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aint this some shit

so i just got sent home from work cuz some stupid bitch.

she has been ridin my ass the WHOLE day. being just a bitch. everybody was pissin me off today. everyone had a attitude. btw i work at a bagel shop and on the weekends its non stop customers for hours. and if that isnt stressfull enough then u got co-workers bein faggots. so then a hour ago this stupid fuckin bitch accuses me of fuckin up a customers order without even askin me if i made it. then i just snapped. the manager talked to me, he doesnt like that bitch either. he took me outside to smoke a cigarrette with me and talk about it and i guess she said she felt "threatened" with me there.

im so fuckin pissed.


Active member
lol i just read your thread, where do you work

so bagel shop is out

its funny how you say she was "riding" your ass hahaha

but yeah dude, welcome to life
work is like that, I have a hard time myself, its bs

sometimes you have to take shit
sometimes, you shouldnt

also, try to come relaxed at work i dunno, exercice ? breathing ? relaxtion

all the best

hope all ends well in the bagel world
nah bagel shop is not out. i wish they would tell me they want to fire me. i got some words for there ass. they arnt talking to a dumbass i know how shit works. if shes gonna bring me down. ima get her mini-wannabe-a-manager lookin ass demoted. fuck outta here.

today was just a bad day.


I thought you were gonna say "he took me outside to smoke a [joint] with me and talk about it"


ICMag Donor
you didnt get fired right WS? ....that sucks but ya know every job has some idiot that you have to put up with, the last job I has, there was a girl I worked with, wanted to strangle her everyday!! ..deep breath, count to 10 and try not to yell at her :D

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
if u quit>>>get one of them bagels full of creamcheese and smear the bitches face innit


Active member
I'm going in on Monday and if my boss pisses me off one more time I am going off on the bitch.

Read my post in 'where do you work' and you'll know why. For example, I have been told I am not working fast enough but my boss just sits there and watches without ever understanding whats going on. See I deal with 5-600+ boxes a day. Some boxes can be processed within seconds and sometimes it takes a few minutes to process a box. She'll see 10 boxes on a pallet and will assume I should have it done in a couple minutes without ever knowing whats in the boxes. Sure, sometimes it will only take a few minutes to process 10 boxes and sometimes it'll take 5-10 minutes a box. If she tells me I am moving to slow on Monday there will be hell to pay. That's all I know. Don't tell me I am slow when I've been busting ass and you don't even know whats going on.

Last time I work for someone else. I've reached the end of my rope. That's just one thing about my job that pisses me off. There are several other reasons. If it was just that one thing I wouldn't give a fuck but when you combine everything together its making my stress levels go from about a 4 on a scale of 1-10 to about a 8 or 9 and sometimes I'm at a 10. Can't live much longer being so stressed out.
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The curse of the hard worker, the Boss doesn't do shit, gets paid the most, and if they had to do your job, they wouldn't even know what to do.

Self Employment is the only way to go.


Active member
right, farmerjoe. that's how it works and the thing is I can do everything my boss can do expect for a few tasks and the only reason I can't do them is because company policy forbids me. Train me for a week and I could do EVERYTHING they do and I could do it more efficiently. yet, my boss gets paid 4 times what I get for doing shit all. fuck that shit. bosses are useless. and your right, ask my boss to do my job and the idiot wouldn't know what the fuck is going on. i've actually seen it once.

like you said, self employment is the only way to go.
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cant stop wont stop
well man that sucks.
we've all had shitty jobs and alls you can do is prove your better than that and work hard.

i just got fired from a job last week due to a race war that has been going on at my former employer for around 2 months. i fell victim to this and everyone i know has confronted me on the fact this was the reason.

i worked there a year and a half and never had a problem, even took on positions my own boss didn't comprehend and made more raises than others who where there b4 me.

allls i can do now is laugh about the situation - mainly cuz ive been sittin around smokin mad reeefer since then - jobs and bosses are a joke.

i say blow that fuckin joint man and blow a joint on your way out.

theres bigger and better things in life than a job where you're working for someone else.

legal or "illegal" ..

do what ya gotta do and keep your head up man
lifes too short to worry about the douche bags that surround us


RudolftheRed, Wisconsinsmoker, I have some advice about women coworkers for you: If you can't beat 'em, fuck 'em.

I mean literally. Turn up the sugar and seduce their ugly asses. Control them with sex and, dare I say it... love. Then, separate them from their families and break up their marriages and relationships. Get them to take on debt for you and embezzle money for you. All along, be their one and all.

Then, as cruelly as possible, diminish them, humiliate them, and finally, reject them. If you do the job right, you can put her suicide note in your 2008 scrapbook! Hooray!


Active member
Shlomo said:
RudolftheRed, Wisconsinsmoker, I have some advice about women coworkers for you: If you can't beat 'em, fuck 'em.

I mean literally. Turn up the sugar and seduce their ugly asses. Control them with sex and, dare I say it... love. Then, separate them from their families and break up their marriages and relationships. Get them to take on debt for you and embezzle money for you. All along, be their one and all.

Then, as cruelly as possible, diminish them, humiliate them, and finally, reject them. If you do the job right, you can put her suicide note in your 2008 scrapbook! Hooray!

Hello all,

Well, its a plan!



stoned agin ...
you guys checkin out what else is out there? send out some feelers and see if anything else is around, go for interviews and shit and hold on a bit, best revenge is goin someplace else and they gain, while your old boss is left without a good worker, stewin in his/her own shit PLUS you didnt get strapped in the meantime for cash, just slipped out of the old and into the new. and, its easier to get a job when you're working, because at the very least it shows the new guy that someone's willing to pay you to drag your ass in every day :D

it may not be popular nowadays, but if you get in a union shop a lot of that type of crap gets killed fast. it has its ups and downs, but with a good one it works. best of luck to y'all
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Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
Mr lif - live form the plantation
so maybe i should just jump up and get ill, maybe i should let these people know they being killed, or maybe i should do my best to chill and get paid cause i got to pay bills
my boss walks by hes looking just like an asshole smiling cause he jerks niggas for minimal cashflow, hes cool in my face but i swear i heard him laugh though, tickled by the fact that im the mordern day sambo, and just when i think that im about to go rambo i call up my man and he says he understands yo, we all are bing murdered by a similar process, whether you work at the candy store or slave at the office, the purpose of our life is just to serve the economy, they misinform our minds to paint a picture of harmony, but if youre listening you know that shits out of tune cause the function of our life is just to work an consume, fuck reachin out to help the next there aint any room just close your eyes and block your eyes and march to your doom
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Sheriff Bart said:
Mr lif - live form the plantation
so maybe i should just jump up and get ill, maybe i should let these people know they being killed, or maybe i should do my best to chill and get paid cause i got to pay bills
my boss walks by hes looking just like an asshole smiling cause he jerks niggas for minimal cashflow, hes cool in my face but i swear i heard him laugh though, tickled by the fact that im the mordern day sambo, and just when i think that im about to go rambo i call up my man and he says he understands yo, we all are bing murdered by a similar process, whether you work at the candy store or slave at the office, the purpose of our life is just to serve the economy, they misinform our minds to paint a picture of harmony, but if youre listening you know that shits out of tune cause the function of our life is just to work an consume, fuck reachin out to help the next there aint any room just close your eyes and block your eyes and march to your doom

Ain't that the truth. We're all slaves nowadays. Even if you're selfemployed you're a slave to the economy, paying taxes and insurance just to keep the wheels turning.

I fucking hate how most everyone encourages this too, what is expected of you in life is that you're a productive little fuck, working your ass off financing the lives of the people on top of the pyramid. Fuck, life has turned in to exactly that - a gigantic pyramid scheme. Try to break free and you get kicked in the face until you conform again.



stoned agin ...
there is another way. go to where you are by yourself, and reliant only upon yourself. to where dinner is at the end of the tracks in the snow, hot water is what you boil, with wood you find or cut down and dry. where you stitch up your own wounds, and if you break your leg, you probably die. once you go past the number one (you), then its dealin with two, three ...


Active member
metamorf said:
Ain't that the truth. We're all slaves nowadays. Even if you're selfemployed you're a slave to the economy, paying taxes and insurance just to keep the wheels turning.

I fucking hate how most everyone encourages this too, what is expected of you in life is that you're a productive little fuck, working your ass off financing the lives of the people on top of the pyramid. Fuck, life has turned in to exactly that - a gigantic pyramid scheme. Try to break free and you get kicked in the face until you conform again.

Yeah, basically I agree. We are all slaves for the work force. If you don't work your only other option is to rot and die. From day one we are trained to be productive little worker ants. Its why we go to school by age 6. Its why people go to college so they can get a 'career' and work the rest of there life. Then you retire at 65 and your dead 10 years later. Meanwhile you spent the last 40+ some years working. Its fucking bullshit and I'm fed up with it. At least if I work for myself I can do things I like to do and make money at the same time. That's a vast difference from what I do now. I've got one life to live and I sure as hell ain't going to live it busting my ass working for money. I live to have a little more substance in my life. Apparently most Americans don't care. For them its all about how productive you are at work and how much shit can you own. Shit people think they need but in reality they don't need it at all. They just think they need it because they spent all that time working for money so they figure they better spend it. Wow, what a shitty life.

Work, sleep, buy shit, eat, buy shit, buy shit, work, work, work, sleep, eat, work work work work work...

that's how America lives.
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