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Bug Attack!

Lex Dysic

if you think you picked up chiggers wipe down your legs with a light bleach/water solution...kills on contact...best done right after getting back to the truck/house...
use a spray bottle...

when I went spring turkey this year I used a boonie hat with mosquito netting...tucked into buttoned up long sleeve shirt with long pants tucked in boots....DEET liberally applied on clothes....not one bite or tick.

Avid is the best chemical I've used for killing bugs...but expensive and PIA to get...


Active member
ive got red ants and some kind of red/orange leaf hopper? and my plants have damage to the leaves

the red ants didnt bite me ( i know they have nasty stings), but i make sure i am not standing still else they climb up your shoes :cuss:


Lazlo, my problem is that I forget to pick up the stick and wave it in front of me as i wald until ive gone throug my first webb!

Hey FP. Youre the only other grower ive seen that uses tomato cages. Ive seen them in your pics. I use them on every plant and wouldn't be without them.. I clip one of the top braces and bend it in so a deer cant stick his head down inside without poking his nose. They help with wind and with being knocked over.

Yep, they're puttin a hurtin on you smokey. Liquid sevin. If your lucks like mine, it'll rain the day after you apply it.

I might try that for the chiggers Lex Disic. Im like gdawg, I hate them. I go to sites to often to do much dressing up in preparation. I like your screen name man, dislex=lexdis, Yeah! ha ha ha ha

Saibai, thats one mean looking sucker and if u change the yellow to red, you have our english hornets. same effect too. Assburners.


Active member
i was thinking of leaving them to their own devices since they started flowering just recently and the bugs will leave the plant alone, because nothing seems to want to go near them when heavy in flower, even i dont, they bloody stink.
im unable to find sevin or anything that you guys use for your plants (im in a different country), but i can use something else, which kills most things, have a look and tell me what you think: http://www.podington.co.uk/pest-control/provadoreg-ultimate-bug-killer-1ltr-rtu.html
i use it on the veging plants when those fucking thrips (that i can never get rid of completely) decide to munch my leaves. and i think ive had a few black/clear spidermites (they're small and they run away if u poke them, smaller than red mites), which do die, but some are coming from eggs i think so im having to re apply it every few days.


king of the dinosaurs
seems to be the year of the bug...

the mossis, ticks, flies and everything else have been bad up here too. but the worst are the grass hoppers. there anywhere and everywhere you can find a patch of grass. sometimes it sounds like it raining or something as you walk through. theyve done a number on my plants aswell...



Active member
Yo Silverback, I didn't say spray "you" but the clothing heavy the nite before, lol. Better wear long loose sleaves then get bitten up!


ICMag Donor
I've been spraying my plants every 7 to 10 days with Sevin concentrate. If I didn't there wouldn't be anything left to any of them. A bug free plant grows much better than one getting hopper burnt and chowed by aphids. Bug damage can seriously stunt the plants growth and lead to a poor yield. A bottle of Sevin concentrate is 10 bucks. A pretty small price to pay for a healthy plant.....
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silverback: Thankfully I haven't been stung yet. :D

bongasaurus: Oh man, that would destroy me if I saw that at my plot...then it would set me off on a vendetta against all and any bugs for the next year or so... :(

Everyones talking about this sevin, I'll google it...but I'm pretty sure it won't be available at my corner garden store.

I picked up some spray yesterday, actually...claims to be made from some plant extracts, can be used until day before harvest on fruits and veg...sounds a little more friendly than sevin? I'll give it a try today. I forget what extracts it was claiming to use...palm tree and something else?

edit: It says "palm tree extracts and starch from corn and potatos"? used to make "Sorbitan" something-or-other, which is also used in ice-cream and cake manufacturing....apparently it basically suffocates the bugs.
Anyone heard of or used this type of bug killer?
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Registered Pothead
OMG i feel for all of you who get those man biting bugs. We just got your typical spider mite on steroids problem out here in socal. In a way i would rather get bit all the time then have to deal with the mites.


all praises are due to the Most High
it is bug-a-lore out here too, it is ridiculous... don't the chinese have legends about li-mu-bai type beings going around exterminating plagues that damage crops? someone give them a call please


Smokey, I personally avoid any pesticide that is "systemic", which means its absorbed into the plant. You and Saibai should google Pyrethum and see what you can find. (is that the right spelling?) Go here and look at this product. They should provide a worldwide shipper or dealer


I have those bongasauraus. They can put a hurtin on a fan leaf.

JJScorpio, Ive been blasting mine as well and you're right that bugs can hurt a plant badly especially right here at flower. I have a couple of big plants that have a few limbs where the foilage on the whole brach is deformed because the bugs have sucked its juices and chewed on them until the buds will be effected too. That branch has over an OZ on it so yeah, that bottle of sevin looks cheap. Its been hard for even Sevin to keep the bugs off this year with heavy dew and all. There's just so many bugs. Im thinking of switching to Pyganic.

Paz, if you find one of those chinese guys, tell him to pm me.


Yea,& you think you got buzzer problems this year, try growing just down from the nuclear power station. :muahaha:


Aphids, Spider Mites, Catepillars, White flies. Ants.

The madness never ends.

Bout ready to build a ghetto greenhouse on my veggies and release the predators. But It wouldent even be worth the veggie harvest.

Spider mites are nasty little bugs and they spread colonies rapidly.

Ive tried scraping them off with a knife. Neem oil. They come back to the same plant.
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Argh! I thought I had finally gotten rid of the caterpillars on my plants...but discovered a couple today. So i think i'm going to try and find some spinosad, becuase neem oil nor insecticidial soap seemed to have done anything to them. Hand picking gets old, fast but if it needs to be done, it needs to be done.


Active member
Huey do a "collar" round the plant with sticky goo like whitefly traps use I forget the name, somebady help out here. Also Diotoemacous Earth in soil aound and in a spray stops crawlies!


yeah for some bugs who crawl up the stem , what the city used to do here to keep catipillers off the oaks was a sticky collar, wrapped around the stem say with alot off vasoline, might work for mites too, dont see how they'de get through that.


Here are 2 excepts from Jerry Baker's newsletter on insect control.

"To keep insect pests away from my houseplants, I recycle my dog and cat flea collars. After taking the collar off my pet, I lay it among the plants for a few days, and all the pests stay away." K. Parker, IA

If spider mites, aphids, or mealybugs are draining the juices from your flowers or veggies, give 'em a drink that'll stop 'em in their tracks. Mix 1/4 cup of buttermilk, 2 cups of white flour, and 2 gallons of water in a bucket. Then pour the mixture into a hand-held sprayer bottle, and douse your pest-plagued plants from top to bottom.

I like the flea collar idea. Gotta make a run to the dollar store this week anyway. Might even help repel skeeters. The recipe for mites sounds promising and unless you are lactose iotolerant, shouldn't hurt you like chemicals. Would need to reapplied after rain.

Good luck to everyone this season.

Politicians and diapers need to be changed often and both for the very same reason.


silverback: I can get pyrethrum-based stuff here...I used that stuff I mentioned a couple of posts ago. Didn't seem to hurt the plants, seems to have worked pretty well, trouble is I could only spray about half my plants. Might try it again, getting the bigger bottle.