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Marijuana Protest Planned


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Group Says County Should Give I.D.S

Protesters plan to gather today in front of the San Bernardino County Health Department building in opposition to the county's resistance to issuing medical-marijuana identification cards, according to a statement from the Marijuana Anti-Prohibition Project.

"What the court has told them twice now is that the law is constitutional," said Lanny Swerdlow, a registered nurse and the group's director. "You have to issue the I.D. card."

Protesters plan to gather at 11 a.m. at 351 N. Mountain View Ave., San Bernardino.

Then the protesters will walk over to the county government building to speak before the Board of Supervisors, Swerdlow said.

In 1996, voters passed Proposition 215, which required counties to issue medical-marijuana cards allowing chronically ill patients to grow and smoke the drug.

Most recently, county attorneys had joined with San Diego County in contesting the state law, which requires counties to distribute registration cards to patients using medical marijuana.

But a court of appeals ruled against the two counties July 31, maintaining that the law is constitutional.

County spokesman David Wert said the case takes on an important law-enforcement issue because the state's medical-marijuana law contradicts federal law, which criminalizes the drug.

"It's not working," Wert said of the state law. "Federal authorities are still arresting medical-marijuana users."

County counsel has not decided whether to appeal the appeals court's decision to state Supreme Court, he said.

He added that the appeals court did not order the county to issue identification cards.

He also said the appeals court decision did not address the existing conflict between state and federal law.

Swerdlow criticized the county for wasting money on legal action when the county is facing cuts to health programs.

Wert said the county has kept legal costs low by using county attorneys.

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v08/n780/a08.html


Active member
This is probably too late to do any good, but a good point to make to the BOS is that the County won't lift a finger to enforce our laws against illegal immigration, claiming it is under Federal Jurisdiction. To try to have it both ways is not only picking and choosing which laws to enforce, but it is also the height of hypocrisy.

Every time they brought up the conflict of state vs. federal law, I would say, "Then why aren't our County Sheriffs allowed to arrest people for breaking our immigration laws? Don't you think that is hypocritical?" - Politicians hate it when their hypocrisy is put on public display so I would really hammer this point!




What's wrong with these people? Respect the freekin' law!!!!!

Take your attitude and shove it whee the sun don't shine!


Bong Smoking News Hound
San Bernardino Needs to HEAR US! Get your asses out there!!!!!! They are the bottom of the barrel of scum when it comes to Right wing, asshole old style thinking.....



Active member
vta said:
He added that the appeals court did not order the county to issue identification cards.

Incorrect. The law says the county MUST issue ID cards and the court upheld the law.

Besides, McDonald said, the counties' only obligation under the California law is to process and hand out the ID cards, a requirement that poses no conflict with federal law.

vta said:
He also said the appeals court decision did not address the existing conflict between state and federal law.

incorrect again. This was addressed in the court and the court held that the feds cannot determine how states decided what is medical.

"The purpose of the (federal law) is to combat recreational drug use, not to regulate a state's medical practices."
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Active member
SCF said:
San Bernardino Needs to HEAR US! Get your asses out there!!!!!! They are the bottom of the barrel of scum when it comes to Right wing, asshole old style thinking.....


Great idea! Another great idea would be if those organizing protests and such would post notice of the events a few days in advance. It's kinda hard to drop everything one is doing and rush to a protest that starts in a couple hours.


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