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tracfone aka burners

Dr. G

Active member
we all know we shouldnt talk about anything on our phones and most of us has seen the burners on the show the wire

ive actually been using them for a while but weve all been thinking what if theres some huge conspiricy with trac fone kinda too close to track ya know

what if there just luring criminals to use these and as listing to them all prolly not but why the fuck do they call them trac

ill still keep using them get a new one about every 3 mths its only 10 bucks for a pretty nice fone


I've been thinking about getting one for a while. Definitely interested to hear peoples opinions of them. They can only be safer than using a regular, listed phone...I'm just waiting until the government requires them to be registered, since they are too easy to remain under the radar, well at least with phone records.. A lot can still go wrong


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Igignokt said:
They can only be safer than using a regular, listed phone
I think you have that backwards. There is an "expectation of privacy" in a landline. It requires some effort both legal and physical. A Tracfone has less rights to privacy than a radio program (a commercial product subject to ©.) Anyone who can hear your Tracfone it is legaly free to do so and can do pretty much whatever they want with it. You surrendered all rights to privacy when you broadcast it over the airwaves.

Dr. G

Active member
so your saying they dont need a warrent to listen in?

well that wont matter if you chage your phone every mth or so


natural medicator
no warrants are needed to listen to cellphones since signals go over the open airwaves. Same with a cordless 900mHz phone.

This means police, or anyone else who knows how to use a scanner, can break one out and listen to whatever signals thy can find. No clue how they figure out who to lock onto anad whatnot, except what i've seen on tv, whcih may be completely off, of them just sitting outside a house or something.
FirstTracks said:
no warrants are needed to listen to cellphones since signals go over the open airwaves. Same with a cordless 900mHz phone.

This means police, or anyone else who knows how to use a scanner, can break one out and listen to whatever signals thy can find. No clue how they figure out who to lock onto anad whatnot, except what i've seen on tv, whcih may be completely off, of them just sitting outside a house or something.

it's possible, but highly unlikely- unless you're at a level of federal interest.

They could use tiny fiber optic cameras to peak inside your house too.

They're usually about the ph numbers, and connect the numbers in a 'web'

let's say mikey megatons gets popped- the cops go through his phone(s) and collect all the number he called or was called from- then they see who those number belong to... and on, and on, and on. If you call from a landline, it's harder to cover yourself.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
burners are good if you get a new one religiously. cops CAN track down where they came from (which store) so a good idea is to buy them in advance and then activate and throw away the old (not by your place).

buy them in advance so that by the time u activate them and the block gets hot, hopefully the store you bought it in will have rerecorded over their security tapes.


Active member
Dr. G said:
ya but land lines can have a devise that will tell you if your being listened to
you might go YEARS before Johnny Megatons gets busted, so you dont need to be heard on your end of the line to have a case against you or that specific telephone number.

The corner stores and grocery stores that sell these phones, they dont sell them with the intent to trap drug dealers, they sell them so that people who cannot get an "account" for their phone with a large carrier, i.e. an illegal immigrant or someone with some badass credit issues or simply someone who doesnt want contracts/forms, can still have a viable cell phone.

On that note, most places dont record tape and keep it forever, infact I've been in some locations that have a high loss potential (theft etc) and they still erase their tapes within days.

If you have LEO onto that number within a week, you've got some bigger issues in my opinion.

The extent of work it would take to track down the ph#/serial number of the phone, track down what store it was sold at, what date and time it was sold at, match the security photos (if any) to.... what exactly? i dont know... If they are investigating you that deeply then there have been some major fuckups (on your part) along the way.

choose business partners responsibly
Dr. G said:
ya but land lines can have a devise that will tell you if your being listened to

newsflash- It's not 1978 anymore!!!

They 'tap' your line at the phone company office- nothing is going to show you that.


I have two. They stay off with batteries removed in the house. If we need to use them, we go somewhere else.

A network of burners is much safer IMO than land lines. Theres pretty much no way they are going to track who purchased a phone from the store. And if two parties are talking on burners, theres no way LEO is going to know either #. And if LEO is watching that closely and has that much interest in you to listen to your cell conversations, you are probably in pretty deep shit anyway.


Active member
Dr. G said:
ya but land lines can have a devise that will tell you if your being listened to
ya and if you ask a cop 3 times if he is a cop and doesn't say 'yes' then he can't arrest you.


what have you been reading Steal This Book?


Active member
virgin mobile has the same 90 day service and has phones as low as $9.99

It's what i use and recommend.
RudolfTheRed said:
ya and if you ask a cop 3 times if he is a cop and doesn't say 'yes' then he can't arrest you.


what have you been reading Steal This Book?

LOL- you'd amazed at the number of idiots that still believe that shit.


Dr. G said:
ya and i cant beleive the number of douchbags on the fucking internet


The fact that you think that piece of equipment isn't a scam is redic....

In todays age of 1's and 0's if you think a device that is made to detect something suspicious on an analog line is crazy.

Yes, you get an analog phone line coming into your house... BUT GUESS WHAT?
the second that comes into the first distribution point, it gets converted to a digital signal, because 1's and 0's are a lot cheaper to pump through fiber than it is to pump through coax cables.

good luck trying to detect someone tapping a digital line, especially with pretty much all ISPs letting the gov't wiretap people even without warrants.

That bill that just got passed? yeah it basically says that the ISPs can't get in trouble for all the illegal wiretapping it did for our awesome President.

those things may have worked, like back when phreaking was big, but today, don't waste your money on it.

EDIT: if a private citizen can buy it without any hassle, the tech is outdated... simple as that.
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Dr. G

Active member
green_tea said:
The fact that you think that piece of equipment isn't a scam is redic....

In todays age of 1's and 0's if you think a device that is made to detect something suspicious on an analog line is crazy.

Yes, you get an analog phone line coming into your house... BUT GUESS WHAT?
the second that comes into the first distribution point, it gets converted to a digital signal, because 1's and 0's are a lot cheaper to pump through fiber than it is to pump through coax cables.

good luck trying to detect someone tapping a digital line, especially with pretty much all ISPs letting the gov't wiretap people even without warrants.

That bill that just got passed? yeah it basically says that the ISPs can't get in trouble for all the illegal wiretapping it did for our awesome President.

those things may have worked, like back when phreaking was big, but today, don't waste your money on it.

EDIT: if a private citizen can buy it without any hassle, the tech is outdated... simple as that.

i dont have a house phone i wasnt going to buy this devise i was just saying that it is avaible and that you are a douchbag for putting a post about me on this thread

fuck you your rude you could have said those dont work but instead you insult me what are you fucking 16? grow up and get out of this thread unless you actually want to contribute without being a complete douchbag

edit i reread and you didnt make those first posts
but thanks for pointing out that there prolly a scam

bhut still fuck you other people that have nothing to do but insult people and not make good contributions to the fourm
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Joe Budden

I personally don't think it matters if you get a new phone every month because if they are listening in to you then they got all the numbers that you contact or that contact you, all they got to do is track all calls to or from your number and they got a list of most contacted numbers, then when you get your new phone and contact anyone in the list of 'most contacted' they got your new number.

It would only work if all your contacts got new phones. The best way to go is to get a foreign phone, with international law is is far more harder for them to get a warrant to tap/track your phone. And then again they could just listen into your contacts and hear you talk to THEM so your still being taped but just not through your phone!!! Just try and use your cell as LITTLE as possible.
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