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Post your "doom" or "cosmic" visions...


lives on planet 4:20
here's a doom vision.....tension between russia and usa is real now.....usa sends a nuclear head from the ship they have in the black sea as we speak now....and russia send nuclear heads to america

and then about a thousand nuclear loaded rockets blast america and russia......and we are all fuc...ed

and this is no joke....the tensions are serious...and george and vladimir are not having the best relationship lately.....lol

how about that for a doom vision???...good enough???...lol


Active member
Another way to put it - it removes the barriers in the mind that restrict it's power.
Some of the barriers removed are the (perceived) fibres of reality - the rules of logic that govern what's possible and not in "the real world". The result of that is just logical fallacies in thinking - nothing useful. That's why most of the "stoner" visions one gets are just silly, impossible ideas.

Quite often though, other kinds of barriers are removed. The ones that have found their way into our minds - some of them deliberately placed there by the indoctrination/programming we have been put through in our early years. THAT is the time when weed is not just mind-altering, but indeed mind-expanding.


steppinRazor said:
outta all the ppl...

Haha now i get it, becuase sneaky fuck EDITED his first post and made it more appealing

Let me have a read thro this thread.......... be back in a sec


flubnutz said:
i sometimes think of what happens to our molecules when we die, and think maybe george washington or someone else famous died and the worms finally got em and they became part of the soil, and a plant sucked up some of that george nutrient and a bee got the pollen and made honey which got eaten by a bear ... up til the point where it got into a pot plant which flowered and i got the buds and i smoked one and i was smoking a molecule from george washington's ass. :bat:

Haha thats funny.

When I get High I sometimes think of what it would be like to have a watch that could stop time!! Think about it you press the stop button and the whole world freezes but you can move around and live normally until you press the button on the watch again and bang everybody starts moving again and life continues.

I actually developed a talent which fiddles with time in a funky way.
What happened is this i developed a time bending talent many years ago but only last year started using it.

It allows me to change past events like this: i think of something i did and flip a switch in my heart chakras and direct course of events they way i want it to go and it changes my past actions. Ive "corrected" a number of shitty events in my life this way. I know soounds unbelievable but thats how it works. My left heart chakra has also funky devises to fiddle with time in another manner which i cant even begin to describe

Anyway great thread blackone, if u want doom day scenarios i got planty

How about an army of superpowerful aliens under command of satan invade the earth in 2012 and destroy all of us free thinkers in a matter of months or even weeks?

The good thing is we are not alone and there r good aliens out there as well which should help us if that happens.

Everythings on hold right, cabal is THINKING atm, soon we shall have the asnwer i hope


My cosmic vision showed me this thread was coming

My cosmic vision showed me this thread was coming

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stoned agin ...
well, we do manufacture our reality in many ways.

when i think of the leadup to the gulf wars, i think of orwell's 1984, where the enemy becomes the ally and the ally becomes the enemy, right in the middle of a rally. or when i hear of and see cameras on streetcorners all over, and tapping of interenet and phone conversation.

when i think of the consumer culture with all the shit the come up with that we absolutely cant live without, i think of huxley's brave new worlds, with all the useless complicated junk they come up with for us to "need" and consume.

pardon me, i'm baked, but does it seem were letting some people manufacturing a pretty bad reality?

and a bit off topic, wasn't that china olympic stuff a bit Leni Riefenstahl?
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Anything we can imagine, any scenario we can construct in our minds, is possible in this Universe. Scientists are just beginning to understand this. At a quantum level, the laws which seemingly govern our 'world' appear to break down. What I see and feel around me during my waking hours may not 'really' exist and could easily be the construct of the collective consciousness of our minds? The physical realities of the Big Bang theory point to nothing and when you look far enough into an atom, there is almost nothing there. And when they figure out how to look even further into the atom, the chances are that there will be nothing at all there either. So, what I see and feel around me is fast beginning to look like it comes from nothing and is made of nothing. Surely that means that it is all imaginary?

When I see all of the destruction and war being waged daily and the long history of perpetual human conflict, I often think that this is a kind of matrix style cosmic prison for murderous minds. By the looks of it, the Earth is a long long way from any other place with 'intelligent' life. Here we can blow everything to smithereens well out of harms way. I'm just hoping that a peaceful tokers life will get me out of here!!!



Active member
when i think of the leadup to the gulf wars, i think of orwell's 1984, where the enemy becomes the ally and the ally becomes the enemy, right in the middle of a rally. or when i hear of and see cameras on streetcorners all over, and tapping of interenet and phone conversation.

when i think of the consumer culture with all the shit the come up with that we absolutely cant live without, i think of huxley's brave new worlds, with all the useless complicated junk they come up with for us to "need" and consume.

pardon me, i'm baked, but does it seem were letting some people manufacturing a pretty bad reality?

i wrote a blog once, just a rant:

1984 is happening

im in a sucky grammar mood, didnt learn it in Highschool

have you ever noticed that:

The emos, picture takers holding cameras above their bodies, the ones that use "gangsta" and even try and dress gansta......are much like the swallowers of slogans in the book 1984?

There are cameras on some streets and the FBI or whoeverthefuck can listen to any phone conversation they want without warrant. Can you say fucking telescreens?

FOX edited McCain's interview, wiping out the second half of his response which was "I really didn't love America until I was deprived of her company." Well, if this isn't a prime example of the Ministry of Truth, or minitruth. How doubleungood is that!?

Bush tried to put forth a plan hiring 1 million people who work in other's households that would involve just calling a toll-free number if they've seen any suspicious activities. They would be looking for people who commit thought-crime, sabatuers, and people against the Inner Party.

And just like the language of NewSpeak, designed to lessen the expanse of human thought; commercials, fads, pills, conveniences, the news, magazines all do this to us.

1 Experts dictate onto us their "factual" views on news specials; the same news stations who have an agenda.

2 Instead of offering a person love and care to heal them, you get fucking pills because they make money, spend less time doing it, and you never fucking heal so that you are a recurring income for them.

3 Commercials telling you meningitis can kill you in a day and can seem just like the flu and then offer and vaccine or something for it. They show people having fun sipping on shakes and holding hands and tell you that's how meningitis spreads. They are bringing up your mortality in the most fucked up way ever because only .000002% of people die each year because of it, mmkay, well 849 people died last year because of it, but 15000 died last year from just falling AKA toppling over. Fuck you meningitis and the commercials that come with you. If you don't buy this toothpaste, you'd've overlooked something huge in attracting a mate: your white teeth - now this one isn't bad, but seriously, a person's dream is almost always finding the perfect mate and they cross the line with that one, nice manipulation, you pieces of shit. Another commercial says if you don't buy this contact solution that things might be blurry and they depict a small child in the rear seat of a vehicle.

3 People need convenience and it allows them to not have to think or do things, so they get less experience and when it comes to doing those things, they are dumb all of a sudden. AKA "i need use my calculator" syndrome.

4 Not to mention trying to explain our existence with some dude floating in space that decides to actually do something and make shit. This one doesn't deserve my critical attention because its so easy to figure out and yet, my views about it are so hard for people to accept that I feel stupid for even trying to convince people magic isnt real......!!!....did I just say "I'm not going to try convincing people that magic isn't real.?"

5 Go green, save the environment, buy products that are "green" that manufacturers have built production lines for, producing tons of fucking waste, smoke, pollution for your green motives. The whole point of going green is almost for people to buy more products and to get into the go green fad. Instead of buying shit, do something smarter like stop breathing or doing that nifty falling thing I previously mentioned. You could be smart by donating your money to something that saves our planet and not boost production and profits of companies.

So, to sum it up, the swallowers of slogans are half as smart as I am, but not twice as dumb - so why don't they prove it?

Stay Puft

flubnutz said:
well, we do manufacture our reality in many ways.
yup,yup I am going to show my age here but...
In example:
Ever notice how much the cell phone these days looks just like "Communicators" from the original Star Trek?
I wonder when will the transporters and phasers will be complete? (we don't need no stinkin photon torpedos thou) :bashhead:

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