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Clone freezing advice please?


New member
Hey guys I know that clones can be frozen but I was wondering how long they stay viable for? anyone have any experience with this? I wanna save this pheno but I hafta stop growing for a while and I got no seed backup. So I figured freezing a few clones would be my best bet.

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated


Active member
Where, pray tell, did you hear "freezing" clones would preserve them? It will "kill" them dead as Lincoln! LOL
You may preserve seeds if all moisture is removed but it's better to refrigerate. You can slow growth in the fridge for a couple weeks with lite. But consider gifting a friend who will return a cut to you later.
Yeah, where did you hear that? Water expands when frozen. The water molecules in the cutting would expand when frozen damaging cell walls. I don't know why you need to stop, but take a cutting and throw it someone inconspicuous. A drawer in the garage or something with a floro on it. Thats what I would do. Good luck!


New member
Oh.. fuck I thought I read somewhere that you could freeze em.. perhaps I misunderstood and they were talkin about slowin growth in the fridge or somethin..

Well I hope I can find my Master Kush a good home =\

Guest 16149

Only thing that survives a freezing is seeds, musta been what you read, or you can keep clones in the fridge for a few days no damage.
Good luck, I am sure you will find them a nice home :)

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