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Remove all traces of icmag from your laptop before leaving country



i try not to fly anymore after 9/11 NOT because i was scared of terrorists, but because of this stupid stupid crap. the whole way this situation has been handled with the airlines is ridiculous. anyone with a brain can see that the measures put in place are lipstick on pig and not worth shit. all it does is inconvience the consumer and doesn't make them any safer.

way to go team USA.


Active member
Babbabud said:
I just paid some major money for a good MJ lawyer. One thing she was adamant about..... heres nothing against the law about being on ICmag.

Maybe not illegal, but could it be used as probable cause? I mean couldn't they see that your Bubbabud and check out your gallery. Wouldn't that give them probable cause?

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
SmokeyPufmaster said:
Maybe not illegal, but could it be used as probable cause? I mean couldn't they see that your Bubbabud and check out your gallery. Wouldn't that give them probable cause?

I think so, they say they are looking for intellectual property violations, so basically any dl movies or music would be subject to proof of purchase

I smell the beginnings of Minority Report