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Musings from the ghetto..


Active member
Thought I'd post a'lil something..
First pic, a Lil female Mexi that didn't get very tall, about a foot, then budded..

Cut down, gotta lil smoke that was nice..

Managed to get Her Re-vegged, She seems to be doin alright..

Starting to stretch out, Flowering again. :joint:

Though, Not alot, due to health constrants... I'm tryin.
Soil in question,I'm using, is called "Perfect Mix" that you purchased in Wallie World,(It has the 9 month feeding stuff with it), Mixed with about a hand full or 2 of Black Cow manure...

Question about Advanced N ferts..

I got one of those free pails being offered awhile back. Seems here in the South, I had this stuff under My deck, and water condinsation got to it. Now I've got this BLACK tea?? that is the ferts.. YES, it's looks like Molasses....
Toss or Keep?
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Thats a unique breed for sure...

Weird dude, I'd say toss it. Its no longer what the manufacturer intended it too be and I cant imagine the NPK values are going to be the same. It was free too, so no big whoop.

What series of Advanced nutrients(?) we're they?

- Goat!
the free pale was of manure originally ?

manure tea is an excellent fert, i'm not sure if i read your post right though, manure tea doesn't really go bad, ive used it 6 ish months old and it's worked great (not on ganj, on tomatoes etc though... )... on that note, there i nothing that will change you grow like getting a cannabis designed actual fertilizer ... flora nova is cheap and great especially for veg.

organic is awesome, but smelly ... and other ferts work, but ... besides lights perhaps... nothing is more improtant than proper ferts. from one plant to 100.

EDIT... be careful of the nitrogen they use in the prebagged soi lwith ferts ofen times they use ureal nitrogen with can be bad, i believe its a carcinogen, miracle grow is okay if it says "GROW DELICIOUS EDIBLES" ... whatever bagged soil you get, be sure it says for edibles, as the ureal nitrogens are even more toxic when burnedand inhaled.
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Just Call me Urkle!!
Hey bro the best stuff I've got at Walmart was Kellogg Garden Soil it's a cheap version of Fox Farm just add 20% perlite and 20% peat moss to it and boom you got some real nice soil that keep ladies happy!!! Then just feed 4 dropper fulls of Shultz 10-15-10 per gallon with 4 drops of Superthrive per gallon and you should have plants like this



Active member
Extreamly sorry here, I should of Clarified better, I was under the Influance of Morphine pretty bad yesterday. (I take it for pain, and didn't have no smokable Meds Handy)..
The AN nutes, were those free pails they were giving out last year....
It was a White powder type stuff..
It got moister in it, and turned brown/black like Molasses... A Gooey type Muck lookin stuff.

About the Soil, I was just sayin, that I was using the "Expert" "Perfect Mix" for the plant pictured above. It's some really nice "Organic" Soil... With a handfull of Black Cow Manure tossed in for good Measure..
Thundurkel, My Wally doesn't have the Kellogs.. Sigh......
Sorry bout that Folks.
you've come to the right place for understanding in terms of being in an alterred mindset. i thought your post was really coherent.

yeah i would dump the nutes for sure. when you think what you get, 30$ spent on flora nova is REALLY worth it.


Thundurkel said:
Hey bro the best stuff I've got at Walmart was Kellogg Garden Soil it's a cheap version of Fox Farm just add 20% perlite and 20% peat moss to it and boom you got some real nice soil that keep ladies happy!!! Then just feed 4 dropper fulls of Shultz 10-15-10 per gallon with 4 drops of Superthrive per gallon and you should have plants like this

I'll try that. Kellogg is a great brand. I use their compost cut 50/50 with FFOF and got great results.


Active member
A LIL update

A LIL update

She's still going strong...
Went though the "droops" I spent a few days in the Hospital, getting DVT, and a "cage" introduced into/below my heart...
My SO didn't water Her..
this is the next day after watering, She's Starting to Bud...

Now, this is where I NEED HELP!
RACO or anyone that, knows how to deal with Stava's, MEXci STRAiNS HERE..
tHESE BUDS WILL BE "AIRY", Is there anyway I can put weight on them?
Or Advice?...

Advice Welcomed...
Musings from Da Ghetto....


Active member
A LIL update

A LIL update

Some TLC/Added Cow Manure seemed to perk things up..
I'm trying to give a sense of size..

Lots of budding Sites coming off the sides.

A above shot...


One thing I've found out about growing Mexi Stavia's, I don't relly notice Trich's till after about 3 weeks budding.
Going to be a looooog wait until Oct. or Later to get this girl finished...
BTW, it's now into it's second week...