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Do you respect your mind and body? If so - how?

Well, up until a few years ago I used to smoke a hell of a lot of weed. Every day from the minute I woke up, to the minute I went to sleep. This pattern in my smoking emerged after about 10 years of smoking. I've been smoking 20 years plus...

I came to the slow and painful realisation - that as much as I loved smoking - I was smoking at the detriment to other healthy things in my life...like my own inner sense of well being - and not to mention my outwardly appearing health. No two ways about it I needed to heal myself and quick.

Why did I need to heal? Because I was becoming a mess basically - my interactions with people became very negative and this negativity seemed to have a life of its own - creating more negativity and more spiralling.

I began to feel as though I maybe depressed - my sleeping became erratic, life's stresses increased - constantly argued with people around me...felt stressed constantly.

Something had to give....and luckily for me it did!

I sat down and assessed exactly what I thought to be wrong with me and the way I viewed the world. This is what I came up with.

1) I do not exercise
2) I am always stoned
3) I don't eat properly
3) I doubt myself too much (for no real reason) i.e psychological blocks and fears.
4) I am a long way from achieving my potential as a person and that saddened me.
5) I grow - stay at home paranoid - and don't interact that well with people anymore.
6) I am under a lot of relationship pressure, family stresses, work/financial achievement stresses etc.

You may think; "WTF is this bloke banging on about?" But this was more than that - a kinda psychological block - a block that lasted 10 years and filled me with such crap energy that it could have cost me my life on a few occasions! And no I am not blaming the weed! I still smoke weed.

I am blaming the way our lives have become...here in this post-industrial, capitalised modern hell. And I'm blaming the way that we can subconciously receive information about ourselves and begin to believe it - without ever leaving our armchairs or interacting with others.

So I found a way to heal:

It involved exercise - mountain biking 5 miles a day minimum - if not 10.
It involved eating well - cutting out all the fast food, sugary drinks and replacing them with vegetables, salads and water etc.
It involved getting up in the mornings!
It involved getting out with nature again - fishing etc.
It involved changing the pressure I put on myself
It involved getting rid of the immovable obstacles to better health - i.e my wife - although that evolved naturally I suppose!
It involved understanding that I can affect the world around me without ever opening my mouth, just by the energy that I put out into the world.
Well it involved so many things - which all ultimately began to trickle down into positives in other areas - in fact in every other area.

Right now I'm a lot better than I was I'd say...although I had one or two issues that needed sorting out - and recently they were - so now - really is my best chance to heal myself more than I was ever able to.

So my question(s) is/are:

a) has anyone else has had a similar experience and done something about it?
b) do people here feel the need to make a conscious effort to look after their minds and bodies ...and if so, how do you go about it? Yoga, exercising, pilates? :D How do you keep yourself on top of your shit is the basic premise?

Hope you catch my drift? :)


Active member
DopinderBhong said:
It involved understanding that I can affect the world around me without ever opening my mouth, just by the energy that I put out into the world.

most important point right here. wish more people could understand that. i always try to do things to stimulate my mind and body but there are times i get in those ruts like you said. researching and learning new things keeps things new and fresh (like growing). keeping active definitely helps too.


Active member
Good thread. Your list of what was wrong is very familiar to me.

I changed my approach to my lifestyle to involve exercise as well as better eating habits, too.

I've been hiking everyday for at least an hour (usually closer to two) now for the last four years. There's nothing better than getting out into some natural surroundings enjoying the flora/fauna, getting exercise and clearing the head. It's also great to catch a little buzz while out hiking, so it's a nice way for a stoner to get some exercise.

I dropped a fair chunk of weight just by doing that on its own. No other real changes.

I then looked at my diet and changed a few things, although, I already had a pretty decent diet in terms of avoiding fast foods and soft drinks. I've had stomach problems for about 20 years, so I was forced to cut that stuff out quite a while ago. But my lifestyle in my youth was pretty harsh as I worked in bars and nightclubs, so hours were all wonky (dinner at 3 am) and eating habits were basically of the "on the run" variety. It's also a hard party environment and I led the charge most times -- I would say 5 of 7 nights a week I was wasted -- for about 8 years. I cut the booze out about 5 years ago completely.

Also, not toking during the day is helpful to stay on top of "my shit". I love to wake 'n bake or just toke whenever I can, but doing so in the day means I'm pretty likely to let things slide -- do that everyday and shit piles up fast. I'll still toke during the day if I know I have nothing pressing or have a "stoner day" planned, but regularly getting baked early in the day just means procrastination.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I used to weigh about 220 or so, now down to my ideal weight or slightly under of 160

I get up every morning around 5 30
I worka strenuous job, that require moving and lifting
I stopped eating most fast foods

That got the weight off me, as for my motivation? I keepa woman around to guilt me into doin stuff

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
pretty much anything I dont get paid for

She works wonders too. I do all the cooking, dishes, laundry, and most of the work in bed

Behind every great man.........................

hard rain

Great post Dopinderbhong. Sounds like you've made some important changes.

I also spent about a decade stoned all the time. I also drank too much, smoked cigarettes, although my diet has always been pretty good. I actually gave up pot for a number of years and these days just have it in the evening. I use a vaporizer mostly now. I smoke less and enjoy it much more. It also helps with sleep as I have back problems that periodically put me out of action for up to 2 months. I don't drink much and have stopped the tobacco. If you use pot and don't need to have it all day long for medical reasons then I think it is important to have "straight time". You can tend to get introspective and depressed if you use it all day.

I'm generally fitter now in my 40s than I have been in a long while. I walk about an hour a day, cycle fast at least 3 times a week, do light weights, stretches, and have just started a pilates based back strengthening program and do tai chi as well. All this dependent upon how my back injury is though.

I've also resumed studying as a mature aged student. Keeping on learning is important to general well being.

The press often portray pot smokers as useless Cheech and Chong types. Its important not to become the cliche of a pothead.


ive been stuck in this very place

In fact I had thought about creating a thread to discuss balance use of MJ as a med.

I think that, being clandestine to protect your freedom also lends to a loss of balance.

I definately think that it helped me get through times where the drugs prescribed to me such as Zyprexa, Depakote, Xanax (which all cause liver damage ect) and being heavily medicated was absolutely necessary

There does come a time when you are self medicating that you get regimented in your behaviour and since its on the DL and noone knows what your up too so you cant get an outside perspective
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Good read. I am about in the same situation.

Smoke when I wake up til I pass out. Just finished college, no job. Feeling depressed.

and this

ureapwhatusow said:
THere does come a time when you are self medicating that you get regimented in your behaviour and since its on the DL and noone knows what your up too so you cant get an outside perspective

is a very good point.
I recommend a juice fast for 7 to 10 days. It cleans out your system. All this time and you never let your organs rest and clean themselves out. The juice fast works wonders.






Non Conformist
I do respect my mind and body! how you ask...

I do respect my mind and body! how you ask...

I still talk to myself the next day after having sex with myself the night before! LOL! J/K! It is easy ta get yerself stuck ina rut, esp burnin bud evey waking moment. It's good ta pull yerself up by the bootstraps and get outa that rut, whatever that may be for you personally. Change is good when yer stuck ina rut. Good luck! Take care... BC
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Resident pissy old man
B.C., I talk to myself WHILE having sex with myself. Someone has to tell me how great I am and ,since no one else will do it, it might as well be me!


funny while we certainly get old, mastrubation does not

does masturbating incessently since the age of 10 constitute a rut or am i still in rut.

(im 40)
Great Post Dopinderbhong!

I too have been pretty much in the same situation as you!

"5) I grow - stay at home paranoid - and don't interact that well with people anymore."

and last week my mother passed away...

but i've dealt with all my issues well and I only have one thing that keeps me centered: my meditation....everything else falls into place because of this practice.

I take time everyday to myself and sit silently without thought. Sounds so simple but it is one of the most difficult things one can do.

There are lots of other techniques if sitting silently is too difficult. Our minds have so many distractions nowadays that is nearly impossible to sit silently. but there are lots of good techniques, just gotta find one that fits your being.

this is how i respect my mind and body and all externals bloom from my inner growth!

i hope you find your path and peace along the way.

Pops said:
B.C., I talk to myself WHILE having sex with myself. Someone has to tell me how great I am and ,since no one else will do it, it might as well be me!

LMFAO.... pops that was a damn good one, sides are hurtin from that LOL


my only real problem with myself is that I can't get over the fact that my penis isn't as big as a pornstars, makes me miss out on so many girls. it's only about just over 5 inches erect.


Active member
we should all take care of ourselves, as we take care of our plants.

edit: diet and exercise. oh, and some sun. :joint:
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Active member
DopinderBhong said:
Well, up until a few years ago I used to smoke a hell of a lot of weed. Every day from the minute I woke up, to the minute I went to sleep. This pattern in my smoking emerged after about 10 years of smoking. I've been smoking 20 years plus...

I came to the slow and painful realisation - that as much as I loved smoking - I was smoking at the detriment to other healthy things in my life...like my own inner sense of well being - and not to mention my outwardly appearing health. No two ways about it I needed to heal myself and quick.

Why did I need to heal? Because I was becoming a mess basically - my interactions with people became very negative and this negativity seemed to have a life of its own - creating more negativity and more spiralling.

I began to feel as though I maybe depressed - my sleeping became erratic, life's stresses increased - constantly argued with people around me...felt stressed constantly.

Something had to give....and luckily for me it did!

I sat down and assessed exactly what I thought to be wrong with me and the way I viewed the world. This is what I came up with.

1) I do not exercise
2) I am always stoned
3) I don't eat properly
3) I doubt myself too much (for no real reason) i.e psychological blocks and fears.
4) I am a long way from achieving my potential as a person and that saddened me.
5) I grow - stay at home paranoid - and don't interact that well with people anymore.
6) I am under a lot of relationship pressure, family stresses, work/financial achievement stresses etc.

You may think; "WTF is this bloke banging on about?" But this was more than that - a kinda psychological block - a block that lasted 10 years and filled me with such crap energy that it could have cost me my life on a few occasions! And no I am not blaming the weed! I still smoke weed.

I am blaming the way our lives have become...here in this post-industrial, capitalised modern hell. And I'm blaming the way that we can subconciously receive information about ourselves and begin to believe it - without ever leaving our armchairs or interacting with others.

So I found a way to heal:

It involved exercise - mountain biking 5 miles a day minimum - if not 10.
It involved eating well - cutting out all the fast food, sugary drinks and replacing them with vegetables, salads and water etc.
It involved getting up in the mornings!
It involved getting out with nature again - fishing etc.
It involved changing the pressure I put on myself
It involved getting rid of the immovable obstacles to better health - i.e my wife - although that evolved naturally I suppose!
It involved understanding that I can affect the world around me without ever opening my mouth, just by the energy that I put out into the world.
Well it involved so many things - which all ultimately began to trickle down into positives in other areas - in fact in every other area.

Right now I'm a lot better than I was I'd say...although I had one or two issues that needed sorting out - and recently they were - so now - really is my best chance to heal myself more than I was ever able to.

So my question(s) is/are:

a) has anyone else has had a similar experience and done something about it?
b) do people here feel the need to make a conscious effort to look after their minds and bodies ...and if so, how do you go about it? Yoga, exercising, pilates? :D How do you keep yourself on top of your shit is the basic premise?

Hope you catch my drift? :)

You hit the nail on the head. I am in a situation where I smoke from morning to night non-stop, I don't exercise and my whole outlook on the world and life is negative (not that there's really anything positive going on in the world). Like you, this has been going on for about 20 years.
I wish there was some way to stop all this negative thinking but I'm a realist and I'm not blind to all the BS that's going on (from religion to politics to bullshit family matters).
Is there any way to exercise this negativity away? How can you "go blind" after your eyes have been opened? I feel like I'd need a lobotomy to become as care free as I once was. How can anyone have a positive outlook on the world...unless they're plain stupid or closed off from the real world.
Anyone know what I'm talking about? I hope I'm not the only one!

Seems like alot of us chronic smokers are more pessimistic then the average person...maybe the weed has burned out my happy sensors?

I know...alot of "I's" in there but "I" need help being positive :rasta:
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