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gas meter change



Ive had a letter a few days ago saying the gas board are coming round to my house to change the gas meter as it is too old and URGENTLY needs changing (apparentley). this is tomorrow any time between 9 and 5! not very specific ! the letter says will need access to the house . i was wondering has any growers here had this happen and most of all.. did the guy need to check the house over when they changed the meter? i.e look at the radiators in the bedrooms etc? i just want sum clue of what to expect. my meter is downstairs away from the grow but if he nneds to go upstairs ill have to rn all the fans off while they are there, the plants will handle it for a short while but a closed room with no fans on all day waiting 9 till 5...too much ...anyway if any of you have any advice itd be greatly appreciated!


LMFAO! its ok "mate" ive got the balls dont ya worry just playin safe is better than gettin busted right?


so..any UK growers have experience with this? what they check etc?


alright mate, had the very same thing happen to me last week. the bloke who did mine just came in and changed the meter and that was it. don't think they need to check radiators. the only reason they'd want to get access to them is to bleed them but this isn't neccessary after a meter change.


biggs, thanks for the reply man it helps. least i know what theyll do now.


no problem mate better to be safe than sorry. just make sure theres no lingering smells in the rest of the house. use an ozone generator or plug air freshners close to the room your plants are in and you should be fine. good luck .


Active member
deathtosoapbar said:
so..any UK growers have experience with this? what they check etc?
fuck man, common sence, just use some ok?!?
stove, water heater, furnice, gas log fireplace, anything with fucking gas.
:jerkit: probably just going to reset the pilots after finishing the work:2cents:.......i dont know just a FUCKING WILD guess....


Active member
hey man, didnt want to be a dick, its just so basic, act cool, let them see the gas devices and they should be out of your hair, im sure they are going to do 3 or 4 houses with new gas mains, they do need to make sure the pilots are on.



Im UK and have had GAS and ELEC meters changed in the last year or so

Both required no access to the house at all and are changed outside in about 10 mins

Dont worry

Go out for the day and they will manage to do it without coming in the house, they usually only require you for a signiture and a coffee anyway