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:rasta: what's up brothers and sisters, I need some advice.

My :joint: friend had a really nice bong, but he left lemonaide in it after using it and it went moldy. Furthermore, he lost his bowl. He was going to throw the bong out when I took it off of his hands...

All that I need to buy is a bowl. Now I need to know how to clean my moldy bong(glass), so that it is safe to use!

Thanks for the helps guys n gals.


99% Isopropyl Alcohol (See: Vons/Safeway) and Coarse salt. Plug the joint, pour in salt, pour in iso. Shake, shake, shake. Empty. Rinse out well with water. Repeat as necessary.
For bowls and diffusers, etc. Do the same thing except place them in a ziplock bag with some iso and salt.


Wow that was fucking fast help! thanks mon.

What do you mean by "Plug the Joint"?...Asides from that I think I understand. isopropyl alcohol in bong+salt, shake, rinse, repeat?


Registered Pothead
Yeah alcohol and salt. rice works good too with alcohol to grab those big particles. Wash it out first with lots of hot water before you swirl the salt and alcohol around.


The joint on the bong. Meaning the hole where the downstem goes into. I have a Gong (Glass on Glass) bong, so I use a cork from a wine bottle to plug the hole (I had a shave it a little, but it works perfectly).



thanks for the help everyone! This bong is so cool, it has lights built into the bottom, illuminating the whole bong with a variety of changing colors. It's really nice, I'm glad my friend didn't want it!


iso and salt like everyone else said, it's the best

if you're lazy and the bong is new you can try oxyclean, I used to use that but it was free at the time for me, just rinse it well

but iso and salt is the best way
chubbynugs said:
Yeah alcohol and salt. rice works good too with alcohol to grab those big particles. Wash it out first with lots of hot water before you swirl the salt and alcohol around.

true dat, you can pick 91% from wal-mart and i use Sea Salt because how big the salt crystals are.. and some ice cubes..


Okay thanks for all the great advice...

I know this might be a longshot, but if it saves me a trip to the store...

I have hydrogen peroxyde at my house, as well as rubbing alcohol compound which is 95% ethanol.

Would these be effective in dissinfecting my bong or do I really need iso alcohol.


ruger 500
ok here is my secret ,alcohol orange dawn dishwashing soap and bb for your bb gun ,a small hand full works real good ,mix and shak until clean ,but dont tell anyone ok


FreezerBoy said:
Cooking oil works, too. Vegetable, corn, canola ...
wait what the fuck?

elaborate please....this is very fucking interesting man!!!!lol I was just contemplating going to buy some isopropyl. Does this mean I can use cooking oil and salt??? That would be truly fantastic.

I love the mornings.

PS: that's dirty man don't wash your bong with orange dawn....that's fucking nasty u wanna toke that shit?
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Where did you get that because he cleans his tube with Dawn it means he wants to 'toke' it? That's quite a leap.

I've never, ever heard of someone using cooking oil to clean glass, please elaborate. Even if it does work (which I'm skeptical on), I'd stick to the Iso+salt for a moldy tube. Not only need to clean but sanitize it.

I'd pour couple pots of boiling water through it, then right after while it's still hot throw in the Iso+salt and shake like a madman.

edit: ha, I have heard of people using the denture cleaner. does it work any better than Iso?


chicalyx said:
edit: ha, I have heard of people using the denture cleaner. does it work any better than Iso?

He swears by it, he used to borrow Formula 420 off me all the time, then when he quit coming around asking me for some, I asked him whats up and he said he been using efferdent, lol. His pipes looked good to me, I never watched him do it during the process but they always look good and smoke good.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
stoopid said:
elaborate please....this is very fucking interesting man
THC is soluble in alcohol or oil (ie cannabutter). I doubt salt or rice would work with oil due to viscocity. You'll need a tooth or bottle brush to clean inside the pipe. Once clean, wash out with soap and water. It can be messy but, sometimes it's 3:00 am and there's no alcohol.

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