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Most reputable grow shop in California?


Active member
I just checked out WCG's webiste, and it appears that they have at least two locations with the one in Grass Valley being their main shop. The one that I was referring (in San Francisco) to appears to be their "satellite" location, which explains why it's so small and whatnot.

Fast_Pine said:
wadda ya think I should do.....What would you do?...Seeing as I havteto walk away from my cash, you think im safe?
You're definitely on the right track, looking into this business. For the most part I'm with Y1F here:

yamaha_1fan said:
If the shop has a decent reputaion, they arent going to rip you off. They are in the business to sell merchandise, not steal deposits.
But of course that leads us right back to square one: are they reputable? So far it looks like they are, especially as they're listed as an official / authorized reseller of TumbleWeed. Not that it means all that much, but...

It'd be easy for me to say "yeah, why not, go for it!" but considering it's not my money I'm risking, I don't think it should weigh much and ultimately it's you that has to be comfortable. Or just take a big gulp, cross your fingers, and hope for the best. :bashhead:

yamaha_1fan said:
Where is it stated that any purchase over 10k has to be reported?
Somewhere in the IRS publications, I'm sure.

yamaha_1fan said:
In my line of business, equipment is sold every day over 10K and nobody reports anything to the IRS. These are B2B transactions but I dont think that matters.

I think your 10K rule deals with bank deposits in cash and is not limited to 10K. My understanding is a teller can flag any cash deposit they want if they think its something the IRS should know about.
You're right, it's not limited to a minimum of $10k, but at $10k it is absolutely required. In casinos, they will start tracking and keeping tabs on you at something like $4k. Of course there are plenty of ways around this in casinos by knowing (and juicing) the right people and whatnot, but that's another story for another time...

You should do your homework and look into it. Deals with any cash transaction over $10k, not just bank deposits. This is primarily to deter money laundering & tax evasion. This is also why it's so difficult to buy big toys with cash: cars, homes, etc. If it's cash, and it's $10k or more, it's gotta be reported under federal law. Not doing so is a big no-no :noway:. Similarly / consequently, structuring is also a big no-no and unless you know a bit about how it works and how to plan ahead, you will get caught eventually even if you think you're being careful if you do this on a long-term / regular basis.

Although I'm not certain, I'm pretty sure that even payments from businesses (perhaps not B2B) over a certain amount (even less than $10k) must be reported via a 1099. At least, that's been my experience.


clowntown said:
are they reputable? So far it looks like they are, especially as they're listed as an official / authorized reseller of TumbleWeed. Not that it means all that much, but....

yer kiddin me.....It actually says that there authorized retailers of TW.....:biglaugh:,,,,,,When I talked to em a fiew months ago they didnt even know what Tumble weed was....They were fimiliar with the Rolling Thunder...But had no idea of TW or "The Reel Pro"...

Guess that happened soon after I talked to em.....

I spoke to the owner of WCG a fiew times an he seems to be a stand up guy....I ordered some bubble baggs from em once, and everything went well:confused:..LOL

The big problem here is that this is an "all in" move (that ones for you CT)....If they jack me, I wont have enough to pay rent,,,so,,,its a touchy subject to say the least..


Yall's input, and comments are greatly apreciated..:friends:
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Well the key word is probably CASH. In my line, its all business to business (B2B) and cash to us means no credit cards, PO's, etc, but a check on delivery, not a wad of cash. I cant say what we do but it would be absurd if we got paid in cash.

And if we DID get paid in cash, we wouldnt be reporting it to the IRS as it is so rare that there is no policy or procedure for it in our office. I know, I own the company.

I would venture to say the same for a hydro company except they do so much cash business, they may comply with that rule.

Clown, you are talking about a casino that is dealing with thousands, probably millions of dollars of cash every day. Much different scenario then your mom and mom hydro store.

And the shop knows you want to be anonymous, or you wouldnt be paying in cash. So they arent going to bust your chops.

I really wouldnt worry about that 10K thing.

I would do it. Still get paperwork, get a receipt, etc. I know its alot of money but like I said, they are a retail business in the busines of making money. 14K isnt going to be enough for them to close up shop and screw you.

Plus, I dont think a store owner really wants a guy who is moving that much weed pissed at him :D


Active member
Fast_Pine said:
yer kiddin me.....It actually says that there authorized retailers of TW.....:biglaugh:,,,,,,When I talked to em a fiew months ago they didnt even know what Tumble weed was....They were fimiliar with the Rolling Thunder...But had no idea of TW or "The Reel Pro"...
Yeah, I think the TumbleWeed is relatively new in the business (it was modeled after the Rolling Thunder that came before it) and as a new competitor in the market I'm sure they're not standing still. :yes:
http://www.tumbleweed.bz/retailers.php said:
West Coast Growers 13481 Colfax Hwy Grass Valley, CA...

Fast_Pine said:
The big problem here is that this is an "all in" move (that ones for you CT)....If they jack me, I wont have enough to pay rent,,,so,,,its a touchy subject to say the least..
Don't I know it; that's my life story, brother. :drum: :violin:

Guess it's risk / reward ratio time: What can/do you gain by using this machine, that you cannot do/gain by using a less expensive machine (i.e., TrimPro)? How much time-to-market, profit, demand/time issues, etc, will you lose by going the alternate route(s) and waiting 'til next season for the TW? Is that loss acceptable, and if so, how does the (relative) loss compare to the (expected) results you'll be getting by having this?

After you take into account all those questions & variables (and more) and sleep on it, you'll probably be a lot closer to the answer you seek and the comfort & confidence needed if you choose to go that route... whatever route that is.


Active member
yamaha_1fan, I agree with you that the IRS/tax thing isn't going to be an issue at all in this scenario... only if you were to be doing this on a regular basis, would it have a chance to become an issue.

Anyways, back off-topic for a second... just because you aren't aware of, and/or don't comply with the cash rules doesn't mean that it's not illegal or that there are no laws in place dealing with it... right?

And BTW, cashing out or otherwise moving large sums of money on a regular basis in casinos isn't nearly as easy as a task as most "outsiders" would be led to believe. Not without "paying your dues", anyways. Regardless of how large or small the casino is.
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yamaha_1fan said:
Well the key word is probably CASH. In my line, its all business to business (B2B) and cash to us means no credit cards, PO's, etc, but a check on delivery, not a wad of cash. I cant say what we do but it would be absurd if we got paid in cash.

And if we DID get paid in cash, we wouldnt be reporting it to the IRS as it is so rare that there is no policy or procedure for it in our office. I know, I own the company.

I would venture to say the same for a hydro company except they do so much cash business, they may comply with that rule.

Clown, you are talking about a casino that is dealing with thousands, probably millions of dollars of cash every day. Much different scenario then your mom and mom hydro store.

And the shop knows you want to be anonymous, or you wouldnt be paying in cash. So they arent going to bust your chops.

I really wouldnt worry about that 10K thing.

I would do it. Still get paperwork, get a receipt, etc. I know its alot of money but like I said, they are a retail business in the busines of making money. 14K isnt going to be enough for them to close up shop and screw you.

Plus, I dont think a store owner really wants a guy who is moving that much weed pissed at him :D

good post..It makes me feel better about what im about to have to do...

Im not thinkin they would close up shop, just be like " uuuuuuh ive never seen you before in my life dude" when I come to pick up the machine.....

Then I would have to get into all that tough guy bullshit........I fuckin hate that shit.

The subject of remaining anonymous brings up agood point.....If I use a fake name, and get fucked with,,,then im really up a creek without a paddle....But If I use my real name on the compartmentalized order(under 10k a piece), I may have some chance of getting my money back if I get the run around?...Thoughts?.......
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Active member
14k is expensive for that machine.. if you are getting it from a retailer theres no reason for them to be taxing you 14k when they get a much better wholesale price then that...

whats the reason for going to cali, paying for the machine, then having it shipped back home? why not get it through someone in your state?


clowntown said:
Anyways, back off-topic for a second... just because you aren't aware of, and/or don't comply with the cash rules doesn't mean that it's not illegal or that there are no laws in place dealing with it... right?

You are right.

I guess my point was that most businesses are not aware of that rule if it does exist, so when it did come up, it wouldnt be much of an issue. The hydro shop being an exception due to the amount of cash they receive versus credit cards.

In reality, most small businesses are going to POCKET that money. They will honor the sale of course, but that CASH is not going into the bank. All my pocket money came from walk in customers who ocassionally paid cash.


asher1er said:
why not get it through someone in your state?
Well, we only have a coupple of "hydro" shops, an they dont even sell the regular style trimm machines like the trimpro's ......I just figured that the guys in Canada who make the bigger machines would only deal with cali style hydro shops..My state isnt a huge MJ state, so I fugured that CA was the obvious choice,,plus on the retailer listings, the closest places they had listed were over in California..,,,,but it never hurts to ask right?....I will head down to the local shop on monday and see what they can do. They will trip the fuck out on me, even worse than the time I ordered the two CAN 150's....:biglaugh:
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Fast_Pine said:
They will trip the fuck out on me, even worse than the time I ordered the two CAN 150's
LOL...got one of those once...BIG sucker. I mean seriously if you go into any hydro shop and ask for anything and they blink you're in the wrong place.


Active member
Whatever said:
LOL...got one of those once...BIG sucker. I mean seriously if you go into any hydro shop and ask for anything and they blink you're in the wrong place.

yeah seriously... im not in a big Mj state neither, or em i? :muahaha: the store i goto had 2 on the shelfs the other day :joint: def ask, if not call them direct tell them theres no one in your area that calls them...you might even get a better price :joint:


full time daddy
if your that worryed about it why is it posted on the internet for all to see what store your going go buy this item at.... on top of you said what store you called asking about it.... id honestly call every dealer in cali and get a price quote you can find just about every hydro shop on hydrofarms web site NGW's site, microhydroponics, gotta grow, hell even organics alive has a good list... ..... if you have 14k to buy this then more then likly you have a shit ton of weed............not a good idea man to be posting do some reasearch http://www.tumbleweed.bz/retailers.php


00420 said:
if your that worryed about it why is it posted on the internet for all to see what store your going go buy this item at.... on top of you said what store you called asking about it....


..... if you have 14k to buy this then more then likly you have a shit ton of weed............not a good idea man to be posting do some reasearch http://www.tumbleweed.bz/retailers.php

I dont see how that is a security risk in any way....What are the LEO's gonna do,,,,wait outside of WCG for me all month long.:biglaugh:....

As far as the 14K......thats ~3Lbs...,,,Many guys here grow that and more. with ease....3 elbows is far from a shit ton of weed......Now, if I can get the 50Lbs im hoping to run through the thing,,,,That, would be a shit ton of weed.:biglaugh:

And as far as doing some research...Earlier in the thread I already explained to clowntown that after talking to me WCG became a retailer of the TW,,,,before that they didnt even know what it was..I dont mean to be a dick,,,but do you really think I would be talking about spending that much money on a trimm machine without visiting there website....

Thanks for yer concern,
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New member
nice looking machine. i like all the extras they have developed for it.

i would not worry too much about the 14k... especially with a store like WCG.
while i have not used them, they seem to be a reputable source for many products and would probably like to stay reputable.

while it would be a good opportunity to screw you out of your 14k especially with this hobbies quirks and dislike for snitching... i don't picture any decent respectable business trying to screw someone over for 3k, or even the whole 14.

lots of busy stores can and do see much more than that on a regular basis, even in one time deals. if they look to be a store who could setup a 20 light spot and not dent their inventory then you will probably not be ripped off.

the big gamble to me lies solely in the shipping part of it... i guess i would rather pick it up myself than have it shipped, but if you have that part worked out, then all that is stopping you is actually laying that money on the table.

good luck. can't wait to see that thing in action. (well, virtually, anyway)


I know this might be a drive for you, but check out Enviromental Concepts in Berkely. I have been dealing with them for YEARS and have done some large cash transactions with them > 10k with no issues. I have know alot of guys from So-Cal to drive to EC just because of the rep they have. I would trust them with any cash deposit and not trip.

I must agree with the posters stating not to trip on cash purchases over 10k with a grow shop. They don't want to flag crap to LEO. Never happen.

Or, 14k can hire alot of trimmers!



they have a few shops throughout the humboldt county area. they will cut you a deal when you spend lots of $$$. they have the best deals, overall, due to their size and market-share. They can stock more, which means they can buy in bigger bulk, and then they pass that on.