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Indoor grow expo


Big indoor grow expo tomorrow at fortmason in san francisco lots of cool new things to check out! plus you could talk to alot of manufactures right there... lots of cool freebees...



It looks like it's only open to industry folks today, but the rest of us can come tomorrow afternoon. This should be a pretty interesting event to go to, given all of the legal marijuana grows in the bay area. I'm sure none of the companies there will be willing to talk to anyone who even breaths the word marijuana, but they'd be fools not to target that market at least quietly.

In Oakland you can have a three patient communal garden with up to 216 plants in a 108 square foot area. That's a whole lot of lights, fans, filters, and nutrients.


This expo rocks! I got to talk to dam near every manufacture... personally! I got tons of free nutrient lines, met lots of cool peeps', it was like holloween for growers!

check out what house and garden was giving out

i thought this was pretty interesting it feels like couch stuffing!

I'm going to test it out on this Hindu skunk



Awwwww, maaaan! I couldn't make it to SF today. I'm glad someone had fun, anyway. Did any of the manufacturers mention the local industry that purchases so many of their products?

I'm jealous. I eat this kinda shit up.


Active member

asher1er got me into the industry day before a lot of the samples were given away (thanks bro!), and I got away with a slightly better than average score. I've heard some folks were bold and made 6+ trips to their cars and back! :yoinks:

Here's my grab list:

  • 2 sets of H&G (1L retail size) boxes (one Aqua, one Coco) worth $500-ish retail each; this is what I came for, to get the free retail-sized bottles of Roots Excelurator!
  • Set (1L retail size) of Cutting Edge Solutions gear, 6 bottles (G/M/B, Uncle John's Blend, Plant Amp, Mag Amped)
  • Set of Humboldt Nutrients (small 8oz samples sizes though, unlike H&G/CES)
  • GH's Floralicious Plus (4oz), FloraNectar (1qt)
  • Some inline centrifugal carbon bug filter
  • TechnoFlora's PuraVida Grow and Bloom (pint)
  • Plant Success Great White (4oz dry)
  • Botanicare's Guardian MY (8oz liquid and .25 lb powder pouch)
  • Organicare's Pure granules (1.85lb pouch)
  • FoxFarm's dry additive pouches
  • MOAB (tiny baggie)
  • Bunch of Bic lighters, pens, keychains, T-shirts (which I'll never wear), caps, etc
  • Dyna-Gro's Pro-Tekt / rooting gel / K-L-N
  • Dutchmaster's Liquid Light (x2) / Penetrator (x2), sample sizes (very very high application rates!).
  • 3D's The One emulsifier (2oz)

Canna had a booth set up but it appeared to be information-only, without any samples. Instead, seems they spent their money on honeys with short skirts to pass out brochures, than on free samples.

Not bad for a day's work...

Almost grabbed 2 sets of reflector yo-yo's after the booth was unoccupied, but my conscience got the best of me... :badday: Someone else (I won't snitch) said they went as far as putting a digital ballast display model in their bag, then changed their mind and put it back. Conscience sucks, sometimes! :biglaugh:

I've heard others getting things like free inline fans, 1000w digital ballasts, reflectors, etc...

DangerP said:
Awwwww, maaaan! I couldn't make it to SF today. I'm glad someone had fun, anyway. Did any of the manufacturers mention the local industry that purchases so many of their products?

I'm jealous. I eat this kinda shit up.
Many of them that had booths set up were actually local wholesalers / distributors, and not the actual manufacturers themselves (with exceptions of course). Oftentimes you'd see the same brand / product being displayed in multiple booths because of this.
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Active member

asher1er got me into the industry day before a lot of the samples were given away (thanks bro!), and I got away with a slightly better than average score. I've heard some folks were bold and made 6+ trips to their cars and back! :yoinks:

Here's my grab list:

  • 2 sets of H&G (1L retail size) boxes (one Aqua, one Coco) worth $500-ish retail each; this is what I came for, to get the free retail-sized bottles of Roots Excelurator!
  • Set (1L retail size) of Cutting Edge Solutions gear, 6 bottles (G/M/B, Uncle John's Blend, Plant Amp, Mag Amped)
  • Set of Humboldt Nutrients (small 8oz samples sizes though, unlike H&G/CES)
  • GH's Floralicious Plus (4oz), FloraNectar (1qt)
  • Some inline centrifugal carbon bug filter
  • TechnoFlora's PuraVida Grow and Bloom (pint)
  • Plant Success Great White (4oz dry)
  • Botanicare's Guardian MY (8oz liquid and .25 lb powder pouch)
  • Organicare's Pure granules (1.85lb pouch)
  • FoxFarm's dry additive pouches
  • MOAB (tiny baggie)
  • Bunch of Bic lighters, pens, keychains, T-shirts (which I'll never wear), caps, etc
  • Dyna-Gro's Pro-Tekt / rooting gel / K-L-N
  • Dutchmaster's Liquid Light (x2) / Penetrator (x2), sample sizes (very very high application rates!).
  • 3D's The One emulsifier (2oz)

Canna had a booth set up but it appeared to be information-only, without any samples. Instead, seems they spent their money on honeys with short skirts to pass out brochures, than on free samples.

Not bad for a day's work...

Almost grabbed 2 sets of reflector yo-yo's after the booth was unoccupied, but my conscience got the best of me... :badday: Someone else (I won't snitch) said they went as far as putting a digital ballast display model in their bag, then changed their mind and put it back. Conscience sucks, sometimes! :biglaugh:

I've heard others getting things like free inline fans, 1000w digital ballasts, reflectors, etc...

DangerP said:
Awwwww, maaaan! I couldn't make it to SF today. I'm glad someone had fun, anyway. Did any of the manufacturers mention the local industry that purchases so many of their products?

I'm jealous. I eat this kinda shit up.
Many of them that had booths set up were actually local wholesalers / distributors, and not the actual manufacturers themselves (with exceptions of course). Oftentimes you'd see the same brand / product being displayed in multiple booths because of this.


Plant Manager
thats alot of shit ct...what are you going to use first? What did you like the best? Did you just grab n go or did you rap with the vendors?

* 2 sets of H&G (1L retail size) boxes (one Aqua, one Coco) worth $500-ish retail each; this is what I came for, to get the free retail-sized bottles of Roots Excelurator!

So you tried it before? You like it? What did they have to say about it?

* Set (1L retail size) of Cutting Edge Solutions gear, 6 bottles (G/M/B, Uncle John's Blend, Plant Amp, Mag Amped)

I hear more an more about CE...there calcium is expensive as shit, but is omri listed.
Again...what was there rap, what is makes there stuff better anyone else?

* Set of Humboldt Nutrients (small 8oz samples sizes though, unlike H&G/CES)

I've heard good things about the myan microzyme...but I don't like the fact that you have to process this crap for over 24 hours before use. Too much trouble for me. But my friend that uses it swears by it.

* GH's Floralicious Plus (4oz), FloraNectar (1qt)

That's cool...I guess. Whats new about either :) lol GH is tired.

* Some inline centrifugal carbon bug filter

You got bugs commin in?

* TechnoFlora's PuraVida Grow and Bloom (pint)
I'm actually using this right now...it is working pretty good. A little low calcium for my tastes...but I can add that. Maybe with the CE calcium :) What was their rap? I have heard a little, but I like to know what they say. :)

* Plant Success Great White (4oz dry)

Using this one too...it is fungi and bacteria...in one. Cool.

* Botanicare's Guardian MY (8oz liquid and .25 lb powder pouch)
I like botanicare...but this is just mycor...nothing special...

* Organicare's Pure granules (1.85lb pouch)
Did you not get any of the liquid samples? I want to know about those...I heard they stink really bad.
* FoxFarm's dry additive pouches
What of? ANything new?

* MOAB (tiny baggie)

WHat is this?
* Bunch of Bic lighters, pens, keychains, T-shirts (which I'll never wear), caps, etc
I need a lighter...lol Send it over :)

* Dyna-Gro's Pro-Tekt / rooting gel / K-L-N
That's old news...they didn't have anything newer than that? That stuff is ok...but nothing to write home about.

* Dutchmaster's Liquid Light (x2) / Penetrator (x2), sample sizes (very very high application rates!).

You use less? cool. You used this before?

* 3D's The One emulsifier (2oz)
Never heard of it? What's in it? What was there rap about it?

Nothing else new and exciting in the world of hydro? No new lights or movers or shakers or gadgets or gizmos?


Active member
sunnyside said:
thats alot of shit ct...what are you going to use first? What did you like the best? Did you just grab n go or did you rap with the vendors?
I grabbed and went at some, but the products I actually had interest in I asked questions and chatted a little.

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* 2 sets of H&G (1L retail size) boxes (one Aqua, one Coco) worth $500-ish retail each; this is what I came for, to get the free retail-sized bottles of Roots Excelurator!
So you tried it before? You like it? What did they have to say about it?
I have not, but I've heard great things about H&G. I will definitely try out their base nutes, but unless it seriously outperforms the GH coco recipe I'm not sure the price will be worth it. My main source of interest was the Roots Excelurator, which comes in much smaller bottles than Rhizotonic but at the same time has much lower application rates. And reputable folks here tend to say it works better, too. I've mixed it in a few times now, and it does not make the pH jump up crazy like Rhizotonic does.

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* Set (1L retail size) of Cutting Edge Solutions gear, 6 bottles (G/M/B, Uncle John's Blend, Plant Amp, Mag Amped)
I hear more an more about CE...there calcium is expensive as shit, but is omri listed.
Again...what was there rap, what is makes there stuff better anyone else?
This booth was quite busy as they were giving out a 6L set (1L each bottle) to just about anyone who walked by, and even waved people over to grab some samples. :yes: I didn't go back for a 2nd set (I was fully loaded, didn't come by car), but from what I saw on the Internet it's as you say: expensive, but OMRI listed. I've also read that they contain other ingredients besides just Ca and Mg (respectively), such as microorganisms or such...? I forgot the exact details...

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* Set of Humboldt Nutrients (small 8oz samples sizes though, unlike H&G/CES)
I've heard good things about the myan microzyme...but I don't like the fact that you have to process this crap for over 24 hours before use. Too much trouble for me. But my friend that uses it swears by it.
Never heard a thing about this line, until I got to the show. Only saw bottles at a few select stores, but never did pay much attention to it. I wasn't aware you had to process stuff 24h in advance, and that certainly doesn't sound like my type of thing either...

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* GH's Floralicious Plus (4oz), FloraNectar (1qt)
That's cool...I guess. Whats new about either :) lol GH is tired.
I've never used FP+, but I've recently heard great things about it. I will be using it this run (bought a 32oz bottle before the expo). FloraNectar on the other hand appears to be a completely new product released this year, supposedly better than Botanicare's Sweet, etc.

I happen to like GH for the price/performance and the flexibility of the 3-part, not that I've had much experience with many other lines / brands...

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* Some inline centrifugal carbon bug filter
You got bugs commin in?
No, but free samples are free samples. Doesn't really hurt much, but the amount of airflow (from my 6" Vortex intake) is noticeably lower.

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* TechnoFlora's PuraVida Grow and Bloom (pint)
I'm actually using this right now...it is working pretty good. A little low calcium for my tastes...but I can add that. Maybe with the CE calcium :) What was their rap? I have heard a little, but I like to know what they say. :)
I'd like to try it one day, but to be honest it'll likely sit on the back-burner for a round or two until I try out a few other things first. I was going to chat with them a little bit, but they kinda pissed me off... they had tons of 8oz bottles of this "Route 66" stuff out there, along with the pint bottles of the G/B... I grabbed one of each, and one of their reps asked me "what store are you from?" and indicated he wanted to see my badge. When I flipped it over and told them I was from ___, he thought for a second and a half and said "I'll need that one back... we're not giving them away..." which I found really odd as they had it right next to the G/B bottles, way out in the open as if they were free samples as well. :no:

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* Plant Success Great White (4oz dry)
Using this one too...it is fungi and bacteria...in one. Cool.
Yeah, the label / contents do look impressive. I'll be giving it a try this run on a selected few plants for a (semi-)side-by-side to see what's up.

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* Botanicare's Guardian MY (8oz liquid and .25 lb powder pouch)
I like botanicare...but this is just mycor...nothing special...
Certainly doesn't look special by the content list, but appears to be new (from Botanicare, that is). It's free, so why not?

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* Organicare's Pure granules (1.85lb pouch)
Did you not get any of the liquid samples? I want to know about those...I heard they stink really bad.
I did get the entire line of their liquid additives (tiny 8oz bottles), but from my hydro store a few months back rather than here. Didn't feel the need to double up and increase my weight load. :confused:

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* FoxFarm's dry additive pouches
What of? ANything new?
No, nothing new; just long-existent products such as Open Sesame, Cha-Ching, and Monster Blooms. Never used 'em and never really looked into 'em, so we'll see... maybe in a while though.

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* MOAB (tiny baggie)
WHat is this?
"Mother Of All Blooms". No idea really, seen it at stores and got a tiny pouch here to try. We'll see.

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* Bunch of Bic lighters, pens, keychains, T-shirts (which I'll never wear), caps, etc
I need a lighter...lol Send it over :)
Yeah, BIC lighters are always nice. Hate those Chinese adjustable-flame things!

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* Dyna-Gro's Pro-Tekt / rooting gel / K-L-N
That's old news...they didn't have anything newer than that? That stuff is ok...but nothing to write home about.
I think the rooting gel is new... before I've seen only the K-L-N, but not the gel. The jar didn't list what the active ingredients are, and I assumed IBA but the rep was busy and didn't want to wait around.

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* Dutchmaster's Liquid Light (x2) / Penetrator (x2), sample sizes (very very high application rates!).
You use less? cool. You used this before?
No, you have to use a LOT. Off the top of my head the application rates were something like 40-60mL/L. :no: But it's free, so ....

sunnyside said:
clowntown said:
* 3D's The One emulsifier (2oz)
Never heard of it? What's in it? What was there rap about it?
Just a grab 'n go here... no idea.

sunnyside said:
Nothing else new and exciting in the world of hydro? No new lights or movers or shakers or gadgets or gizmos?
There were a few completely new things I've never seen before, such as this "Sure To Grow" medium which appeared to be some lint / cotton type material (above post mentions it)... package claims it's some patented Dupont material, and although I have no idea how much it costs I really don't see myself using it anytime soon. I'll try some seed germination in it (as recommended on the package), but I'm not excited.


Active member
I wish i would of went but i went to the garlic festival. Anyone know if theres going to be anymore expos in the bay area?


Active member
Probably next year... seems to be an annual thing, and SF's show is supposedly the biggest and baddest in the nation.

Garlic festival sounds fun, though... Gilroy? Heard they have some killer fries!! :yummy:


anybody ever try the vegen compost from Gh? You know... house and garden are always there every year, and every year they supply you with the whole line! I might just give it a go! plus I've read some peeps on here doing really well with it.

Did anybody check out the secret jarden dark rooms? last year they had I really small both with this little tiny moch model, this year they had like some supper extra large 10' x10'x7' high thing! I think those things are killin' the hydro hut tents!

You know whats funny... is that how every vender seems to know what your growing, like giving you advice about 8 week flowering times, 12/12 lighting, the darkroom spokes person was telling me how there big darkroom could make a killer trimming room... and this is before i even mention what I'm growing! Thats funny!


if you showed up at 1 (they opened at 12) you probably left empty handed like myself.... House and Garden explained to me how they gave out $200,000 worth of stuff in the two days. They then realized how many people were getting like 5 kits, and having their friends go in and get more and more free stuff. You give people an inch and they wanna take a mile. Every booth was raped:nono:. GH and fox farm were hardly even giving out samples because of all the shit going on. Last year every booth was giving out tons of samples, and there was plenty to go around for every one.


GoldenCloud said:
if you showed up at 1 (they opened at 12) you probably left empty handed like myself.... House and Garden explained to me how they gave out $200,000 worth of stuff in the two days. They then realized how many people were getting like 5 kits, and having their friends go in and get more and more free stuff. You give people an inch and they wanna take a mile. Every booth was raped:nono:. GH and fox farm were hardly even giving out samples because of all the shit going on. Last year every booth was giving out tons of samples, and there was plenty to go around for every one.

yes there were alot of folks getting seconds and thirds... just like everything ells there will be rapers and abusers! I've been going to these things for like 4 years now and the inflation of people going has increased. befroe, I could show up at like 3 or 4 and still come out with shit! now you'ed be lucky enough to come out with anything at that time!

Now a days they'll just give u a stamp on the had, and pull your card to see if u really know your shit and not just getting extra shit for the same person!


Active member
FLA.GOON said:


If there is a show, i will be out there.. there is talk going around that there isn't going to be one as 2 of the main sponsors for the show might be pulling out, i wont talk much on it but hopefully it dont happen and the show goes on :joint:

Ct glad you got to pick up what you really went for, we didn't get to chill but i had other shit going on, we mainly went out there for business which we did get to handle :joint: :joint:

for thoes looking into CE, there products are good, word is the Humtea (bb) is real good theres a few customers down this way that order it so they need to over night it but even then its not as fresh but they now make the small brewer type thing and sell there humtea in powder so you can mix your own and have a fresh batch of BB comes out to like 2 dollars a gallon or some shit when you mix your own :joint:

my next trip to cali will be much longer, i gave out a few oz's of some nice bud i was gifted over there since i didn't want to risk taking it on the plane :bashhead:


Active member
That STG medium i have been researching ever since i saw it in Maximum Yield magazine.....

I am dying to see a grow with that stuff.......:lurk:

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


asher1er said:
If there is a show, i will be out there.. there is talk going around that there isn't going to be one as 2 of the main sponsors for the show might be pulling out, i wont talk much on it but hopefully it dont happen and the show goes on :joint:




Active member
GoldenCloud said:
if you showed up at 1 (they opened at 12) you probably left empty handed like myself.... House and Garden explained to me how they gave out $200,000 worth of stuff in the two days. They then realized how many people were getting like 5 kits, and having their friends go in and get more and more free stuff. You give people an inch and they wanna take a mile. Every booth was raped:nono:. GH and fox farm were hardly even giving out samples because of all the shit going on. Last year every booth was giving out tons of samples, and there was plenty to go around for every one.
Early grower gets the free nutes; haven't you heard the saying? You snooze, you lose! :D

guineapig said:
That STG medium i have been researching ever since i saw it in Maximum Yield magazine.....

I am dying to see a grow with that stuff.......:lurk:
One thing that I'm somewhat (although not overly) concerns me about the STG medium is its weight, and how much water it can possibly hold. What I envision happening is that it will require a lot of support by other means (trellis, stakes taped to pots, etc) above-ground, since the roots won't have as much structure or weight to anchor onto. :chin:

In other words, I can see a medium-sized plant wanting to tip over or wiggle around too much in the container. :confused:
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