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Scrog or SOG??



so my alpha diesels are a month old, i was planning on vegging them a lil longer and then taking as many clones as I can and doing a 36 plant Sog on my 3x3 ebb n' flo.

To do this i would probably need another week or two of veg, plus they haven't shown sex yet... Then a 3 week veg in the easy cloner before flipping to flower.

Do you guys think it would be better to do a scrog? How long do you think it will take to fill up a 3x3 screen? How do you guys think the yields would compare?


statictattoo said:
plus they haven't shown sex yet...

You might wanna sex them asap which ever way you decide to go

statictattoo said:
Do you guys think it would be better to do a scrog? How long do you think it will take to fill up a 3x3 screen? How do you guys think the yields would compare?

A scrog and a sog use the same theory, an even canopy with the lights as close as possible.

I believe the only difference is plant numbers and veg time.

Scrog= less plants, more veg
Sog= more plants, little to no veg


yah in theroy, but which one do you think would be faster.. I think either way a matter of weeks..

I was kinda hoping they will show sex in the next few weeks, i'm going to put them under the 400 watt mh sometime this week
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statictattoo said:
yah in theroy, but which one do you think would be faster.. I think either way a matter of weeks..

I was kinda hoping they will show sex in the next few weeks, i'm going to put them under the 400 watt mh sometime this week

If your mom/donor plant has enough tops then it would only be a matter of making enough clones and you can run a sog as soon as they root.

If your mom/donor plant is big enough you can start training it under a scrog and veg it until your screen is full.

When did you flip 12/12?? My girls usually take 7-14 days to show sex.


the_lonely_one said:
Of course there is always the legality issue, but I am sure you thought of that. :rasta:

What do you mean by that? Plant count?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
When I did SOG, I averaged 50-75 plants at a time. With ScROG, I average 2. I did perpetual for a while but after the newness wore off, I found it to be too much work (I'm a LAZY grower)

SOG would be faster. How much faster depends on how big a screen you're trying to fill with a ScROG. SOG would be better for multi strain gardens if you're so inclined. I like harvesting 2-3 times a year as opposed to every 2 weeks. But, that's me.


2-3 times a year? Do you take time off? Id like to harvest at least every 2 months.. and man after spending 2 days cleaning rocks and trimming Id rather spend a few hours every week with a few plants. But that is down the road at some point. I just cant do it with my current set up, the problem would be flushing.. i would need a separate flood table... sometimes i think i should have went dirt and life would so much easier

So you think it'd be faster to clone and do a sog aposed to doing a scrog... I guess Im just a lil worried my last attempt at cloning was not sucesful, I didnt have a eazy cloner then but what if it doesnt work and i kill all my Alpha's.... that would really make me :badday:
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the_lonely_one said:
Yes, plant count.

Im not sure what the plant count laws are in canada... Ill still be under 99 so thats a good thing


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
statictattoo said:
2-3 times a year? Do you take time off?
There are only so many 160 day grows you can get in in under a year. Right now I'm growing Thunks and 20 weeks of 12/12 just isn't enough time for them to finish.

I may take next summer off or buy a micro chiller for my DWC. I'm still on the fence. I just don't care to do the ice bottle boggie again.


20 weeks, crazy man crazy... must be some killer smoke to be willing to go through that


are you growing for your own medication? growing for just meds the way that i've seen works best is to scrog, it will NOT BE FASTER, but i think youd be happier with the end results. That way clones dont mean the end of the world if you lose some. take a bunch keep a few, use only a couple.


Romalin said:
are you growing for your own medication? growing for just meds the way that i've seen works best is to scrog, it will NOT BE FASTER, but i think youd be happier with the end results. That way clones dont mean the end of the world if you lose some. take a bunch keep a few, use only a couple.

I am growing for my and my growing partners personal use, would be nice to have way more then i need and sell a lil on the side... times are tough money would be nice


id go scrog if you wanna have some cash later, it will be harder right now, but again; i think youd be much happier with the end result.


you know, you can always try both methods and see which you prefer? Not sure how much space you have, but as FB has demonstrated, a SCROG in an old freezer will have plenty of yield. A smalller sog (4x4 table for example) isn't too much space either.

You could start the scrog with a few clones, then once you get cloning down to a science, start a sog. The two methods can race to harvest :)


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
the_shadow said:
FB has demonstrated, a SCROG in an old freezer will have plenty of yield.
Thanks for the shout out but, Truth in Advertising ... It took 160 days. I don't think Master Stat's Alpha Diesel requires a Thunk's 20+ weeks of 12/12 but, ... I'm just sayin'.


true, true... timing is a factor (My haze mum is a 180 b@tch!) I guess growing styles as well as strain flowering times should be considered =P


The only way i can ever see myself running a 160 day strain is A) I go dirt or B) do a bucket system.. and even then maybe 1 in the back outa sighta outa mind lol


In my opinion scrog, if you do it right, is a lot of work. training and trimming. sog, on the other hand, can be much easier and you end up with a much more consistent end result. you can move them around and harvest is a breeze.