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Tesco's Fresh and Easy



Americans trying to prevent a forgein company from coming in and taking away their livelihoods, isn't this what is supposed to happen?

So far, of all the F&E's I've been to in my town (2) I've only encountered American workers.

All I know is what I see, and so far my impression has been positive, but like I said earlier, I'll reserve judgement when I see something I don't like. Sure, the corporate guy that came to town to open all the stores was a Brit, but they employ a helluva lot of Americans, too.

If it takes a foreign company to show us that we're being intellectually lazy, then so be it. It IS the (supposed) land of opportunity, and I encourage anyone I see to take the opportunity they have. ie if you're not paralyzed or just plain stupid, and somebody hasn't shot you in the face lately, and you've a bit of wits about you, and don't continually make uninformed or bad decisions, then get busy and do something to better your situation. This country is FULL of examples of people that made themselves successful, on their own, without stepping on others. But if you're happy being stagnant, that's fine, too. Just don't complain to me about your "situation"

That said, I hope everyone is enjoying the fruits of their labors this day!



My little pony.. my little pony
.. Yes Verite I'm still learning about Tesco. However you and I differ on ideals and practice and I hope that this last post of mine will end this argument. I look at the parent company of stores, affiliations and if I don't like their behavior, ethics and such I won't shop at the parent or any of its subsidiaries. I feel like the sheep need protecting and not the wolves. When it comes to corporations I do believe in crime by association. I choose not to shop at Fresh and Easy unequivocally becasue it is owned by Tesco. You have the right to shope where ever you please and support any company you want to.

Some Brit here said that Tesco is not the Walmart of Britain, that the honor belongs to another corporate name. So i was corrected on that. But I still think that Tesco is an horrible company, that I stand by. There are many articles by many respectable news agencies that cleary document Tesco's behavior.

Now about the Unions.... well thats a different topic all together.

If you cant understand that the Union is the entire issue here and the the only things you have learned is what the Unions agenda has been pushed on you then yes I guess this ends your part of the discussion. You started this post saying you read a street sign and it gave you cause to 'research' it. Then after I point out exactly whos behind the signs and the bad press you suddenly dont care? Theres an Aesops Fable in there somewhere.:rolleyes:
.. Now i really don't care who put that sign up and why she/he did..

Like I said before I would rather base my decision on a real life experience rather than be a thoughtless automaton of another corporations silly agenda. Especially the Unions.

I also fail to see the logic in how Tescos opening of stores in the US takes away from Americans livelyhood? How does adding stores and jobs for Americans take away from their livelyhoods? Big business, small business, and world economies have operated this way for decades.

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