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Most reputable grow shop in California?



00420 said:
if your that worryed about it why is it posted on the internet for all to see what store your going go buy this item at.... on top of you said what store you called asking about it.... id honestly call every dealer in cali and get a price quote you can find just about every hydro shop on hydrofarms web site NGW's site, microhydroponics, gotta grow, hell even organics alive has a good list... ..... if you have 14k to buy this then more then likly you have a shit ton of weed............not a good idea man to be posting do some reasearch http://www.tumbleweed.bz/retailers.php

Damn 00420,

You always know about the kewl gear. Never seen that unit before. Seen the other style like them, but not this type. Love how they built it in a housing unit with wheels. You say this unit runs 14k?
Cool unit,


Active member
My point was that the entire purpose of paying the big bucks up front for a trimming machine is that it is a one-time cost, not to mention speed and security. Sorry you couldn't see it. :rolleyes:


New member
sorry, if it sounded as if i wasn't on board... i am 100% with you on this.
yes, one time setup. no worries on ripoffs afterwards, good to limit too much knowledge about your grow sneaking out of your control...

if i could do it and had a need to do it... i would jump right on it. FP, the tumbleweed sounds like a sweet setup... word is the thunder-type of trimmer cuts weeks off of trim time. one man, one session, finished. much better than trying to make the time magically appear.


Active member
The 14k wouldn't just go for the hired hands (trimmers). He (and his buddies) would be standing over them with chrome mm in a rented location. (still would come in at less then 14k prolly).

illegal mexicans will do anything for a dolla in CA, They be trimming like madmen. Send them on their way in one direction and you go the other way.

What I'm freakin on is the 50 lbs of sift. Why you gotta sift it in the first place?
Please lord don't tell me you're gonna sift 50 lbs and double dip by selling 50 lbs of "bud" to the dispensaries (in the pretense that it wasn't sifted) and also sell the same dispensaries 50 lbs of sifted concentrate.
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Active member
NorCalHal said:
I have know alot of guys from So-Cal to drive to EC just because of the rep they have.

Wow, you're saying the vast majority of the shops south of berkely to the mex border are unsafe and not secure.

I find that hard to believe considering the number of shops I've at least heard about between the mex border and berkely.


Fast_Pine said:
The main thing that worries me is handing some guy behind the counter of ahydro shop 14K in CASH, and leaving with only a purchase order. (recipt)

Fuckin scares me.
Whats stopping them from straight jacking me?.....Like I said, I dont wanna go to court over grow gear,,,specially 14thousand dollars worth, ya know.

The equipment in question is a tumbleweed industrial size trimm machine..

Already spoke to the guys at west coast growers, they can get it down from Canada,,,I have a feeling that they are taxing me ~5K on it..

I would not worry about it, these guys are ligit business's.. even though you might not be ( no offense) , they are..
get a reciept and your going to get your goods..
Besides, if your growing enough to afford a 14K trimmer, its not that big a deal.


be careful handling cash........
i have recently studied some stuff about money laundering and the IRS, and the role banks can play in the mix.

1) did you know it is illegal to cross a state line when in possession of $10,000 cash or more? the inference is if you took it out of state that you never had any intention of reporting it to begin with.

2) most banks have what they call "reportable" and "non-reportable" cash transactions. this can vary from bank to bank. you can inquire at your preferred bank and they'll tell you what their official policy is regarding cash.

3) if a file has been started on you (an investigation), the LEO's will flag your name to all local banks and request to be notified about your cash transactions. banks will cooperate even without a warrant---'cause they're rat snitches.

4) my bank reports to IRS all $10,000 cash deposits (they're required to); my bank flags cash deposits of $5,000 to $9,999 and records them in house. they stay in a suspended file for X amount of time and then get deleted. cash deposits below the $5,000 mark don't get any special attention, just standard bookkeeping.

there is such a huge cash market in the united states that a federal sales tax is being considered so the government can get at least some of the money in the system that goes unreported.

remember, when they couldn't get any charges to stick to al capone, the IRS stepped in and got him convicted on "tax evasion" charges.


Active member
thinman pretty much summed it up. #1 - Anyone remember Scott Peterson? #4 - Works much the same way in casinos.

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