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QLD Satori


Active member

After the hashberry outdoor turned out to be alright i have germed one of my satori seeds and here she is after a month. Germed 16/6/08, a little slow with the cold snap we have had but nonetheless turning out ok.

I can confirm a female so good times ahead, i have not topped her at all might not even bend her over like the hashberrry.

See how i go, enjoy.


p.s ill try and update every other week, feel free to give advice, criticisms etc i'm just a hobbyist :joint:

Now that she is established she is powering on even in the last week the growth is quite impressive.


Active member
Mate once it gets to a unsafe height i will force it into flower and go from there, i can get 3 harvests a year here if i try i just can't get huge plants.

I harvested 7.5 oz's off the hashberry safely.

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looks good buddy

looks good buddy

looking good 'looking good ol matey ive been a bit slow off the mark planting the beans there only just coming up now got 4 of the papaya that have popped up first set of leaves still and theres 5 of the jockhorror that are up again first leaves and i ve got 5 kc33xmasterkush up too

but there just seedlings yet would be a waste of time to do any pics..

was quite impressed with your little one was that started under a light or something it appears too be growing very fast for the cold temps we have been having recently it's taken nearly two weeks just to get mine outa the dirt to greet the sun but im happy there up now i thought i might have planted to soon (ie) last year i started too early and had like 20 seeds just rot in the pots and no germ coz it was just to cold to grow (lmao my own fault was just to keen )

any way keep up the good work mad man looking good ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

smoke up and be happy :joint: :rasta:


Active member
Week 5/6

Week 5/6

Had 6 inches of rain the last few days, a lot of new growth its amazing sometimes the difference a week makes...

The stem has really thickened up 2, photos probably don't show it to well but its a lot thicker than most of my others.



Active member
ossamabingrowin said:
was quite impressed with your little one was that started under a light or something it appears too be growing very fast for the cold temps we have been having recently

No i germed in cotton wool mate and into dirt from there. It was really slow growing for 2 weeks now its just insane, seems to be a very vigorous strain.

How's things with you? haven't heard from ya in awhile...
i got this stuff called euro- reed

i got this stuff called euro- reed

ive got the roof on and two walls up today will take sum pic tommorow and start a new grow hut thread but its looking great cant see in but i can see out no problems and the light cuts through it no worries woohoo it's going to be a big grow this year .....

you can see the light just gets in easy

O B G :jump: :joint:
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Active member
Quick Update

Quick Update

Just a quick one today,

Been very cold here this week and growth seems a little stunted. Bit of purpling from the frost i think.

Bud sites starting to develop now, can't wait to see her pack on some weight. As i used a complete potting mix with nutes does anyone know if i use a flowering nutrient now whether i could cause damage?




Active member
Sorry for the lack of updates, been a bit busy. A big cold snap forced this girl into early flower so my yield will be low however the buds are coming up nicely. Good thing about this strain is the lack of smell unless you touch the buds.

Couple of weeks 2 go by the look of it, nice n frosty....

well done my friend!

well done my friend!

that satori looks good flowering plant`s are the best smell i can think of right now once again well done madb ive been mia for a while but im back now and im armed with seedlings lol good luck on your next grow too!

O B G :joint: