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Smoking with Parents


Active member
Just a few minutes ago I got to light up with the folks and it was great.

It's cool to see the people you have known your entire life BUZZED off their asses, especially from your own good bud :rasta:

I consider myself a very lucky person to have stoner parents.

sow the seeds

My parents both had cancer (and survived luckily) and I wish I could have have smoked them up during that, not fun to see what chemo does to people. Fuck this society that makes medicine illegal.

Recreationally I think it would be weird but thats just with my parents. I've puffed with friends' parents and its not too strange.
I still rember the first time I got to smoke with my dad it was aewsome.Exspaicaly couse he use to get mad at me for it when I was younger.


Active member
parents ain't stoners no more. they always tell me there to old to smoke that shit anymore though they have no problem with it. all my siblings smoke though. that's 3 of us. we all know what good bud and bad bud is too. having stoner siblings is the BEST ever. we tried to give our dad some dank shit for Christmas one year and he looked at it for a little bit and talked about how pretty it was but he wouldn't smoke it. we even saved our dankest buds for him. so instead all us siblings got high instead while dad watched.


Active member
Sow: I'm sorry to hear about that; the government its pretty f'ed up and its damn obvious.

Dozja: Nice!, a dose of his own medicine you could say ;)

Rudolf: Too old for what?!! Getting high?! Is there such a thing? Well I'm an only child and don't have the chance of stoner siblings. It must be great to be able to talk and trade dank buds.

Storm Crow

Active member
Aw, come on! I'll be 61 in a couple of days- and the hubby is older than me by 6 years! Too old? Ain't no such thing! In fact, the need for cannabis increases as you get older! Arthritis, and all those assorted aches and pains just seem to melt away with cannabis! Show them the link below!

Neither of my sons use any form of drugs- no tobacco, no cannabis, no alcohol- just computers! I think it would be nice to toke with them, but they are adults and make their own choices!

And I first smoked with my Mom on my wedding day, and a couple of more times besides- some really good Columbian. She got "mildly tranquilized" to use her words. Sadly it didn't "take". She eventually suicided due to complications from long term alcoholism/prescription drug abuse.

- Granny

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i smoked w/ my uncle for the first time recently.
i have never smoked w/ family, just couldnt do it.
i felt weird, like i am doing wrong.
i even helped my uncle w/ his grows.
give him cuts all the time, just never smoked w/ him.

for the record, i dont smoke as much as he does.
he smokes like he is 17.
so age dont mean shit.
probably smokes more than people 1/2 his age.


Active member
my parents don't even know i smoke...

smoking where's illegal it's a big no-no, it's too dangerous, because it can delete the sense of authority the children feel to the parents...

where's legal it should be considered as like the booze...


gave my dad some of my homegrown since he has so many ailements, but he said if it doenst get him high on teh first couple hits then its not worth it, this coming from a man thats hopped up on all sortsof other pills its rediculous, butit was good though, since i ran out and he had the niugs i gave him, so it was like a golden stach sortof thing!! lol

used to smoke with my brother, and then we both found a good connect and were able to stuff the the legendary GOTTI BLUNT (you know where you hollow out a dutch or blunt and fill the wholething with weed?) but he turned into a cockwad one to many times a while back and we dont speak or even see each other anymore, good riddence though honestly, bad vibes from that dude, brother or not.

i think it would be cool to smoke out with the parents if one could, many people feel taboo about it because even within a grower sometimes teh taboo of weed can still be with you deep, deep down, but that goes away after a while.


Both my parents smoke, but I have only actually smoked with my dad. They are divorced so seperate homes. Thing is, I live at home with my mom currently, but I've just never smoked with her, it seems wierd to smoke with my mom, even though I pick up for her.
My dad on the other hand, everytime we're together we smoke haha. One time I smoked with my Uncle while he was over too. It was actually pretty cool smoking with my dad and uncle.
I will say this...smoking has brought me and my dad a lot closer together. I stay much more relaxed and just brush off the stupid things he says that would normally piss me off haha


Registered Pothead
My dads been stealing my weed since i was eleven. Didnt smoke with him till a couple years ago though.


I am going to see my Dad this summer for the first time in 8 years. I plan on bringing a big bang of home grown g13xc'99. He's a stoner so he should be siked to smoke some herb with his only son. His sister has a med card as well and shes pretty sick. They still smoke mid's over there, breaks my heart. I'm going to test the waters with her and if all is well teach her how to grow her own. Maybe bring some seeds for her.
My mom on the other hand has never smoke a bowl in her life. Only been drunk a handful of times. It would be like asking her to shoot some heroin. Not only that but I would get an earful just for having herb in the first place.
They say opposites attract and in the case it's true. Well was true. They are divorced now and can't even stand each others voice. Odd how this world works.


ICMag Donor
My dad smoked a cpl of times and it wasnt for him, my mom, no way, she wayyy too uptight for that but she'll have a cocktail every night?? ..I dont get it, it illegal and thats all she sees...my sister tokes with me once, it was weird, she was just trying to be part of the group and didnt really care that much. Our daughter has been smoking for a while with us, ever since she was 18, its the greatest, we are real close and that just made it that much better. Our son never smoked and hardly drinks. Its all a personal choice, some likey some dont :)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I threw a huge party many yrs ago & my mom & dad came by to enjoy the feast, sometime early on my mom asked my brothers girlfriend to get a joint and take a walk with her, "just don't tell Dave" (me) she said. Well Tina came to me and asked me for a joint & told me it was for mom.......

Paula happened to have the most radical weed that day and so I got that joint from her and told Tina which direction to walk in, I scooted real quick through the woods and was waiting around the corner as they walked up puffing the joint "Hey mom!!!" I said and she nearly wanted to die getting caught red handed.

I never personally smoked up w/ either one of my folks though, if I borrowed moms car & left a joint or a small bag of weed in it by mistake she'd hang onto it for me and give it back just casually w/o any lecture or attitude. Mom was a fair drinker & so I think she just respected my vice as none of her business and she knew damned well that my behavior was the same whether I was stoned or sober, no 'reefer madness' phobia.


Freedom Fighter
Never with my parents...but I smoke with my son (23) daily-- I have a 20 year old daughter, but she doesn't do anything like that-- She supports my right to, but isn't interested--


Active member
Aw, come on! I'll be 61 in a couple of days- and the hubby is older than me by 6 years! Too old? Ain't no such thing! In fact, the need for cannabis increases as you get older! Arthritis, and all those assorted aches and pains just seem to melt away with cannabis! Show them the link below!
Nah, the old man wont listen and he uses the 'to old' excuse with everything these days. He's just not interested anymore. His smoking days were good he says but there long gone.
That's him... me, I am smokin til i'm old and dead.


all praises are due to the Most High
this thread is a huge dissapointment... I mis-read the title and it read: smoking with Parrots. imagine the let down, no cool ganja loving parrots, just old boring parents...


I'm going camping with my cuz this weekend...she knows I smoke still and is ok with it, but minds the cigs

I want to get her blazed, so I'm sure she'll turn down a bowl and may not like me doing it around her either, but tht's what a batch of delicious rice krispie bars will be for :)