really gave it much thought
* #90 Dinner Parties-Never been to one, I think
* #89 St. Patrick’s Day-Green Beer!
* #88 Having Gay Friends-I dont have any at the moment, but wouldnt be against it
* #87 Outdoor Performance Clothes- yeah
* #86 Shorts-yup
* #85 The Wire- Hell Yeah, my favorite cable drama
* #84 T-Shirts-yup
* #83 Bad Memories of High School-No, best time of my life
* #82 Hating Corporations-not really, but Im not much of a fan of thieving ones
* #81 Graduate School-Never been to one
* #80 The Idea of Soccer-I like soccer
* #79 Modern Furniture-No, Im kind of old fashioned
* #78 Multilingual Children-Sure
* #77 Musical Comedy-Yeah
* #76 Bottles of Water-Yup
* #75 Threatening to Move to Canada-No never, Id move to Mexico before Canada, too cold up there. I love the USA
* #74 Oscar Parties-Never been to one, but Id go to one if invited
* #73 Gentrification-huh?
* #72 Study Abroad- No
* #71 Being the only white person around-No
* #70 Difficult Breakups-No
* #69 Mos Def-I like him as an actor, Im not really into Hip Hop
* #68 Michel Gondry-huh?
* #67 Standing Still at Concerts-hahaha
* #66 Divorce-No
* #65 Co-Ed Sports-Sure
* #64 Recycling-Sure
* #63 Expensive Sandwiches-Guilty, love me a good hoagie, no matter the cost
* #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People-Fuck poor people!(I kid, I kid)
* #61 Bicycles- Im anti-exercise
* #60 Toyota Prius-No, I like my gas guzzlin truck
* #59 Natural Medicine-No, give me the good shit when I need it
* #58 Japan-Not really, but I have witnessed this phenonenom, my brother loves anything from Japan, Im an India guy
* #57 Juno-Had the DVD for awhile, aint watched it yet
* #56 Lawyers- Haha yeah right
* #55 Apologies-Not really big on apologies
* #54 Kitchen Gadgets-Sure
* #53 Dogs-Sure
* #52 Sarah Silverman-She is strange, but Id hit it
* #51 Living by the Water-Id love to
* #50 Irony-yeah
* #49 Vintage-yeah
* #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops-Wat?
* #47 Arts Degrees-No
* #46 The Sunday New York Times-Hellz no
* #45 Asian Fusion Food-I like asian food, I like food in general
* #44 Public Radio- yeah
* #43 Plays-a good one
* #42 Sushi-absolutely not
* #41 Indie Music-not really
* #40 Apple Products-I want an imac, but I own a zune actually
* #39 Netflix-no, OnDemand and video piracy for me
* #38 Arrested Development-actually not a fan, but I didnt give it much of a chance
* #37 Renovations-sure
* #36 Breakfast Places-hell yeah
* #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report-love both shows
* #34 Architecture-Sure
* #33 Marijuana- Duh
* #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism-No not a fan.
* #31 Snowboarding-I am anti-exercise
* #30 Wrigley Field- yes and Fenway
* #29 80s Night- haha I guess
* #28 Not having a TV- oh hell no
* #27 Marathons- no Im anti exercise
* #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)- Got family all over NY so I guess so
* #25 David Sedaris- who?
* #24 Wine- Yeah with a nice meal, Im italian
* #23 Microbreweries- Yessir
* #22 Having Two Last Names- not really
* #21 Writers Workshops- no
* #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture- I guess?
* #19 Traveling-Sure
* #18 Awareness- I guess
* #17 Hating their Parents- I love my mommy
* #16 Gifted Children-Sure?
* #15 Yoga-Absolutely not
* #14 Having Black Friends- where I grew up, its natural
* #13 Tea-Iced Tea
* #12 Non-Profit Organizations-Sure
* #11 Asian Girls-busty Asians!
* #10 Wes Anderson Movies-Who?
* #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside-No
* #8 Barack Obama-Sure I like him, seems like a decent dude
* #7 Diversity-Sure
* #6 Organic Food- I dont go out of my way
* #5 Farmer’s Markets- Hell yeah
* #4 Assists- John Stockton!
* #3 Film Festivals- Yeah
* #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to-Still in the same religion
* #1 Coffee- Yep!


lives on planet 4:20
lol luciano....you must not be white.....because imo the majority of white people are too lazy to go over this list and comment on each one...lol


southflorida said:
lol luciano....you must not be white.....because imo the majority of white people are too lazy to go over this list and comment on each one...lol

Caffeine is a helluva drug!


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