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600 watter wanting a lb. a 1/2?


Whatever said:
Just go open lines and get a DO test kit from www.chemetrics.com for about $50 delivered and don't guess and make sure you have at least 9ppm DO in a tub.

He's right, I was just trying to cover a few common/typical things. Run the lines open, just as effective, less hassle. T the lines in the tub to spread out the bubbles.


Murphy said:
I was just trying to cover a few common/typical things
Yup...got that for sure Murphy...noobs need a bit of hand holding and someone has to do it. Sometimes today's noobs are tomorrows 'masters'...they have to come from somewhere and start someplace. I'm just a dork myself :bashhead:


i'mbacc said:
I see everybody saying I can't with a 600 but I thought you were supposed to get a gram a watt? This isn't possible?

Think of it like a game of golf. A gram a watt would be an exceptional game ;)


Murphy said:
Or for us hillbillies, a perfect game of horse shoes or bowling.
Hillbillies bowl? A perfect game in bowling is 300. Best I ever did was like low 200's and did throw some shoes but sucked at that. What's a 'perfect' game in horseshoes? I just looked and there's actually the NHPA...the governing body for horseshoe stuff...National Horse Shoe Pitchers (not throwers) Association...and I thought growing weed was complicated.


Active member
On my first grow with the 600W I managed to pull 300 grams in soil - after that one I actually had some grows that were worse than that because of mistakes I made. Since then I've moved to perpetual and continued making mistakes:) It's quite hard for me to judge yield now as I harvest every second week or so and don't really keep track of it very well. I'm thinking now that I know the strains I'm growing after several harvests I'm going towards pulling around 450-500 grams every 2 months. I'm positive it's possible to hit the magical 0.5 g/w/month for high yielding strains but you really have to know your strain - how much it stretches, how much you need to veg for a given plant-count for optimal results, and what the optimal plant-count is for your space and wattage.

If you're growing from seeds then you should consider yourself happy to pull 3-400 grams. Could be less if you have issues/not enough females/not enough vegging for your plantcount. Could also be more if you get lucky and nail the vegging time for the amount of females you get. Perhaps consider soil for your grow from seed, then move to hydro when you have sexed clones to play with. It's much easier to remove males like that, because you can move the females around to take advantage of the space.
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Whatever said:
Yup...got that for sure Murphy...noobs need a bit of hand holding and someone has to do it. Sometimes today's noobs are tomorrows 'masters'...they have to come from somewhere and start someplace. I'm just a dork myself :bashhead:
I've grown outdoors and in soil indoors and there was some issues with heat but other then that i've got alot of growing under my belt. I appreciate the replies and these are some things I will be looking back at this thread for to make sure I have everything going right. Thanks all this info is very helpful. karma to all! keep it green


Active member
If anyone disagrees with any of my statements, i apologize, but I am simply trying my best to help, and I am speaking from experience (a few years worth).You will never get over a lb with any 1 light source untill you know your strain. Having the right proven strain and knowing it well is the #1 priority. U WONT FIND THE RIGHT STRAIN WITHOUT SEARCHING THROUGH CANDIDATES. Knowing your strain means you have already ran it atleast three times, and took handwritten notes every few days on ur nute strength, growth rate (inches per day under a given light source), rooting time for clones, vegging time before bloom, amount of stretch in first few weeks of flower, and yield. Also dont forget to note how often they were watered, the optimal bloom height, days in bloom untill amber trich's, days into bloom when you added trellis netting, and how many side branches u trimmed.
I didnt find a 1 lb pheno untill i think my 7th strain (2nd strain from a respected seedbank) which was the real AK47. Dont purchase from nirvana! I learned the hard way.

Also ill dabble a bit into the subject of equipment. From my experience (I have tried every wattage of hps available) the 600 watt hps is the way to go, the 1K comes in second place due to heat and spacing required between bulb and plants. People tend to overlook the bulb which is just as important as the ballast and reflector. I recommend GE lucalox bulbs which can be had on ebay for under $50 shipped. They perform just as well as eye horti's in my experience. I have tried over 10 reflectors and the supersun2 wins hands-down for spaces 3x3 and under. For bigger spaces (4x4 and up) i recommend the coolsun. As for ballasts, you cant beat the quality and output of the ss1. For a 3x3 or 4x4 id use a 275 gph propump and a 260 cfm fan for venting ( i use daytons). 100 gallon whisper air pump for aeration. Air conditioning is highly recommended (set it to 75 degrees, 5500btu for every 1K bulb or every 2-600 watt bulbs). ur growroom should never exceed 80 degrees (its 5 degrees hotter in the canopy). Get a can filter or optimum 4000 for odor (i use both). Also use febreeze noticables, ona gel, or the odor absorbing gels u get from home Dep0t. Use pro-heatII digital aquarium heaters when ur res gets too cold (set it to 68 degrees). Water chiller if ur in a hotter area of the globe (dont let water get warmer than 75). U want a 30 gallon res for a 600 or 1000 watt setup. Be very careful with how you discard ur trash! I have more tips but I feel like im typing way more than anyone wants to read!

Heres some of the stats i recorded for my first 1 lb'er pheno ( i take my notes with a laptop)

Time in EZ Clone 1
Time in Rockwool 2 (after trimming off EZ cloner roots)
Time in Veg 2
Optimal height 10"
Days till net 16
Days in Bloom 70

Hope this helps someone out there, hope this shit is legal one day so I can smoke my 3 favorite chicks with u folks, oh how i love them so... (AK, Sensi star, AK99)

I see alot of people with the disclaimer so ...
Disclaimer: Everything typed by sosincere is make believe



i'mbacc said:
I've grown outdoors and in soil indoors and there was some issues with heat but other then that i've got alot of growing under my belt. I appreciate the replies and these are some things I will be looking back at this thread for to make sure I have everything going right. Thanks all this info is very helpful. karma to all! keep it green
That's cool...so with a decent amount of growing under your belt, indoors and out, you're now starting with bag seed, not clones or proven seed genetics, and moving to hydro and trying to achieve 1.5 lbs under a 600 from seed? What was your best grow yield wise indoor under whatever wattage you ran and was that from bag seed, proven genetics from seed or clones?


Whatever said:
That's cool...so with a decent amount of growing under your belt, indoors and out, you're now starting with bag seed, not clones or proven seed genetics, and moving to hydro and trying to achieve 1.5 lbs under a 600 from seed? What was your best grow yield wise indoor under whatever wattage you ran and was that from bag seed, proven genetics from seed or clones?

I'm trying to learn here and i'm not upset at whatever is being said here. So to answer your question yes it was with bagseed as here in my city people tend to not want to share or sell for that matter.
Indoors was a lil over 3 zipz under a 400 watt mh i don't know how much cfl's but it was plenty. I had pics on Og at the time.
Outside the girl was over 5ft. unfortunately I didn't get to finish her cuz I had to move.
I'm not the best by claim or fame just wanted what i'm getting input to get there. Please keep em coming I am learning with posts received from ya'll.


Registered Pothead
I have pulled a pound under a 600 before but the plants were vegged a month and tied back. It is a lot easier to do with strains that you are familiar with though. You never know you might have a bunch or shitty phenos that dont produce for shit. Roll of the dice with seeds everytime. Pus you might get a hermie. Just being realistic.

sog army

Active member
gram per watt..

gram per watt..

00420 was dead on when saying that usually a good indoor grower who knows his strains well and has something that performs gets .75gpw on the norm.. That is what I usuallly get as well. Sometimes more ,but mostly 1.75lb per 1k with a 5-7 day veg.. 16 plants per tray and only with certain strains. It has taken me 15yrs of growing and playing with diff. environment and grow styles to achieve even this.. some strains throw down 2lbs per light this style with a lil work and tweeking..

Just being real with everyone.. Its hard fucking work to consistently pull 2lbs per 1k..It takes A SHITLOAD of blood, sweat, and tears that most people arent able to deal with.

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Active member
Would you be unhappy with less than 350? IMO 350-400g off a 600w, especially if they're from-seed, is quite impressive. Seems most people on this site have much higher standards than me.


Man its my frist grow from seed with a 400 and I'm only expecting like 150 - 200 grams.. I'll even be happy if i get that :joint:

Green Force

Active member
lol or do what i did turn ur tubs to recirc dwc =P but no matter what stop guessing yield i dont even kno why ppl bother its so randome and so much shit calculates into it i gave up on guessing my yield tell about 1 wk - 2wk's from harvest and even then thats just guessing for fun =P u wana yield high start a 10kw grow dont got the balls for that then id not worrie about how much money you will make i have not turned profit from growing yet and i have bin doin it for just over a year and about 3 crops all the money i have made has gone back into it to make a better system so if profit is your aim better look into the far future for that :p


sog army said:
00420 was dead on when saying that usually a good indoor grower who knows his strains well and has something that performs gets .75gpw on the norm.. That is what I usuallly get as well. Sometimes more ,but mostly 1.75lb per 1k with a 5-7 day veg.. 16 plants per tray and only with certain strains. It has taken me 15yrs of growing and playing with diff. environment and grow styles to achieve even this.. some strains throw down 2lbs per light this style with a lil work and tweeking..

Just being real with everyone.. Its hard fucking work to consistently pull 2lbs per 1k..It takes A SHITLOAD of blood, sweat, and tears that most people arent able to deal with.

yeah! right on.

Also, "as above so below" which means that for max yields you need some kind of mico bacterial action going on in the root zone. Humboldt Nutrients' "humboldt roots" is the exceptional for speeding things up and getting roots that are thick like pencils. I think they sell on ebay now. But bottom line, preparation = reward.