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? about acid indegestion and marijuana.


I know I have to go to the va hospital asap cuz my stomachs fucked up bad I go thru ultra strenth antacid like crazy and it feels like I have crushed razors in my stomach and this is everyday now cuz I've been going thru crazy stress and that makes it worse so Im pretty sure its ulsers but my ? If I do have ulsers how will smoking buds affect me cuz I smoke everyday and other then takng my mind off it a lil bit but other then that it duznt help at all infact during the act of smoking buds it makes it kinda flare with each hit off the joint, but only when I already have heartburn or whatever it is ulsers or whatever. But will smoking cause me more stomach problems? And how would eating affect my stomach? I'm in constant pain with this now and il be going to the veterans hospital as soon as I cud afford the gas to get there. But at this point I mite just say fuck it and go to the local emergency room its just thats gonna get me another $3000.00 bill and I'm poor man I can't pay it so all thats gonna do fuck my credit up more and I'd like to buy a house some day!


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Kasp: try something BEFORE you goto the hospital....

Take a tablespoon of vinegar....and down it. If it makes your symptoms worse, then you can go ahead with whatever you planned on doing.

If in fact it makes your symptoms better, you're probably suffering from HYPOCHLORIDIA...which means too little acid in the stomach. People get virtually the same symptoms from both. The problem results when people take alot of antibiotics and develop what's called "leaky gut syndrome". I can't get into the details here...but it means that people have a digestive system that allows proteins to leak into their body where it causes inflammation and other immune-like problems...it's linked to gastic acidity issues also.

If the vinegar works, I'd suggest you go get some pro-biotics like acidophillius (yogurt drinks) and start downing it. It will help get things under control.

Storm Crow

Active member
Dude, I am willing to bet you eat a standard American "junk food" diet! Time to start looking into eating a proper diet- just like Mom said! Eat more raw food- fruits and veggies! Eliminate "white foods"- rice, flour, potatoes, sugar, corn starch, etc and high fructose corn syrup. Switch to olive oil and fry less. You need to get back to a simple "peasant" diet.

- Granny


In Indian ayervedic texts bhang is said to be good for digestion,
maybe a bhang lassi (ganja - yogurt drink) may sooth your tummy a little.

Relaxation is good for digestion,, so if a puff relaxes you and puts you in a good
mind state, it should help.

In my experience, upset tummy's (acid or other) are almost always stress related.
Try some things that will lower your stress!
Anything, yoga, meditation, being out in nature, fresh air, gentle exercise, awareness practices.

There are many articles on stress on the web, do a search.

Next is to consider your diet.

Since everyone is different, everyone has different dietary needs.
You need to work out through trial and error what foods your tummy likes best.

There are still a few general guidelines I can recommend:

- Eat little and often rather than big meals then not eating for ages.
- Don't eat anything thats not natural - very simple but not so easy if you are used to processed foods.
- Real whole foods are not just foods - they are medicine,
and what better way to heal a tummy than food itself.
- Dont do anything extreme like switch to raw foods suddenly,
Eat a simple and balanced diet - its so easy yet so many people cant (or wont) do it.

Storm crow -
The advice on diet you gave is well said but too generalized -
Alot of raw food is usually not good for people with sensitive tummy's.
Their is absolutely nothing wrong with potatoes, they are a whole food and potato soup is known to be very soothing to the whole digestive tract.
Also, white rice is a fine food to include in the diet, it is very easy to digest and brings balance to the stomach.

Hope this helps.
I have had ongoing stomach problems since my teen years. Some of it is genes, some is stress, but I have found diet is a HUGE part of it. I've been on ulcer/stomach meds for years, and last year, while in The Balkans, I had no choice but to eat fresh foods with no additives, hormones, ect. Within days, my stomach felt better than I could ever remember it feeling. Since coming back home I have made big changes to my dietN and have had felt great. I would start there if I was you.


go to gnc or some other health food store and get some aloe vera gel. It should help you with this problem.
do you have a white colored tounge?

try taking the vinegar as accessndx said, or a glass of really hot water with vinegar in it.

Do you ever feel like you have trouble swallowing or something in your throat?


yea I since I posted the other day I've been trying to watch what I eat and how much and for the most part it seems to be helping I still havent seen a doctor but since I've stopped stuffing my face in a stoned stupor and filling my face with crap the buds havent affected my stomach one way or the other so thats a worry off my head.

Levant, thanx for the advice I have been mega stressed lately it seems the only thing going good is my plants! I mean it lives a fucking trip right now and I am gonna take your advice and look up some ways to deal with stress cuz its killing me I mean I can't smoke away my problems anymore it really sux having responsibility but anyways yea I've Gota learn to deal with shit better or ima be a neurotic mess by the time I turn thirty.

but I do appreciate everyones advice thanx! :smoweed: :friends:


Registered Med User
I had problems with acid reflux for a minute, when I stopped smokin cigs and slowed down the drinkin it kinda went away. I found when I had it though that eating raw vegetables and fruit actually made it worse. I think thats differant than indegestion tho...


kasp, it sounds like you probably have an active ulcer or else really bad acid reflux. For either one, your doctor would prescribe a PPI drug like Prilosec/Nexium/Prevacid. Prilosec is the only one that doesn't require a prescription so you can just go buy it at Rite Aid. Even better, it was recently taken off patent, so there are now cheaper geneic versions available over the counter. Get some. I take 2 in the morning and 2 at night, 20 mins before meals, so you should know you can crank up the dose. But start with the recommended 1 a day and see how that works. It takes a couple days to shut down stomach acid production, but once it does you will experience great relief.

Of course, you really should see a doctor, but i understand that is expensive. Trying generic prilosec is a cheap and easy first step.

If you have an ulcer, you will also need antibiotics, and that will be clear if after a few days of prilosec you are still in pain. So then, go see a doctor, even a free clinic will give you what you need.

As for weed, it increases appetite and that may indeed mean increasing stomach acid production, so it could make things worse. But it should be obvious 30 mins after getting high if your stomach feels worse.

Good luck, bud. I feel for you.

215 User

Get some Papaya Enzyme chewable tablets from a health store.

Incredible results!


Why don't you just go buy some OTC zantac, pepcid, or tagamet or prilosec and try that. Also stop drinking alcohol, coffee and soda (if you do drink it) and stop ALL DAIRY PRODUCTS. If that doesn't help get a prescription acid blocker. If you do buy an OTC acid blocker, double up on the dosage for the first week. Take it twice a day, on an empty stomach, and then eat 20 - 30 minutes later. That is the exact same advice you'll get from any gastroenterologist only he'll do an egd first and charge you thousands of dollars. (All of this advice is assuming that you don't actually have an ulcer yet. If you do, it could erode into a blood vessel. Your first clue will be when you start vomiting bright red blood....in which case you should call 911)
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Registered Medical Patient
Hey man....Ive had real bad acid reflux, heartburn and many other stomach problems since I was 16...I have found that Prilosec works OK for the acid, prescription Nexium is better though...As far as any other probs you may have, try Bentonite Clay..its pretty cheap, you can get it most anywhere these days...It is AMAZING stuff!!!A friend here turned me onto it, and Ill never look back..great stuff for the tummy..try it, and let me know if it helps...Just remember, if u take it, to drink AT LEAST 1 gallon of water everyday...Otherwise u could get real bad constipation...OH, and smoke more weed...LOL!!!

- Z