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cloning with gel question


Hello I took cuttings and was told by the hydro shop guy that if I took a bunch of cuttings and placed them in rootech clone gel for a few minutes they would be ok and i could do a few at a time. My question is will this burn the clones? I noticed alot of the clones I took look like they got burnt. thanks


That's exactly what I do and have never had problems with burn. I guess it might cause problems if you left it in a jar of the stuff for a long time (> 10 minutes), but there isn't much reason for that.


I used to use cloning gel, after I ran out, I took clones with out using any gel and I still get the same results.


Active member
rule35sub1 said:
I used to use cloning gel, after I ran out, I took clones with out using any gel and I still get the same results.
Yea, I noticed this too. With or without clone powder or gell, 100% sucsess rate. It kinda makes me think its all in the tekneek and procedure, and has very little to do with the clone jells or powders.
The rooting hormones in the product work only in a very low concentration ( 0,01 - 1ppm). But the rooting products are usually concentrated too high, so the reason for the advice to apply it only for a short time , is IMHO that the plants can only absorb a few amount of the hormones, which is better. Because higher concentration about 1ppm inhibits rooting.


Doubt the gel is burning your clones. If you're talking about a couple of the old leaves dying off/browning, that's normal as long as the new growth looks OK. Not sure why you would have em in the gel for a few minutes though...back when I did use gel I just made sure they were saturated and that was it, no soaking beyond a few seconds. Don't use any gel/powder now, just straight into bubbler and they do just fine.


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german_aero said:
you say 100% success rate without rooting hormones, but also in the same time as with?
Yea, with or without. I use 5 gallon bukkits with net pots of hydroton. I prep my rocks, ph my water to 6.4 and keep the water 3/4 ways up the pots and get roots in 8 - 12 days all the time. Lately I been dippin my stems in dry Plantlife Better Bloom 10-60-10. Thats prety much just what I got around that I can use. Every once in a while tho for some reason or another I dont use anything. Even when I dont use anything I still dont lose any clones. I think it has alot to do with how carefull you are and how well you pay attention to detale. Cleanlyness is good too.


Active member
Just some regular flouros. I got 2 Three foot double tube flouros hangin over my clone aria. I gottem together so theirs like 4 tubes hangin paralel over 3 bukkits. Works everytime. I root clones every other week.
roottech is good stuff. I've never had it burn anything.

Don't dip the cuttings into the jar though, pour some into a shot glass so you don't contaminate the gel.


Active member
Nice answer G. I was thinking the same thing. You'll open that jar one day and see fuzz from contamination.