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Q: germing naturally.. in the soil


New member
what is the longest time a seed would take to sprout up in dirt?? If enough time passes (say 2 weeks) would the seeds be worth digging out and using a different germination technique? thanks for any feed back and god bless america = ) :yummy:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
This is pretty much why people use other techniques to germinate their seeds

When it is in the ground, you cannot control anything about it. If you want to germ outside, fine, but you will lose seeds and seedlings. I suggest that you germ, them inside, harden them a bit and then, transplant them outside


This is the best way of germing seeds, in my experience:

Get a small cup, one that will hold about 8oz. Fill the cup with water. Add a drop (as in, a very tiny amount) of your flowering fertilizer. Add a drop of Superthrive. Mix well.

Add your seeds. Let them soak for 12 hours. 12 hours later, remove the seeds from water (with clean hands for the love of God), and plant them in your soil. They should break the surface within a week max. If they haven't sprouted within a week with this method (unless they're some crazy sativa that takes a month to germinate), they're probably dead.

With this method, you don't have to worry about messing with the popped tap root (a la the paper towel method). In my opinion, the paper towel method is very flawed, and most any serious grower/breeder will agree.


Registered Pothead
Did you only try to start one seed? You should start double the amount of plants you want. That way you can pick and choose the females you wanna keep. I think that seed is dust might be dampened off by now.


Active member
I know a few things about this. The soil should be warm, the room temp should be like 85-90F. They should be planted a little less than 1/4 inches down...the little less thing is important. They should be soaking for a the first two days in the soil, after that don't drown them just keep it moist.

I had a OVER a 90% germ rate with mexican schwag seeds and about 1/4 the seeds were crush and didn't look viable, I am sure this works :)

The best way is a cd case with paper towel and a warm surface or keep the case just a tab bit warm...I DID germ all those schwag seeds, but it took 6 days which just isn't right and can get a person anxious to the point of messing with them too much and screwing it up.


New member
thanks for all the feedback ppl..i appreciate all the knowledge, wisdom, insight that is offered free of charge.."looking is for free, but touchin' is gonna cost ya!" ho ho ho. yeah but i just want to keep this experiment as close to an outdoor simulation as possible..seeing as how seeds don't encounter towels in nature that would be "cheating"

i got a little impatient and used a nice sized stem to poke around the dirt after 2 days of letting them rest in the moist soil. all beans started the germination process and they should come around very nicely..

thanks again for the input and god bless


Registered Pothead
You can try precracking also to help the germination process. Bite the pointy end of the seed with your teeth.

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