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CaptainStoner said:
What size area do you have that 70w HPS in? am very interested in the small end of the HID market.

50cm x 50cm, 80-100cm tall cab. lst and scrog is best. if your buying a new light, i would suggest 150w hps instead
my cab is 50x30cm and about 80cm high. Was thinking about trying a SOG drbud style under a very small HID like this.. 70 or 100w Ceramic metal halide. I'd like to avoid lamps over 100w if i can, that's why i'm looking at HID instead of CFL. need to minimise the wattage.

I've been saying for some time, long before i came to ICMAG that small grows are the future, the smaller the lamp, the better. Love threads like this, see if we can't thrash out the most efficient personal supply indoor grows in the world :D
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I have a 70W PC cab that is looking like it will work well with SOG perpetual. Right now it's doing duty as a breeding chamber with three females finishing up seed ripening. I separated the light from the grow chamber with a piece of thin picture frame glass. There is an intake and exhaust fan for both the grow chamber and the light area.Temps in the light area are ~92f and the grow chamber is about 75f. There is room for fifteen soda bottles inside (about .65sq feet) and I plan on SOG perpetual after the seeds are done.

Cozy Amnesia

jonkanoo said:
dunno why but i can't upload pics :cuss: ... i'll try tomorrow.
50x50x80?!?! this a big cab! and you use a 70 w hps whitout stretch? my cab is 30x30x80... and for the next grow i have some brainstorm (hempstar, feminised version) from dp... what do you think about this strain... in your opinion how many plants in my cab? really i don't know nothing about the strain.. is mostly indica or mostly sativa? how tall it grows? :chin:

smokeymacpot this is an awesome job! big ups! what the strain?

It's because you don't have 50 posts. Untill then you can't post more than once every 5 minutes, more than 10 every 24 hours, and can't do pretty much anything.

Is that 30" x 30" of floorspace, or centimeters? I'll assume inches. In that case, you could fit like 5 little pots and either sog or go from 12/12. Or you could fit 3 larger pots and grow normal or use whatever training method you like.



screw fitting only 5 pots in there... Just get tubs and drill holes in the lid and go DWC style... You can fit tons of clones in there like that and do a real nice perpetual SOG.


Active member
jonkanoo said:
dunno why but i can't upload pics :cuss: ... i'll try tomorrow.
50x50x80?!?! this a big cab! and you use a 70 w hps whitout stretch? my cab is 30x30x80... and for the next grow i have some brainstorm (hempstar, feminised version) from dp... what do you think about this strain... in your opinion how many plants in my cab? really i don't know nothing about the strain.. is mostly indica or mostly sativa? how tall it grows? :chin:

smokeymacpot this is an awesome job! big ups! what the strain?

yeh the area that a 70w will light up is around 40cm x 40cm.
i control stretch by scrog and lst which is a must.


Active member
i love the micros; i also think that small grows are the future, and the future is now. the internet and the cfl has made growing more do-able for so many people. i am flowering under 196w (hps + cfl) and it cranks out more product than i can smoke.
i'd love to see more pics of what is being achieved with 70w flowering.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I'm with you guys. In spirit if not in specs. When I bought my light system 15-16 years ago, trying to find a 150 HPS took some real work. 400s were as small as many places would go. Had I access to the IC database back then, I'd probably still be a 150 guy (rather than a 250CMH guy) All I want is to cover my needs and the occasional fit of largesse.

In case some here haven't seen this, it's some on most gorgeous micro cab porn you'll ever see microRU - Mad Russian Micro Genius



21 days 12/12