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"They built me to be filthy
on some I-do-or-die shit, for real..."​
Sup ICers,
I'm starting another grow and I wanted to keep better notes this time...so i decided to start a running log of any and everything i grow... Plus, Im here to learn, from any and everybody thats willing to teach.. there r a bunch of good growers on this site, u'd be crazy not to drink it in....So all help and advice, is welcomed one hunnet... On to the grow...

The Set Up

4x4 Hydrohut
1000w Cooltube
6 inch Vortex w/ Goblin carbon Filter
3 fans- one at the top, two under the canopy

Soil, Fox Farm Ocean bag.. lol
Nutes and stuff- GH Floranova Bloom, GH Floralicious Plus, Hygrozyme and Liquid KoolBloom at about 1/4 strength every 3-4 watering...in between they get ph'd water with just floralicous and hygrozyme
The PH is 5.6 to 6.0
Some are in 2gal containers others in 3gal... i will finish them all in 3-5gal

Im running three different Rez's Chemdog D Bx1, H3ad's G13bx/ECSDv3 I call her G, and Blue Moonshine by DJS
I'm puttin up another tent this week and will be popping more seeds I will choose from BMS/Alpha Diesel, BMS/G13-Diesel, G13/Diesel F1's and F2's, DSD, Ice, and SSH f3s1

now to the grow....

Chemdog D #1
about 2 weeks into 12/12




Heres her last grow..


CDD #2





CDD #2 finished


CDD #3



CDD#3 finished


BMS#4 harvested, current pics soon


G13/ECSDv3 aka G, current pics soon







Lemme know what yall think... Let the fun begin :joint:

***Who knows how to make pics bigger?*** Thanks HD!
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
got some great looking buds here man, swt up sounds pro too, i will be sittin next to chubby


Active member
ICMag Donor
Some great lookin buddage there friend!

I will give you a tip on how I post the larger pics...
I am going to use the last pic you posted as the example.
The shots you have added look like they were put in the conventional way, so that one can click on the posted thumbnail and it will take them to the full size shot.
Going back to when you put the shot in the thread, you will have had the shot below in your gallery to choose from. When you find the shot you want to post up, simply put your curser on the shot and right click your mouse. That will bring up the control box for that shot. Highlight the "Copy Image Location" line and click it.

Now go back to the text box and click your curser where you want the pic to show up...right after the last text, or a couple of skipped lines, or whatever...
Then move your curser to the above "insert Image" icon (mountains on horizon) and click it.
You had already clicked the "copy image location" line so it is ready to be pasted. Paste it into the box where it is asking for image location, but don't click OK yet!.
This is what you would have pasted in if using your last shot:
(I removed one of the t's in http so the link would not actually be active)

Now before clicking OK...take your curser and highlight towards the end of the link you just pasted just this part: "-thumb" so that what you now have pasted is this:
NOW click OK.

Viola...full size shot right up front in the post.

It may want to put the pic at the bottom of your post or somewhere screwey, so always preview your post to make sure it went where you want it. If it didn't simply highlight the whole link, cut it, then paste it where it needs to be.
May be easier ways, but that is how I roll.

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Thanks Chubby, Dr. D., and Hoosierdaddy.... Thanks for the tip homey, really appreciate it.... I'll get the new shots of the BMS and the G up by tomorrow... Im blowin some CDD #2 now... man.. its good..strong funky lemony smoke....I need to do a smoke report on this too..

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wattup primp that cdd #2 and that bms #4 look fantastic yo.
hehe what does cdd and bms stand for though bro?
oh you can blow ur pics up easy by just removin the -thumb in the picture command thing(whatever its called) when ur postin the pics.
good grow/and photo skills bro.
imma get my seat over here by these crazy kats and roll somethin up...tagged.peace-Y-

edit:just saw the cdd and bms in ur sigg nevermind yo.
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These pics r from a week after the first ones.... Since then I hav transplanted all into bigger pots..I'll post those in a bit...

Here is "G" (Head's G13/Diesel)

BMS #4

Chemdog D Bx1- #1

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Primprimo, I love your setup, it looks clean, the genetics are clean (I'd love to try out some of the chem gear, and that BMS looks too much to handle ;)) and the plants themselves look nice. I'm only giving your unsolicited advice out of positivity and curiosity, I need to make this my signature or something: I'm no expert.

Anywho, I think the slowly building neurotic burn you see on your plants from last harvest (they look great in current grow also, a little light), was from a potassium deficiency. May I be so bold as to inquire do you use anything to supply your plants with K?
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Sup Skrappie,
I thought it could be K def, but I wasnt sure if it was caused by build up or messed up PH (My ph pen died during that grow..lol).... But yeah man, Anything u see u think u can help out on speak up, thats why Im here to be a better grower...i've been tryin the less is more approach so the plant will tell me what they need, so i feed as lil as possible ... I use Liquid Kool-Bloom for PK.... I took the new pics before feeding and the plants looked like I could up the feeding so I feed them at about 700-800 ppm... looks like some of them r eatin up the N, hope they self flush.lol...Actually Im debating how long of a flush I will give them this time...I think Ima let them go 70-75 days and start flush around 55-58 days... What do yall think about PPM and organics and feeding techniques?


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
hOLY mOLY DUDE that is alot of pics

You know when i look at plants, well bud, I normally go on the assumption that the thicker the stem, the more weight it is designed to carry, thus the plant is prime for growing out some big bats. I think we are going to be seein that here




Sup Dr.D,
:D... I get a lil Kodak happy sometimes...lol..I like the sound of Bats, .... I sure hope thats the case... I want as much as possible,cause I started smokin some, and Im lovin it.... really dank

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