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Help Lights out for 3 conscutive days


Hey, everyone need some advice, the power company is installing and cutting new power lines in my neighborhood, they are shutting off the power for 3-5 days, they are hooking up a small generator for free, obviously i dont want to run any lights, my plants were just put to flower so they are small clones, but my quesion is will my plants die or be effected strongly if i leave the lights off for around 3-5 days of no light?


Go out and buy a deep cycle 12 volt battery and some redneck truck lights then use yourself as the timer.Thats what I do when hurricaines blow the poles down. Good luck, Chaco. :joint: :joint:


Your plants won't die but strong chance you're gonna have hermie issues.


thanks, but i forgot to mention that they are working right in front of the the grow room, i dont want to be opening the door to often or going in and out, basically my only option is to kind of sit this one out, and hope for the best, i was just hoping to hear that they would be fine, any comments/experiences are welcomed


I was thinking and maybe you should get some Dutch Master Reverse and Penetrator for when the lights come back on as a preventative? Don't know anything about 12v backup systems and associated lighting but might be helpful. I think with a 3-5 day interruption, once you're into flower, you can expect hermie issues.


How big of a grow?

How about a couple fluros just to keep the light cycle going?


Active member
I had to hide a large girl in a box for 4 days no light/little air movement. she came out fine but did hermie, though much later in her life, so Im not sure if it was her time in the box.


Active member
Do what Yamaha said if ya can. If ya do this youl prolly keepem from hermi'en. Just lettem know the differance between day and nite.


any light at all will keep them from having any problems.. just three days is no biggie.. put a light bulb in there and run it on a timer... anything will work for 3 days to keep the plants from having problems


LOL...I totally blew by the part where they were gonna proved a free generator...doh!...hell ya fluoros for a few days. A 2 4' bulb strip is like $10 and 2 bulbs on the cheap for $10 more. Raised many a mom just on fluoros.

Jam Master Jaco

clowntown said:
I second the motion for this plan. :yes:

Yep. Even if you just have to use a simple flashlight as long as you keep the correct 12/12 light cycle you'll just have a little stretch.
florescent lighting would defintely do the trick for a few days. go pick up one at your local hardware store for 20 bucks.... problem solved....

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