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water quality


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Can bad water quality cause nutrient issues. I'm having some weird shit going on here. I have 2 grow tents 1 was a growbox xl that I upgraded to a Secret Jarden. When the plants where in veg witch was a room with 8 54w T5 lights. The plants looked and grew extremely well. When I put the plants into iether tent the palnts started to have problems the bigest was yellowing leaves and then turning brown like they where dead this is in both tents. I have done extensive homeworke on these tents and everyone says the growbox and the jarden do not have problems like the others do but im having a difficult time beliving this since my ladays do not agree with these tents. Here is my plan I will get some poly sheeting and completly cover the walls (cant do the celing) and remove all plants from the tents and just hang the lights from the roof. I have tried everything to correct the problem with yellowing and dying leaves. the only conclusion I can come up with is the tents are outgassing and this is what is causing the problem. I will update you guys on what happens.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
there was no info to provide that changed. No nutes where changed same soil is foxfarm ocean forest. The water here is well water and I would not drink it. I ph the water to 6.5 ppm is 220 thats it like I said there fine in the veg room. 2 weeks into flower the leaves start to yellow and die. I have purchsed a ro/di system to fix the water even if it's not the water it tastes like shit and I can use this. I have a new bach that I will document I dont have the homebox anymore traded it for some beans. The secret jarden will be the only flower tent used. We did have a week of high heat here but I have a 12,000 btu air conditioner in the flower room. I have so many differ kinds of ferts I dont know witch one's to use. I grow only in soil and I have followed all directions and used less then the recomended dossage.




Hi Hammerhead;

I am having something like you are. And using FOx Farm Ocean Forest.

I have grown the same hybrids over and over and so far the one soil soil I found that needed NO CHANGE at all was FFOF.

I did not have to add anything and all these plants did fine.

Suddenly I am having this yellowing, crinkling, and dying leaves on all my plants and I have made NO CHANGES to how I grow and this method produced perfect plants with no problems.

Either FFOF changed or my WATER changed or the GOVT is hitting us with something CANNABIS specific.

All I have talked to have said 'add lime' 'repot them you are leavin them in one pot too long' or 'they are too wet"etc etc.

Well I have repotted them and let them be dry in between watering like always and its still hosed and other things but something is wrong.

I spoke at length with some Greenhosue people on GARDEN WEB and they said something happned with FFOF for them also, they said that when checking the levels on FFOF it can chande a bit from month to month.

I am wondering if you and I got a bad batch or if we live in an area that has a new water provider or new municipal water sysytem.



FFOF or something else.

FFOF or something else.

toodles said:
Why are you people so dead set against adding dolomite lime to FFOF.

It's not going to hurt your plants. I'm not talking about top dressing, although some like to do that. I'm talking about making up a new batch of soil with lime and transplanting to it.

Or do you want to be stubborn and let your plants yellow and die?


Sorry if I sounded opposed to the idea, it was not intended that way.

I used to mix all my soils myself as I have over 400 ornamental plants in pots and then the inside garden also and buying that much potting soil was prohibitively expensive.

What I intended commenting on was that when I switched to FFOF about a year ago, [the first time I really used pre-made potting soil] I was pleased because I did not have to make any changes at all.

Which is very nice as I have to repot things often and labor saving is critical.

And making batches of soil can be time consuming for me at times.

And so I am relating to someone who has the same issue.

It seems that 'batches' of FFOF get mixed a bit different and so I will need to add lime.

I had hoped since when I first started using it and testing it the PH was perfect so afterwards I saved myself effort of testing and just repotted with impugnity.

Now it appears I will need to test each bag as I get them.

and ammend as indicated

Just to be sure.


Chocolate/Elephant Thai

Blue Potatoes with blue flowers


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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have stated all the info you requested. The water is pH 6.5 no nutrients are used. I would like ti use some but every time I add just a little the plants seem worse. Why Don't you recommend some that are used for soil growers. Just a few words here I have grown before and did not use FFOF I use a local stores soil I just made sure it had worm castings in it. The grow was excellent I had blueberry and Shiva the plants where very sugar coated. I'm going to get another local stores brand and see if there is a difference in FFOF it could be to hot but can't understand why they do so well in veg and then they basically start to die.


This is my second year using FFOF and nutes, I also had shitty well water that I corrected with a RO system (GE Merlin which kicks ass) this still did not correct my low pH (around 6.1) so I would correct my water pH and add my FF nutes and still had similiar issues to what's been described. What I found out is that the FF nutes were bringing my pH way down, like 2 whole points. this is adding only about half of their recomended amounts. I tested straight Grow Big and it was like pH 3.5. so even though I thought I was fixing my water issue by adjusting the Ph the nutes were bringing me way, way down (in more ways than one) The solution of course is to adjust pH after adding your nutes. I realize this sounds simple, and I feel dumb that it took so long for the lightbulb to go off over my head. After this simple change everything is seems to be returning to normal


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I check my ph after anything is added. Im going to try a differant Nutrient solution it's super nutrients part A and B. You have to use both parts to make it complete. Part A is 1.5-0-2.6 part B is 0.5-0.5-5.0 dosage of 5mls of part A and part B


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
are you saying you dont use nutrients when in flower ??? like I said before why dont you recomend something?

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
FFOF is the only thing I use. I was using FF Nutrients. I can get Pureblend pro. I have alot of FFOF soil if I can still use that it would be good I dont want to waste it I can get some dolimite lime and add it to FFOF


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I just got

pure blend pro
jamaican bat guano

Those are 3g pots I also Have some 5g pots

FFOF has earthworm castings in it I should add more?

Oh and I really appreciate your help.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Just a note: FFOF CONTAINS


So I should not need to add much of the bat Guano correct?


Non Conformist
I spy with my lil eye, a mag def that's makin yer plant fry!

I spy with my lil eye, a mag def that's makin yer plant fry!

Hammerhead said:
Note the green vein in the middle of the leaves and that the deficiency is showing in the older leaves first, also note it goes from the outside of the leaf inwards, towards the center of the plant. This is a classic magnesium deficiency imo. Cal mag + or 2 tsp/gal of epsome salt will help fix this. This plant looks purdy far along in flower, I don't think transplanting will do it any good. This plant is a magnesium hog, before this deficiency it looks like the plant was doing great ( nice big leaves and the buds gettin fat ) I think if ya jus add some cal mag + or epsome salt and feed it the way you have been, it'll finish fine. Good luck, BC
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Active member
Hammerhead.... those leaves look something like mine when they were in veg. It was a nute lockout

All i did was flush real good & start them over on a better nute program of course, this is that same plant 2 weeks ago

good luck :rasta:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have Sensi cal Mg mix on hand I did try it but maybe not enough. I can try somemore. will try this first. As I stated they where fine in veg after 2 to 3 weks into flower they started to do the yellowing and then crisppy leaves.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
3-5 weeks there are 3 plants one big one medium(the picture) and one small. The small one is doing the worst it has slowed it's growth. I hope the MG will solve the problem these ladys smell wounderfull. There Purple Haze feminized. If you brush one the whole room fills with a very sweet arroma. I also have 2 BOG LSD that I just put into flower they look fine no problems. I took 3 cuttings from the female to clone. the other has not shown yet. I just started some Soma Samango there done germinating and in 1g pots 5 of those and a buch of super skunk and g13 ice. these are all not sprouted yet I just put them in the veg today

This was a night shot. The 3 in the back are the Purple Haze. The front is Left BOG LSD Middle not sure right BOG LSD I think it will be a male.
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Non Conformist
So ya have several feedings ta go before ya flush. I think I would add some of it at half strength when ya feed. I've never used that brand before but I'm sure it'll be fine. This won't bring the leaves back the damage has already been done, but it will help yer buds fill on out. I hope you cloned this girl, she has beautiful structure! BC


Non Conformist
Very nice HH! Yul have ta give us a smoke report on those PH. Who makes those seeds?

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