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Bummed in Edmonton

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
So I'm in Edmonton on business for 5 days with no weed. I was afraid to bring any into the country, so now I'm not high and dry. I'm staying on the campus of the U of Alberta, so I'm sure there's plenty around, but I'm a stranger in a strange land. This sucks :cuss:


Bummed in Edmonton, hmmm, shows ya the differences between US English and actual English, I was expecting to read a story about being sodomised! lol

Hope ya find some smokes man, it sucks being dry and not high...


Domesticator of Cannabis
Ganja Pasha said:
Bummed in Edmonton, hmmm, shows ya the differences between US English and actual English, I was expecting to read a story about being sodomised! lol

Hope ya find some smokes man, it sucks being dry and not high...

You're a silly bugger.

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Man you're in Canada, odds are if there's a group of 5 people someone already has a joint twisted up waiting to fire it up.


Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Black Ra1n said:
Man you're in Canada, odds are if there's a group of 5 people someone already has a joint twisted up waiting to fire it up.
Yeah, I spent some time walking around the campus thinking just that. Maybe locate a group of students that look like stoners and hang around near them looking wistful. But they'd probably think I was just some creepy old guy and call the cops. Or worse, think I was a cop (I look pretty respectable).

Thanks for the sympathy. If nothing else, this dry spell should help me appreciate mother nature's bounty even more when I get home.
I googled "pot in edmonton" and this was in the first link.

"Where to buy marijuana: whyte avenue is your best bet if you don't know anyone local. chances are a local can hook you up extremely easily. if not, the myriad of bars, pubs, and weed accessory shops will point you in the right direction.

another reporter dded: "Everywhere. Go downtown to Jasper Ave, or White Ave theres alot of places you could ask. Just ask Random Pot heads if they can score you some trees and they'll probably just want to smoke it with you"."

LOL hope that can help some.

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
I feel for you man, I know anytime I've been down south I've always felt the same way, but always seemed to find some somewhere.... hope you get some soon.



if you can't find weed in edmonton, you couldn't find it anywhere, ask any 16-24 year old on whyte that looks like a pot smoker, nobodies gonna get offended if you're wrong.. ALBERTA > BC for weed

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
VanillaGueriila said:
I googled "pot in edmonton" and this was in the first link.
Yep. First thing I did when I got connected to the internet at my hotel. Problem is (1) I'm here on business and don't have a lot of free time, and (2) I don't have a car. I found a head shop on Whyte Street but it's about an 18 block walk each way. I was tempted to hoof it on over when I got done today, but after all day walking around at this conference, I just wasn't up for that kind of hike in the heat.

But here's the weirdest thing ever and a totally amazing coincidence: Shortly after I was writing the previous message, I decided I needed some fresh air in the room (I smoke cigs). It was really hot, and I'd had the air on since I got here. Hoping it was cooling off outside, I pulled back the curtains for the first time and opened the big sliding windows. I looked down, and in the space between the glass and the screen was a roach. There were also a bunch of black smudges, like someone had been smoking there several times and used the window sill to put it out. It was really small and after debating with myself about the dangers of consuming some unknown substance I found lying around in a hotel room, I smoked it. (Next thing you know, I'll be chewing gum off the sidewalk.) Got two small hits, but it tasted really nice and I got a bit of a buzz. Prolly why I'm rambling a bit. Does anybody know if they have a "Dear High Times," like Dear Penthouse, where you can write in to tell stories that nobody ever believes could possibly have happened?

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Edmonton - Day 3

Edmonton - Day 3

Well, my luck has not held out. I had a couple of hours free today and walked to Whyte Street. Took me over a half hour each way. I did find the head shop I was looking for and bought a pipe, but found nothing else. The guy in the shop was very cool, but said he's not allowed to help me out. I even asked a few random people but no luck. Even a girl who bummed a cig from me, when I asked about weed said she didn't do that sort of thing. Maybe my problem is I'm too old and respectable looking. I'd be suspicious if someone like me asked me for weed.

But now I'm wondering about bringing the pipe back home. It's a glass pipe with a carb, so clearly not for tobacco. Would it be really stupid to just throw it in my checked bag or carry on?

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I would put your pipe in your suitcase, well protected with newspapers and clothes, bringing it on your carryon, will lead to suspicion if you are caught with it

Classic line about the bubblegum man.

I used to have that problem with finding stuff, I dont have that problem now, these people seem to find me

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Back Home

Back Home

In case you were wondering how my saga ended, I got back home a few days ago. Never found anything beyond my little hotel room treasure. So it's very good to be home for many reasons. And I packed my little glass pipe in my suitcase and it came through with no problems. In fact, I saw no evidence of anyone searching any bags going into Canada or returning to the US. I guess I did a lot of worrying for nothing.

Another thing, I'm starting my fall crop this week. I started germinating several seeds (15) yesterday and today eight have popped already and are in soil. I'm looking forward to a very merry Xmas.


Active member
Ganja Pasha said:
Bummed in Edmonton, hmmm, shows ya the differences between US English and actual English, I was expecting to read a story about being sodomised! lol

Reminds me never to get bummed out when I go to the UK.

How you doing BE?