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Ebb n flow in 4x4 and or 5x5 tent: what size/how many plants?


I'm doing soil SOG in 2 tents right now and I'm sick of dirt getting everywhere, and sick of buying it, and also want higher yields of course.

I'm wondering, does anybody use darkrooms with ebb and flow? Ive debated dwc vs ebb and flow, and it seems like ebb andflow SOG yields the most; I'm just not sure if I can fit a 4x4 in the dr120 (it's only 3'11'' by 3'11'' but I figure the walls might stretch a bit.

if I can only fit a 4x4 table in the 5x5, and/or a 3x3 table in the 4x4, will the added yield + less soil bought be worth the lost space?



I have both the DR120 and an E&F table only running a 2x4 at the moment but love it. I have found that the tent sides will push out a little but not sure if you can really fit a 4x4 in the DR120. Regard to soil, I did soil before but soon as I start playing with hydro I would never go back. I havent gotten the massive hugh tree I did on my first real grow (4.5 oz 1 plan on 400watts) but I'm still new to it and getting better. I think you can get far better production with hydro then soil. Also I think you can fit more plants into x with hydro then you can with soil.


"I think you can fit more plants into x with hydro then you can with soil"

Well, I can put 64 soil clones in the dr120, how many can you fit on your 2x4 table? Is there room on the sides for other container plants?


Phattybudz, sup?

@ 9 plants per square foot, you could fit 81 plants in a 3 x 3 flood tray, minus whatever space the drain fittings take up. Just do beds of lava rock and let the system work for you. E & F yields kick ass, and hydro doesn't get any easier than that.


"buy the dr150 if your gonna get a 4x4 table"

I've got a 150 AND a 120, they're in different rooms staggered light cycles in order not to overload my shitty apartment electricity. I'm real motivated to switch to ebb n flow but my roommate is worried about losing the crop and ending up with nothing but a hole in our wallets... :violin:

That's sweet though, I didn't realize you could do so many in trays, that's 144 in a 4x4 at 9 per sq ft..... awesome.

Trays + hydroton/lava rock + tubing + water pump (already have a 220 and 180 gph,) + air pump (already have 6 singles and an eco 8,) and fittings. Anything missing?


If you're growing in the U.S.A and you get pinched with 100 or more plants, federal law states that you will receive a 5 year mandatory minimum sentence upon conviction. Your prescription will not help you.


Active member
your rec in Ca. is only good for 6 mature 6 babies or 12 babies unless otherwise stated by doc.Me and the wife run 12 flowering ladies and 12 babies getting ready for the next round...Looking into getting a dr120 or dr150 I saw a setup of the dr150 in the store nice size tent at roughly 5x5...


your rec in Ca. is only good for 6 mature 6 babies or 12 babies unless otherwise stated by doc.

Its different in every county, u can have somthing like 99sqft/100plants if u live in humboldt