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Who loves SourBubble


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
Anyone know how dominant a Sour Bubble BX4 ( SB4) male is in crosses ?

I just finished up some Chem D Beta BX1 x SB4 and Cherry Slyder x SB4 and was wondering.

I dunno about the sourbubble from bog but it seems everyone loves it........ I have tons of lsd#1 and bogbubble. the bogbubble has one good pheno and the lsd#1 was a decent plant all around. sourbubble is on my wants list no doubt

Care Free 1

Active member
S_a_H said:
Anyone know how dominant a Sour Bubble BX4 ( SB4) male is in crosses ?

I just finished up some Chem D Beta BX1 x SB4 and Cherry Slyder x SB4 and was wondering.


You must know someone if you have BX4.
Sour Bubble will show nicely on the male side and give what your working with a good kick. Lots of variations though. I would love to test out those crosses you made, and I have some Chemdog BX2 that I will hit up myself this year when I find a nice male SB. I also plan to hit up an OG Kush female with a nice SB male. Should be fun.

I have seen at least 6 pheno's of Sour B between BX1, 2, and 3. All killer and worth the grow space no dought about it.


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
Care Free 1 said:
You must know someone if you have BX4.
Sour Bubble will show nicely on the male side and give what your working with a good kick. Lots of variations though. I would love to test out those crosses you made, and I have some Chemdog BX2 that I will hit up myself this year when I find a nice male SB. I also plan to hit up an OG Kush female with a nice SB male. Should be fun.

I got it from a friend on TY.

He got the seeds from another TY member that bought them from a auction site which off the top of my head I cannot recall. But it was big bucks to get them.

He did a seed run and sent me some seeds. I ran them and liked it a lot but I did not make seeds or take cuttings as I really wasn't going to do anything else with it. But after I got to smoking it that all changed and I started liking it......lol

There were a few people he gifted seeds to and one of those people had this male ( below ) and no females and wanted to know if I wanted some of the pollen and I of course said HELL YES so he sent me some of that pollen. After that he said he still had some of the BX4 seeds left and sent me another 20-30 seeds that I have yet to run.

I used some of the pollen and I sent the rest of the pollen to MDanzig to use in a new AF cross he is starting.



the Revenant
I just put 9 of southwinds sour bubble seeds into a cup of water. They are SB bx4 male X SB bx3 female. Already 4 have popped and are in rapid rooters in my seed dome. Wish me luck, pix will follow!
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S_a_H said:
I got it from a friend on TY.

He got the seeds from another TY member that bought them from a auction site which off the top of my head I cannot recall. But it was big bucks to get them.

He did a seed run and sent me some seeds. I ran them and liked it a lot but I did not make seeds or take cuttings as I really wasn't going to do anything else with it. But after I got to smoking it that all changed and I started liking it......lol

There were a few people he gifted seeds to and one of those people had this male ( below ) and no females and wanted to know if I wanted some of the pollen and I of course said HELL YES so he sent me some of that pollen. After that he said he still had some of the BX4 seeds left and sent me another 20-30 seeds that I have yet to run.

I used some of the pollen and I sent the rest of the pollen to MDanzig to use in a new AF cross he is starting.


that's a very nice male

i hope you can get a plenty of seeds to spread them around the world...

i have sourbubble bx3 and i'd love to have bx4

Bog never sell this one (bx4) as far as i know...but i know that he was working on it.

Well, good luck with your work S_a_H, and keep us updated :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:

Care Free 1

Active member
That is a gorgeous male plant you have there. I need one just like that. Time will tell.

Good luck on yer grow. I would find at least 3 keepers from every pack I germed, so I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Here is my Sour Bub BX3 purple pheno next to 2 large BX2's, lime green & dark green. These are the main stocks. Many of the lower branches are down below with lots of bud not shown. They do get 4 ft tall ocasionally, even with only 6-7 weeks veg.


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
Care Free 1 said:
That is a gorgeous male plant you have there.

That male is not a plant I grew out but I was able to get some of his pollen to use.

I have more SB4 seeds from the same run he came from and i'll be running the other 20 SB4 seeds soon to see if I can find another one and a couple nice females.

I am sending out some of the Chem D x Sour Bubble BX4 seeds to be tested and should see some results by Thanksgiving. I am getting some testers setup with the Cherry Slyder x SB4 soon. Please do not PM me about this I already have them selected.



Active member
CF1, love the side by side shots of the three different phenos, they all look amazing in thier own right, can you describe the smells and high of each if they differ...
awesome job on them!


Sourbubble is definitely the strain I seek the most, glad to hear about the Grindhouse project :) GJ everyone.

Care Free 1

Active member
kathmandu said:
CF1, love the side by side shots of the three different phenos, they all look amazing in thier own right, can you describe the smells and high of each if they differ...
awesome job on them!

Hi kathmandu

All the pheno's have that sour danknes. The green one's are more of a citrus lemon/limey sour kick your ass type.

The purple, red, and black pheno's are mostly BX3's and everyones favorites. The smell, flavor, jar appeal, and high are the best I've ever grown from seed. One hit pain relief. They can range from sour grape to a soury goodness that is hard to describe, maybe sweet n sour dank.

The black ones are my favorite for pain relief, but the sour lime ones taste oh so good.

Care Free 1

Active member
The Sour Bub's will color up really good, but the BX3's really have the most color from the ones I have grown. I will try a new batch based on BX1 this year so I cant wait to see what comes this year.

BX3 color.



Active member
INCREDIBLE images CF1....thanks for showing them to us. cant wait to get Steeles SBbx3ix see and smoke all the phenos that show up:)
Sour Bubbble has some serious bag appeal, a looker indeed.
OH ya, do you have any dried bud pics CF1?

Care Free 1

Active member
It is very possible that there is Bubba Kush in part of Sour Bubble's genetics.

Could there also be OG Kush in the genetic makeup of Sour Bub.

Here is a quote from Zepplindood back in 2005 in the strain liniage guide.

zeppelindood said:
Here's one you're looking for...

Bubba Kush = OG Kush x THSeeds Bubblegum

I have seen some pheno's that resembled both Bubba and OGK buds. Can this be?


Care Free 1

Active member
Hope you dont mind me posting up more Sour Bub pic's. Getting ready for the new grow season, and i'm getting exited about whats coming up. Looks like this years stuff will be from the BX1 generation, so back closer to the originals.

Here is another BX3 monster leave pheno. I have never seen leaves that big on any other plant I've grown

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Care Free 1

Active member
This is one of the most potent plants I have ever come across. This green pheno will have you glued to your chair for hours. Time will almost stand still, so it seems. Makes you forget about any pain that might be present also.

They are a beautiful plant. Makes you really want to spend time in the grow room.