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water clones seem to be dying


New member
following the advice of a thread on water cloning i decided to try it since my last attempt at cloning with gel failed miserably.

i took several cuttings each from a sativa and indica plant that had just begun to flower. the sativa plant does not look nearly as bad as these from the indica plant (pictured). the leaves are starting to dry out at the ends and the leaves feel a little more rough and stiff than when they were still on the plant.

i cut the clones and put them in water immediately. they sit at least an inch into the water, some a couple inches. they've been in filtered water for several days with no signs of rooting yet, but i know it takes about two weeks for them to show. they are only sitting under a single 28w CFL, about 8" from the bulb. i don't have a thermometer but i'd say it stays about 70*F in there.

hard to believe but i think there might be too much light, based on what i just re-read in the thread. could i leave them in a window sill or will they keep flowering?
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Guest 18340

I'm gonna take a stab at this and say the problem lies in that the plants were already flowering when you cloned them. They gotta stop flowering and revert to vegging before they can start rooting, and while it can be done that way...
I may be wrong, i'm sure as hell no expert on the subject...
I recently cloned a AK47 in water (after reading that same thread) and while it took 3 weeks to root enough to put in dirt, it did root.


Active member
Evlme2 - The cuttings will root and then re-veg.

jcdem - I have a bunch of clones right now that look kinda like yours; dry, curling leaves and such. They got that way because of neglect - too much heat, not enough humidity. Are you using a dome with your cuttings?


Guest 18340

I stand corrected.
I'm the worlds worst cloner i tell you. Seems no matter what method i use i only have a 50% success rate, at best. Live and learn.


full time daddy
Caprichoso said:
It’s a good idea to change the water every few days or so and to keep temps above 70

jcdem said:
i don't have a thermometer but i'd say it stays about 70*F in there.

you want a water temp of 70-75 & a room temp of 78-80

it look's like your having a flowering Phosphorus deficiency you can try foliar feeding, but most phosphorus deficienty's are fixed by root feeding with anything that has a +5 npk rating
id looking into a temp/hum meter, fish store's have water digi temp readers for about $10
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Just Call me Urkle!!
I would try and make a Bubble Cloner they are so user friendly and easy to make plus you can make a 15 site one for $20!!! just check the link in my sig...


full time daddy
PharmaCan said:
too much heat, not enough humidity. Are you using a dome with your cuttings?


most water/aero cloning don't need dome's, and really the room temp can get up to 90+ IF water temp is controlled to under 75 IE change the water 2-3 time's a day it's a pain in the has but can be done..... i just took 80 or so cut's & they where in a aero cloner in my garage for the past 2 days (95+) untell i could get tray's/dome's yesterday i cut a overflow drain just under the spayer's and added a 1/4" drip line with valve from my tap to keep my temps under 75 :rasta:

Storm Crow

Active member
50% failure rate???

50% failure rate???

Dude, could it be your water? Perhaps try some from another source? Wouldn't hurt to try! (And if the plants do clone better, I would seriously start thinking about bottled water!)

And some strains just clone better than others. My "Tiny" (small seeds, small plant, but almost one solid bud- an OK smoke) takes 3 weeks to root and even then is "iffy"- I'll most likely eventually scrap her when I find a better replacement. "Survivor" on the other hand, I have to check often, because her roots grow really fast- I like her better anyway!

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full time daddy
Storm Crow said:
And some strains just clone better than others.

so tru my silverhaze root's in 3-5 day's then on the other hand my grape ape takes 14-17 and i have tryed every way with every temp/hum you can think of it just takes that long....