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Canna Bio Gen DX 17


Hey Everyone,

I purchased these seeds because, I thought it would be fun as hell to grow 'em out.
You think so, too? Pull up a chair, I'll light one up for ya.
Updating weekly, Pictures and comments are always welcome. :wave:

Germination: 12/15 Very good for year old beans.

After germing, I was brutal with selection. Bright light, very close.. and light feedings. Eliminated 5 runts who couldn't cut the mustard. Why, you ask? Because I'm a klutz with a black thumb :pointlaug. They'll be vigorous at least! :biglaugh:

Pretty pink stem, this one loved bright light.

After the roots showed, i put 'em on the table. Three skinny girls, two fatties, and two runts that recovered nicely.

Six days on the table, three weeks of life.. getting interesting! See ya'all next week.


this is big mann!!!!!!!
jamaica xcapricho......amazing sativa
pakistan x sugarloaf-delicious taste and and pleasant high
congoxcongoxpakista-electric aty first,later pleasant,good hybrid.
all were harvested in summer 07/08 in the sur :rasta:


congoxcongoxpak :headbange

charlie garcia

Hola amigos,

Hola camacho :wave: Nice pictures

Deluxe Mix #17 contains what is written in its bag tag, thats it exactly:

Panama x Sandstorm (Pakistan Chitral/Morroco)
Congo (Mascobelix) x Congo (CBG)/Pakistan Chitral
Jamaica x Blueberry (DJ Short)
Pakistan Chitral x Sugarloaf (Colombia/Manali/Pakistan)
Jamaica x Capricho (Colombia/Manali)

Hope all goes well
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Hey Everyone,

Thanks for checkin' out my thread. If IC had an "Exotic Seed Department" , you guys would be half the personnel.

Raco: You pulled up a chair first, you get first toke :joint: Hope you enjoy the show.
Highlighter: If you really wanna drool, Charlie lists all the previous deluxe mixes at this page: :yummy:
Camacho: Oh, wow! Those are some damn fine ladies. If I pull two sativas like that out of my grow, I'll get a hard-on. Thanks for sharing the photos and description, too!
Charlie: Sir, I appreciate the kind words and thanks for the seeds... I'll do 'em up right!
Baccus: Buttered? Enjoy

I am really stoked about doing these, it really is just about the fun. Got plenty of bud, couple moms... I just missed GROWING.
As much as I love the surprises and variety that goes with a mix.... they have their trade-offs, too. Feeding gh lucas moderate, my sats are all exploding and my indi's can not get enough. And I still want the two runts to catch up. I pinch the skinny ones ALOT. If my thumb can fit twice in between nodes, sometimes pinch twice. You're right... should've run them seperate. When I flower, probably put the shorties in front and hang a second light for the tall ones.
Sex, Clone, and Flower in 1 week. Clock's tickin'.... pics soon.
Brilliant. Pulls up a chair!

I have dreamed of growing out that mix. i bought a pack about 3 years ago, for a friend to grow. I haven't gone there for a while so who knows. For all i know there may be a plantation going on (as it was in africa).

I'll be here for the ride!


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
One of the newer crosses...on trial right now;
Purple Chitral Kush (f) x Uzbeki (m)




also the JaPan and more...
keep an eye open! :wink:
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Balance... High there.. This should be an interesting show, thanks for sharing. Gonna see this one through the end..

Raco.. Man that's one beautiful plant. Looks amazing. I'm really looking forward to those PPC hybrids.




Hey Everyone,

Thanks for your patience. Work is just killin me, and everything is in season. There are never enough summer days.

Hi TC, thanks for stoppin in. I can't wait to see how your godberry turn out.

Raco, that pink bud looks delicious. Reminds me of cotton candy, thanks for sharing.

KBK, welcome aboard!

These pictures will have to do till I can come back and give you a proper run down, peace.



Finally, some time.

Finally, some time.

Just gonna run straight through the grow with pics, because the pics have the right date on them....
I got PM early, particularly on the short ones which were removed. High PH water with hydroguard spray took care of the PM, it bleached some of the leaves though.

So now we are down to three plants. They responded well, recovering the next week; added one light.

Showing sex the week after, all three turned out ladies!

They really stretched, despite the fact that i pinched every square centimeter of stalk.

I trimmed alot off the bottom.

But not nearly enough...

Lil' color change on this one.

It's hard to keep everything upright. What a jungle, hehe.

More pics comin!
Impressive internode spacing under floro's for plants that tall . The stretch your experiencing doesn't look bad at all . Or not as bad as it could be considering you are dealing with predominately sativas . Are those T5 or T8 floros ? Standard or High output ? Love how you keep the bottom halves of your plants trimmed and clean . The right way to grow under floro's .

Keep up the good work :rasta:


Herbal relaxation...
Fluoros keep internode´s tight.. I veg all my sativa´s & sativadoms under 200 nurturelite to keep them tight, so to speak :rasta:

Impressive plants Balance, thanks for sharing this grow with us! Isnt growing addictive?

Love the CBG gear, got Charlies Destroyer going on a second run currently!!! Love the high it produces..
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Senior Member
ICMag Donor


Very nice grow Balance...really nice images to document the progression of this grow...DD
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Hi TB,
Thanks for the compliments. T5 HO.

Hi Herbalistic,
Thanks for the Destroyer pic, you lucky dog! I'll bet thats some nice smoke.

Hi DD,
Thanks for stopping by.

Here's a photo from last week, and I've got some from today that I can hopefully get on. Peace



That's Right,

Sadly, we are down to two lovely ladies. The middle plant had too much stress and developed nanners. At first it was just target practice for my scissors, but they kept coming....This hermie can be attributed to grower error. Shame too, it was a nice yeild and only one to turn purple.
Here's a couple of pheno #2 before chop.

That means pheno #1 gets more room and light. This one had a lot of frosting, foxtails everywhere, and a real lemony stink. I am convinced she did the best being tucked in the back away from me! #1 is on the left, and 3# on the right, btw.

Pheno #3 Whispy elongated bud, faint mocha aroma. She needs a week or two.

Gotta say, it sure has been fun. And I cannot say enough about the beans. Great germs, and lots of phenos to choose from... precisely as advertised.
Next up, MORE PICS!