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buy island and grow your own weed on it?


lives on planet 4:20
anyone know if this could be real ???......if you have the dough to buy an island of your own somewhere.....could you grow marijuana on it without the law busting your chops about it?

I dont mean grow square miles of it.....just a few plants...about a hundred or so?
you will be affiliated to whichever governments waters yours island falls in> doubt you could just start your own country ;)

BUT if you had your own island you wouldnt have nosy neighbours or pigs just dropping by!

check out www.vladi-private-islands.de

You will need some serious tin!


lives on planet 4:20
MickeyBlue42 said:
you will be affiliated to whichever governments waters yours island falls in> doubt you could just start your own country ;)

BUT if you had your own island you wouldnt have nosy neighbours or pigs just dropping by!

check out www.vladi-private-islands.de

You will need some serious tin!

awesome site mickeyblue42...thanks...I found the *crib* on an island I really like.....now all I need is 18.5 million USD....and I'm good


Principality of Sealand is for sale. Anyone wanna throw down on it?


I think you would be better off just building a mansion and building a secret basement after the house is built. Energy costs arent a worry because when you live in a mansion and are rich you can use alot of electricity and not get questioned. I mean lets be real you could run 25k and not bat an eye lash.
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I guess you need some cake for a boat or jet also.

Cool links.

be cool if 20+ cats get the money up to nab one of those..

weed isle has been talked about in chat hehe... would be cool to have a amsterdam #2 but better weed

each person sell 3000zips then grab one hehe


lives on planet 4:20
I am not a lawyer and don't know these fuc..d up laws.....but I don't see the problem with finding an island in some place where you could grow without being bothered by the law

a mansion does sound like a good idea also........if you make it really well hidden....this might be a smarter move.....if you enjoy living around people and want communications, electricity, etc. etc.

I was just fantasizing about something like that and if there are islands that could be your private property where authorities coulsn't stop you from growing cannabis....in amounts of plants for your personal consumption....and a few friends....lol....like all ic mag members for example.....lmfao


~Resident Puck Bunny~
The problem is that you will be hard pressed to find an island that is without law. They will be subject to the laws of the land in which waters it is in. There's 10 other threads on this thru the years here....you may find a weed friendly country, but not one without laws altogether.


lives on planet 4:20
KharmaGirl said:
The problem is that you will be hard pressed to find an island that is without law. They will be subject to the laws of the land in which waters it is in. There's 10 other threads on this thru the years here....you may find a weed friendly country, but not one without laws altogether.

so i guess its a good idea to buy an island where the jurisdiction is under a weed friendly country.....what might these be...besides Spain, India and of course the Netherlands?

India island might be the chepest...but the most dangerous to live on...well Spain island would be very expensive...but also dangerous

best bet would be to buy a water house in Amsterdam....and just walk to a coffeeshop for wake and bake...then same for lunch...and same for diner....lmao


Custom User Title
There's plenty of small islands in lakes all over the place, no need to go crazy. Who the hell is going to find a few plants in the middle of a lake?


lives on planet 4:20
bounty29 said:
There's plenty of small islands in lakes all over the place, no need to go crazy. Who the hell is going to find a few plants in the middle of a lake?

that's what I like about ppl in here.....always thinking up ingenious things

for example check this out....lol
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Registered Med User
I like the mansion Idea, only thing is Id make sure if I had the money to build a mansion that it was solar powerred, no sense payin for all that electricity.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
It would be like camping, there is no electricty.

One thing I do notice when camping, is all the islands, that people have cottages on, most maybe have a few solar panels or a generator, but mainly you live without Elec.

If you kept it small, and did not have undesirables dropping by in speedboats to pick up your cash crop, you would be fine, keep to your self, and no one would care


KharmaGirl said:
The problem is that you will be hard pressed to find an island that is without law. They will be subject to the laws of the land in which waters it is in. There's 10 other threads on this thru the years here....you may find a weed friendly country, but not one without laws altogether.

my thoughts were actually find a anti-us country with a bribable government... maybe an island off Africa or Venezuela or something. I can't imagine that is too difficult if u got the type of money to buy that Island... u could also secure it pretty well too I imagine from US or UN forces.

doesnt matter if the country is weed friendly.... in 3rd world countrys money talks.

SouthFL...I have to admit, i think as stoners i think ALL of us have fantasized a bit about this, i know i have ;)


her dankness
Save your money and just dig a moat around your growhouse.
Fill it with the local scary animal you have available (cottonmouth snakes, gators, pirhanas, aging nudists, water moccasins, snapping turtles, whatever is handy).
Voila, instant island, no need to argue with the local pirates over who gets to moor his boat in the most desirable spot closest to the beach bar.


lives on planet 4:20
this thought was flying around in my mind...since many ppl own islands with homes on them....they show on national geographics....etc

and now whenever I see all these houses I think how I would grow cannabis in them

in fact I think so much about growing cannabis....when I run in the mornings I even look at regular weeds and how *nice* they grow....lmao

it gets crazy with these growing ideas....but I'm sure you all understand...lol


stoned agin ...
i wanna do a marlon brando, buy a tahitian island go there and get fat, 'cept id grow weed too. dont know what the laws are around there but judging from the painting they must smoke somethin ...

"you polish off that oz. before this frenchman's done my pic, and it'll be the horror Doris, the horror" :rasta:


GET MO said:
I like the mansion Idea, only thing is Id make sure if I had the money to build a mansion that it was solar powerred, no sense payin for all that electricity.

Yea that is also a plan of mine if i ever get rich enough for it.

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