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Summer 2013 = No more ice in North Pole

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I think it is better than having a third of the population taking boats to work

It does not mean less rain, it means less rain in areas that get rain now. Other area will get the rain, The climate model i believe in has my area of the Great Lakes turning into a rainforest. The whole super hot desert planet is many years away. The climate is changing, we have helped it, but it would have happened anyways eventually.( that is not making excuses for it) but it is time to stop standing back, and gasping at what is happening, and prepare for what is happening. We need to change the way the world thinks

No country can stand alone and say we have a plan. Entire areas need to be changed, places that are not normally know for food production, should start getting ready, it will take a while for that.

I really believe that within my lifetime ( about 40 years more) I will see something huge happen. On a catastrophic scale. Did we cause it? no, we should not be so vain, but we sped it up.


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GET MO said:
Who cares, our time ends 2012 in december. Halleyluyer!

I wouldn't say "our time" so much as "a time". There will be a new age, a new era. Not the end of the world. It's pretty easy to see with the things going on in the world today that something substantial is about to happen one way or another. Between the alignment of shit and the predictions and everything, something will happen.


Some humans understand 2012 as armageddon. I dont believe this the case. Just going from picies to aquarius... Taurus to piecies was quite a trivial time politically, socially and spirtually, and it took alot of serious natural events called miracles. (spread of insects, disease ect) Mabey its just the sign for an upcoming giant storm or tsunami that is going to change the world. Mabey another giant political/social revolution. Mabey nothing at all.

After louisiana last year i can imagine something like Sumatra tradgedy 2-10x in the gulf coast of the us/mex and england/portugal in the same big storm or something.


the fuse is lit. now, let's wait for the explosion before we think its real then we'll debate that.

Nothing much we can do about it anyhow. We're catching the butt end of the joke on us. go with the flow
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You know.....im gonna call bullshit on this one.
I live close enough to the arctic circle to see and feel the weather. But before I digress....I want to let you know that I read on Drudge earlier in the summer that this was the last year of ice in the arctic. Which is it? This year or in 6?

That being said....this is the coldest summer on record in alaska. We have had snow in the mountains all year round. It has snowed each month of the summer at 3000 Ft elevations.
In all my time here I have never seen fresh snow in aug at my local snowboarding hill. Snow and lack of melting is what creates glaciers and ice.....neither are melting here.
I cant see how that report can be believed. At least from my perspective.


bounty29 said:
I wouldn't say "our time" so much as "a time". There will be a new age, a new era. Not the end of the world. It's pretty easy to see with the things going on in the world today that something substantial is about to happen one way or another. Between the alignment of shit and the predictions and everything, something will happen.


Something, somewhere, will happen, at some point, relating to something....

Deep shit yo.


i watched leconte glacier retreat over 5 miles??

also have seen the evap pan doc. evaporation pans r the longest kept records to date...the evap rate has dropped continuly for many yrs.

i also saw the dimming doc. pbs...dont know what to think.

somewhere n my head is a land map i saw n my youth of antatica. land map, not ice. wish i could remeber where i saw that.

guess ill head up in 12 and squat on some new turf?


DoubleJ said:

Something, somewhere, will happen, at some point, relating to something....

Deep shit yo.

You can forcast a turning point without seeming like a crazy.

When you try to go out all nostradomous its obvious you are full of shit.

A natural disaster or great war is obviously coming. Read the news paper, watch the news, but not too much.


Active member
Gotta put the Oil back in the ground...It's suppose to cool the earth from the hot core.

Just like a car motor..oil cools it off

No oil in the ground....sure is making plants loving its warm soil and I thought It was the excellent fertilizer I was using!