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Proposal for doctors to impliment canabinoid treatment now.



treehuggers said:
Thanks pb.

I am testing the oil on myself as we speak. If all goes well, tomorrow the paicent will start the treatment.

~20grams of hemp oil from ~500grams of bud

Please keep us updated.

Thank you.

And may God speed your healing.

By the look of the oil you applied some heat. Correct?
Any idea what temperature?
Which strain? solvent?
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Active member
Thanks for the nice wishes

Yes I applied heat. Boilig point of ethanol is sub 80°C. Rick said keep it under 140. Mine was lightly boiling so I would expect max 100 degrees C.
Mostly indoor Chronic and outdoor Great white shark. I threw in some other home grown buds as well.



Active member
Yup. Really hope this will help.

I took a litle more than the starters dose and I think i feel the oil but its not prevailing. Im a heavy smoker. 3-5 grams of quality bud per day.

I think in a few days we'll know how the paicent is feeling.
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treehuggers said:
Yup. Really hope this will help.

I took a litle more than the starters dose and I think i feel the oil but its not prevailing. Im a heavy smoker. 3-5 grams of quality bud per day.

I think in a few days we'll know how the paicent is feeling.
Good. Degradation of some but not all of the THC. Allows more cannabinoids to be applied to the situation.

Some of the bubbles you noticed was from decarboxylation. The reaction produces CO2.


New member
I posted this last week on the 20th in Storm Crows thread

Hey PB and all

I tried it last night using naptha. It was a failure. I did every thing Rick told me to do. Got everything strained off through the coffee filters and into the slow cooker. Rick said in the video don't let it get over 290 degrees F. I brought it up to 275 and still no boiling off of the naptha???? I looked on the net at the MSDS and it says the boiling point for naptha is 320-430 degrees?????

How do you get naptha to boil off under 290???

I'm no chemist (obvious) but I have made extractions before with denatured alchohol and everything went fine.

I put it in the cooker at about 6 or 7 pm. Temp 275. and at 3am I had only evaperated off about an inch of liquid???????

The only naptha I could find was VM&P Naptha (varnish makers & painters naptha)

I'm pretty bummed. I had material for one shot and failed. I have an Aunt that was given 3 days to live 2 days ago. she has lung cancer that has went to her brain. Ive been working hard since I saw the Rick Simpson video back in march.

it just sucks

Well it took almost 2 days to evaporate the naptha off but it finnally did. Ive been putting it on a mole for a week now with some changes. It has lightened up and kinda turned pink around it???? I have been taking it orally twice a day with no known changes. With the material I used I figured I ended up with about 80 doses.

I used: 2 hasberry plants, VM&P Naptha

My Aunt passed on in the morning of the 22nd, and I got finished with the oil that afternoon. We buried her last Friday the 25th.



First of all, I'm very sorry and sad about your aunt.
Your situation shows a clear need to have a single point for collected information to reside. If anyone knows of questions or situations, please make sure that they have been addressed. and/or let me know by PM.

There are many different kinds of Naptha.

That's one thing that Rick hasn't made clear. He does advise against Coleman fuel.

In Canada they use a naptha to extract canola oil from seed. I believe this is n-hexane naptha. Rick mentions that the naptha he uses boils at a lower temperature than water. n-hexane naptha boils at 156F.

Rick was using equipment that would turn off when temperatures reached 190F. His demonstration video tried to show equipment that would be common for everyone to be able to use.

Well it took almost 2 days to evaporate the naptha off but it finnally did. Ive been putting it on a mole for a week now with some changes. It has lightened up and kinda turned pink around it????
Pink coloration is noted on the simpson web site as healing is taking place.

I have been taking it orally twice a day with no known changes. With the material I used I figured I ended up with about 80 doses.
What condition are you using it for?

I used: 2 hasberry plants, VM&P Naptha
How much did the starting material weigh?


New member
Rick was using equipment that would turn off when temperatures reached 190F. His demonstration video tried to show equipment that would be common for everyone to be able to use.

I was using a slow cooker (crockpot) and the temp maxed out at 275 F. It did evaporate the VM&P naptha but just took awhile. When I put the fan blowing on it it evaporated lots quicker.

Pink coloration is noted on the simpson web site as healing is taking place.

I figure its working as there is noticable changes. When I first apply the oil and bandaid I can feel a tingling and a mild mentholated (?sp) like a weak ben-gay??? After about 3-4 days the area would itch, which I was always under the impression that was a sign of healing.

What condition are you using it for?

I've had 5 back and neck surgeries in about a 7 year span. I'm fused at C-5, 6, and 7 and fused at T-6 thru L-1 with steel rods put in then taken out and then put back in again. When they went in through my front side to fuse T-6 thru L-1. That time they cut me from my waist line up and around to my shoulder blade. I have alot of pain and spasms from the incision. I'm hoping it will help with my pain. I know I will never be pain free and thats alright. I stay as active as I can. I go go go and just ignore the pain till it gets too bad then take a break. Smoking helps with my mental aspect of not getting all down in the dumps about it

How much did the starting material weigh?

I'm not sure. But would guess about 5 or 6 ozs. The trichs were 5%-10% amber. It wasnt trimmed and hung for 5 days before making the oil. It wasnt totally dry but time was ticking away for my Aunt. I would have liked to have been a little more scientific with it all but then again time was crucial. As soon as I saw the Rick Simpson video I put the plan into motion but I only saw the video about 4 months ago. So I rushed things pretty hard

Anymore questions just ask



Active member
Hey Kbar231
Sorry to hear about your close one. Well we'll all face that one day, wont we.

For the record, the paicent (64year old with bone and prostate cancer) just took the first dose of oil today. In about a week we should know more how he is feeling on treatment.
He says he dont like the high feeling.
Smoking helps him a lot. Just two puffs a day! For pain and apetite. Before he couldnt eat or move. Now he is at home, living almost normaly, feeling much better than before, tho the illness is still progreessing slowly. By docotors opinion he should be dead 2 months ago.
Hope the oil will work even better than smoke.

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It seems Rick's observations about starting small and working up is important here as he doesn't have a smokers background.

The other cannabinoids should help substantially offset the THC high effect. And change the high that results into something more dreamy and relaxing.

Did you note a sleepy effect when you tried it?


Active member
I wouldnt say extra sleepy since I am kind of sleepy all the time. Smoke a lot of indica and sleep very little. I am used to it. I was calmed down for sure.