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New DWC Grow!


Ok. So here I am on my 3rd run. Little info on the first 2 runs.. one.. I got excited and pulled early (dum dum dum, I know) , and the other got pulled for security reasons. So here I am ready to give it a good shot (and NOT pull early) :laughing:
Heres what I have going:
Unknown Strain , nutes are PBP Grow and Bloom, and Cal+Mag
In bubble cloner now but will go in 5 gallon DWC buckets very soon.
pH is at 5.8 and has been holding steady as of late, but had fluctuations in the start. PPM's are sitting at 520 - 510, and EC is 0.76 - 0.77. Using a SM-802 Milwaukee Tri-Meter thats calibrated properly, and they are under 1, 400w MH.
Temps are 75 F and humidity is at 30%. My problems ( guess you could call it a problem) is that the readings dont really do anything.. they just kinda hover where they are. I was getting a bad look on some of my leaves so I changed out the rez with new and started from base and they look like they got better.. problem is.. some of those little brown spots are coming back in a few places on the newer growth. Just wondering what could be causing this as im pretty sure I have all my info factored right. And some of the others seem just fine..which is weird cause they are all from the same seed. Ill include some pics for some info. Thanks :)



Hey woodstock, wishin you luck on this grow. We're running a very similar setup (5gal DWC, 400w HPS, unknown strain). My thread's in my sig if you want to stop by.

As for the discoloration... are you using RO water? I had very similar looking leaves when I used ph'd tap water. Now that I'm filtering water (ghetto style: brita pitcher into the bucket) the leaves are a lot healthier. I think mine was due to all the nutes/crap in tap water. Someone more knowledgable may be able to give a more sophisticated response lol.

Good luck!


Thanks for stopping by! I forgot to add that im using 000PPM water.. Plain RO. I was aware that the tap causes funky leaves and discoloration though. I will check out your thread and when I get back here in just a few. Thanks for the good vibes man :)


Back after a couple of days to show some more pics.. I am pretty sure its a cal+mag def. But id like some other opinions just to make sure. They sure are getting bigger in size though.. and the ppms and EC are starting to drop.. time to top up.. "Drop and Top" heheheh :biglaugh:



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
With 0 EC water, cal-mag would've been my first suggestion.

I had my DWC dialed in for a month. Nothing moved but the water level. Slowly everything started to go wrong (slow growth, yellowing) I pinned the problem on nutriant lockup due to pH. It seems no pH number allows for absorption of all nutes.

Now I slightly overfeed with slightly high pH. Over two weeks, EC climbs and pH drops. I dump in 4 gallons of tap water and EC and pH return to original levels.


Yeah my pH has been climbing and falling , and thats what I thought was going on..So ill keep on doing that.. So you are saying that it for sure looks like a cal+mag lockout? Im going to go ahead and add some today.. and see if that helps... I can see thought that the EC is slowly dropping, so its time to do some topping.. LOL... DROP and TOP! :biglaugh:
Thank you for the good info FreezerBoy!