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humidity domes with rapid rooters?



How many use domes and how many dont? I currently use domes but am thinking of not using them. I think too much humidity is in there causing some of the clones to rot.


Active member
always use them for first 3 or 4 days . after that I try to remove dome as much as possible, If they droop put dome back on.


Power Armor rules
I usually keep the dome on until I see that the clone has rooted. Once I see roots the dome comes off and hardening off begins.



Active member
I do the same as funkbomb and last round I got 100% success. It's funny, I've found that the more lax I've gotten with care for my clones the higher my success has been.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Don't forget the Voodoo factor. What works for some guarantees death for others. Domes were the number one cause of death for my clones. Once I lost the dome, I stopped loosing clones. Keep cuttings short and leaf material trimmed.


Active member
I do a fair share of cloning and I use rapid rooters and a dome. I transplant the clones into 18oz cups w/ coco before they leave here, so I don't bother trying to get the clones to live in just the rapid rooters. I suppose I could ween them off the dome earlier, but that just adds more steps to a tedious process.

I'm not really into keeping track of my success rate. Although the vast majority of my clones survive, if a cutting/clone does start going funky I'll toss it. Most of my clones are for resale and I only want super healthy plants going out the door. People don't need to waste good money on plants that only have a slim chance of survival.

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im no clone expert but here is a quote from jorge cervantes indoor grow bible " clones root fastest when humidity levels are 95-100 percent the first 2 days and gradually reduce to 85 percent over the next week."


I usually keep them under a dome and spray the dome with a mist. But the last few go arounds tge plants are getting moldy/rotten before they root. Everything has been washed with bleach or alcohol and I use hygrozyme in my water. Lately I have been leaving the domes off 2 hours at a time, twice a day and that seems to be reducing the rotten clones.

I think I will leave them covered while airing them out for a couple days and weening them off the dome. My room is around 60% RH


her dankness
Consider a dome that has one of those swivelly things with holes underneath that you can crack open.
Also, thoroughly coat the dome and tray with foaming bathroom cleaner between uses- let sit for 20 minutes, rinse, spray with lysol if still paranoid. Let the solvents evaporate before putting the plants in though.
Watch your temps, and keep them right AT 78-80'f. Too warm, rot sets in. Too cool, rooting slows.
Finally, a light mist with wilt-pruf will let you run your humidity slightly lower under the dome without stressing the plants.


Active member
Oops, didn't think about that. Mine has those swivel vents at the top and after a few days, I'll keep those cracked until I see roots and I'll continue to mist the inside of the lid a couple times a day if I can remember.


yamaha_1fan said:
How many use domes and how many dont? I currently use domes but am thinking of not using them. I think too much humidity is in there causing some of the clones to rot.

I've been having the same problem since just before last winter. I too thought it was a humidity issue with the domes in place. Then I figured it to be heat issues inside the dome with RR. The temps were getting to 85*F, but it had never been a problem before.

I was/am getting brown algae/mold that started on the petioles and on the veins under the leaves, eventually leading to some wicked rot. I have been lucky to keep one healthy node long enough to jump start the plants, and I never use cuts that takes longer than 10 days to root.

2 days ago, I took a cut, put it in a RR, but it in a small dish to hold it up, and put it about 2 feet under a 23w cfl, with no humidity dome. I just checked and I see the algae starting up already. Temps are getting close to 90*F. I'll up a pic when ICMag lets me and we can compare.

I recently tried water-cloning and I had cuts in a small cup for 2 weeks, no humidity dome/same temps, and they had no problems at all.

It seems to me that the problem is with the RRs being exposed to high temps that are causing the problem. By high temps, I mean 80*F+. It's really bumming me out cuz I never had such bad percentages and I've always used RRs. I wonder if something in the RRs is working its way up to the foliage cuz, like I said, no problems at all with water-cloning.


stone fool
No dome, but you can not let them dry out, and mine take three weeks to root, which is fine for my cycles.


Active member
I find that my clones root fastest when temps are around 85. In the last 1 1/2 years I've had one incident of mold and that was probably because I got lazy and didn't lift the dome for a week. LOL But, after it happened, I washed everything with bleach/water and no problems since. I wash all my cloning stuff regularly with bleach/water.

Your problems with rot could be originating from your mothers. If they are not healthy and robust, the cuttings will be weak and susceptible. I feed my mothers CNS 17 Grow. They also get Hygrozyme and Zone once per week.

I always use Clonex liquid. Maybe it kills mold 'n stuff?????



her dankness
PharmaCan said:
Your problems with rot could be originating from your mothers. If they are not healthy and robust, the cuttings will be weak and susceptible.
That is absolutely true, and something a lot of growers forget. If you are taking cuts from a mother that has any necrotic tissue on the cloneable shoots, you run the risk that that tissue will then be a site where fungus can take hold as soon as the cut is put into a nice humid environment. Clone from VIGOROUS sites high on a HEALTHY mother plant, not questionable low shoots or cuts off a sickly donor, especially if you have had a history of mold issues.

PharmaCan said:
I always use Clonex liquid. Maybe it kills mold 'n stuff?????
No fungicide in Clonex products. Rootone and Dip-N-Grow contain one though. That's why I made the switch to DNG from Clonex.


domes work well, they just need to be vented off every so often

rapid rooters and expandable peat pucks work well

the strain and the quality of the cutting affect the speed of rooting more than whether or not a rooting gel was used

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